
在 Haskell 中使用 Data.Mod 进行模幂

如何解决在 Haskell 中使用 Data.Mod 进行模幂

使用 Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Modular 库中的 powMod 时,Haskell 编译器或解释器会给出以下警告:

警告:[-Wdeprecations] 使用‘powMod’ (从 Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Modular 导入): 已弃用:“改用 Data.Mod 或 Data.Mod.Word”


cypher n e m = powMod m e n

因此我尝试将其转换为推荐的新库 Data.Mod,将 powMod 函数替换(^%) 运算符:

cypher n e m = m ^% e :: Mod n


Couldn't match expected type ‘Mod n1’ with actual type ‘p2’
    because type variable ‘n1’ would escape its scope
  This (rigid,skolem) type variable is bound by
    an expression type signature:
      forall (n1 :: GHC.Types.Nat). Mod n1
    at RSA-cyphering.hs:43:26-30
• In the first argument of ‘(^%)’,namely ‘m’
  In the expression: m ^% e :: Mod n
  In an equation for ‘cypher’: cypher n e m = m ^% e :: Mod n

当模块 Mod n 取自函数的参数时,如何在函数内部使用类型 n


您使用 SomeMod

cypher :: Natural -> Integer -> Integer -> SomeMod
cypher n e m = (m `modulo` n) ^ e

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