
将递归问题代码从 Python 转换为 Common Lisp

如何解决将递归问题代码从 Python 转换为 Common Lisp

我正在尝试将用 Python 编写的递归问题(第 4 个问题 here 详细信息参见其存储库页面)转换为(通用)Lisp

这里是 Python 代码,为了便于阅读,我稍微编辑了下:

def coin(target,coins,res):
    # Default output to target
    min_coins = target
    # Base Case
    if target in coins:
        res[target] = 1
        return 1
    # Return a kNown result if it happens to be greater than 1
    elif res[target] > 0:
        return res[target]
        # for every coin value that is <= than target
        for i in [c for c in coins if c <= target]:
            num_coins = 1 + coin(target-i,res)
            # Reset Minimum if we have a new minimum
            if num_coins < min_coins:
                min_coins = num_coins
                res[target] = min_coins
    return min_coins

target = 14
coins = [1,3,5]
res = [0]*(target+1)
# => returns 4  ( 1 x 1,1 x 3,2 x 5)

这是我写的 Lisp 代码

(defun coin (target coins res)
  (let ((min_coins target))  
    (if (some (lambda (x) (= target x)) coins)
          (setf (aref res target) 1)
      (if (> (aref res target) 0)
          (aref res target)
        (dolist (i (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (<= x target)) coins))
          (let ((num_coins (1+ (coin (- target i) coins res))))
            (when (< num_coins min_coins)
              (setf min_coins num_coins)
              (setf (aref res target) min_coins))

(coin 14 '(1 3 5) (make-array 15 :initial-element 0) )


The value
is not of type



(trace coin) 之后是输出

CL-USER> (coin 14 '(1 3 5) (make-array 15 :initial-element 0) )
  0: (COIN 14 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
    1: (COIN 13 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
      2: (COIN 12 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
        3: (COIN 11 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
          4: (COIN 10 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
            5: (COIN 9 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
              6: (COIN 8 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
                7: (COIN 7 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
                  8: (COIN 6 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
                    9: (COIN 5 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
                    9: COIN returned 1
                    9: (COIN 3 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
                    9: COIN returned 1
                    9: (COIN 1 (1 3 5) #(0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
                    9: COIN returned 1
                  8: COIN returned NIL
; Evaluation aborted on #<TYPE-ERROR expected-type: NUMBER datum: NIL>.



您的代码失败,因为您的 dolist 返回 nil


(dolist (i (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (<= x target)) coins)) ...)

(dolist (i (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (<= x target)) coins) min_coins) ...)


您在 Python 中通过在 [] 循环中使用 for 和在 Lisp 中通过在 remove-if-not 中使用 dolist 创建免费列表。 众所周知的“足够聪明的编译器”应该能够消除它,但 Python 3 不够聪明,SBCL 也不够聪明。



def coin(target,coins,res):
    # Default output to target
    # Base Case
    if target in coins:
        res[target] = 1
        return 1
    # Return a known result if it happens to be greater than 1
    if res[target] > 0:
        return res[target]
    # for every coin value that is <= than target
    min_coins = target
    for i in target:
        if i <= target:
            num_coins = 1 + coin(target-i,res)
            # Reset Minimum if we have a new minimum
            if num_coins < min_coins:
                min_coins = num_coins
                res[target] = min_coins
    return min_coins

(defun coin (target coins res)
  (cond ((find target coins)
         (setf (aref res target) 1))
        ((plusp (aref res target))
         (aref res target))
         (let ((min-coins target))
           (dolist (i coins min-coins)
             (when (<= i target)
               (let ((num-coins (1+ (coin (- target i) coins res))))
                 (when (< num-coins min-coins)
                   (setf min-coins num-coins)
                   (setf (aref res target) min-coins)))))))))

Common Lisp 中一个相对相似的版本是这样的:

(defun coin (target coins res)
  (let ((min-coins target))
    (cond ((member target coins)
           (setf (elt res target) 1)
           (return-from coin 1))
          ((plusp (elt res target))
           (return-from coin (elt res target)))
          (t (loop for i in (loop for c in coins when (<= c target) collect c)
                   for num-coins = (1+ (coin (- target i) coins res))
                   if (< num-coins min-coins)
                     do (setf min-coins num-coins)
                     do (setf (elt res target) min-coins))))
    (return-from coin min-coins)))

(let* ((target 14)
       (coins  '(1 3 5))
       (res    (make-list (1+ target) :initial-element 0)))
  (print (coin target coins res)))

Lisp 和 Python 之间有一些基本的区别。其中四个是:

  • 在 Lisp 中,所有表达式都返回值(零、 或更多)。因此,在 Python 中调用 returnreturn-from 通常不是 Lisp 风格。为了适应 Lisp 风格,可以将代码转换为不返回的版本。但这可能会引入错误,如果不小心完成。 return-from 需要返回的 的名称。

  • 在 Lisp 中,基本的数据结构是一个单向链表。在 Python 中,它是数组之王。因此可能需要不同的操作符,性能也不同。在 Lisp 中,诸如遍历列表、追加到末尾、随机访问等都是代价高昂的。对于某些用途,这可能无关紧要,但通常首选使用更适合该目的的数据结构。所以在这里我使用了 Lisp 列表,用向量(一维数组)替换它们可能会很有用。还有一个序列类型的概念,它为列表和向量提供通用操作。操作是 eltremoveremove-ifconcatenatemap 以及其他一些操作。

  • 不能在某些表达式序列的中间引入局部变量。需要像 let 这样的特殊结构。

  • Lisp 中的迭代可以用 LOOP 来完成


是的,我采用了不同的方法,但得出了类似的结论。添加了 depth 参数以了解它在递归期间在做什么。然后用它来遵循 Lisp 脚本中的逻辑。使用此备忘单作为参考 https://jtra.cz/stuff/lisp/sclr/index.html

#! /usr/bin/env python3

def coin( target,result,depth ):
    min_coins = target  ##  Default output to target
    print( depth,result )
    if target in coins:  ##  Base Case
        result[ target ] = 1
        return 1
    # Return a known result if it happens to be greater than 1
    elif result[ target ] > 0:
        return result[ target ]
        # for every coin value that is <= than target
        for i in [ c for c in coins if c <= target ]:
            num_coins = 1 +coin( target -i,depth +1 )
            # reset Minimum if we have a new minimum
            if num_coins < min_coins:
                min_coins = num_coins
                result[ target ] = min_coins
    return min_coins

target = 14
coins = [ 1,3,5 ]
result = [0] *( target +1 )

print( coin( target,0 ) )
# => returns 4  ( 1 x 1,1 x 3,2 x 5)

#! /usr/bin/sbcl --script

(defun coin (target coins result depth)
    "recursive coin count"
    (let ((min_coins target))  ;;  min_coins = target

        (cond ((member target coins)  ;;  if target in coins:

                (setf (aref result target) 1)  ;;  result[ target ] = 1
                1))  ;;  return 1

            ((> (aref result target) 0)  ;;  elif result[ target ] > 0:
                (aref result target))  ;;  return result[ target ]

            ((progn  ;;  for every coin value that is <= target

                (dolist (i (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (<= x target)) coins))

                    ;;  num_coins = 1 +coin( target -i,depth +1 )
                    (let ((num_coins (1+ (coin (- target i) coins result (+ depth 1)))))
                      (when (< num_coins min_coins)  ;;  if num_coins < min_coins:

                        (setf min_coins num_coins)  ;;  min_coins = num_coins

                        (setf (aref result target) min_coins))))  ;;  result[ target ] = min_coins

                min_coins))  ;;  return min_coins

(defvar c 14)
(print (coin c '(1 3 5) (make-array (+ c 1) :initial-element 0) 0 ) )

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