
为什么接收方 DB 要求来自源 DB 的归档 WAL 文件? WAL 段已删除

如何解决为什么接收方 DB 要求来自源 DB 的归档 WAL 文件? WAL 段已删除

我有 3 台 postgres-11 数据库服务器在运行,其中一台作为源服务器,另外两台通过订阅从源复制数据。 1 个目标 DB 位于同一网络上,而另一个位于不同网络上并通过防火墙分隔。设置是这样的:

A (source DB- publication)  ----------(same network)-------> B (target DB - subscription)
                               |------(firewall)-----------> C (target DB - subscription)

最近我在源数据库上收到一个错误,请求的 WAL 文件已被删除

2021-06-23 10:10:14.937 JST,"user","sourcedb",2xxxx9,"1x.xx.xxx.xxx:2xxxx",xxxxxx.xxx,4,"idle",2021-06-23 10:10:14 JST,15/0,ERROR,58P01,"requested WAL segment 0000000100010E0600000030 has already been removed","sub_xxx_xxx_xxx"

在检查时,我看到 target DB C 上的订阅失败并停止。 target DB B 上的订阅完全没有问题(可能是因为它在同一网络上)。

所有 3 个 DB 上的设置都相同。在 source DB A 和其他 2 上,文件pg_wal 归档到磁盘上名为 /opt/postgresql/archivewal 的另一个目录。

但是,从这个 /opt/postgresql/archivewal 文件夹中,cron 作业每 2 分钟删除一次这些文件,并将它们存储在另一台备份服务器上。

这是 postgresql.conf 文件。所有服务器基本相同

# Connection settings
# -------------------
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5532
max_connections = 400

tcp_keepalives_idle = 0
tcp_keepalives_interval = 0
tcp_keepalives_count = 0

# Memory-related settings
# -----------------------
shared_buffers = 32GB           # Physical memory 1/4
##DEBUG:  mmap(1652555776) with MAP_HUGETLB Failed,huge pages disabled: Cannot allocate memory
#huge_pages = try              # on,off,or try
#temp_buffers = 16MB            # depends on DB checklist
work_mem = 8MB                 # Need tuning
effective_cache_size = 64GB      # Physical memory 1/2
maintenance_work_mem = 512MB
wal_buffers = 64MB

# WAL/Replication/HA   settings
# --------------------
wal_level = logical
synchronous_commit = remote_write
archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'rsync -a %p /opt/postgresql/archivewal/%f'
#archive_command = ':'
hot_standby = on
restart_after_crash = off
wal_sender_timeout = 5000
wal_receiver_status_interval = 2
max_standby_streaming_delay = -1
max_standby_archive_delay = -1
hot_standby_Feedback = on
random_page_cost = 1.5

max_wal_size = 5GB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
checkpoint_timeout = 30min

# Logging settings
# ----------------
log_destination = 'csvlog,syslog'
logging_collector = on
log_directory = 'pg_log'
log_filename = 'postgresql_%Y%m%d.log'
log_truncate_on_rotation = off
log_rotation_age = 1h
log_rotation_size = 0

log_timezone = 'Japan'
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] %h:%u@%d:[XXXX]:CODE:%e '

log_statement = 'all'
log_min_messages = info         # DEBUG5
log_min_error_statement = info  # DEBUG5
log_error_verbosity = default
log_checkpoints = on
log_lock_waits = on
log_temp_files = 0
log_connections = on
log_disconnections = on
log_duration = off
log_min_duration_statement = 1000
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 3000ms

track_functions = pl
track_activity_query_size = 8192

# Locale/display settings
# -----------------------
lc_messages = 'C'
lc_monetary = 'en_US.UTF-8'  # ja_JP.eucJP
lc_numeric  = 'en_US.UTF-8'  # ja_JP.eucJP
lc_time     = 'en_US.UTF-8'  # ja_JP.eucJP
timezone = 'Asia/Tokyo'
bytea_output = 'escape'

# Auto vacuum settings
# -----------------------
autovacuum = on
autovacuum_max_workers = 3
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = 200
shared_preload_libraries  = 'pg_stat_statements,auto_explain'

auto_explain.log_min_duration = 10000
auto_explain.log_analyze = on

我的问题是:为什么 target DB Csource DB A 询问这些文件,当我在备份服务器中签入时,这些文件错误发生前 10 分钟被删除了?根据我的阅读,源数据库不会回收或存档任何复制槽所需的文件。也证明了我在target DB C重新订阅时,pg_wal的大小增长到了相当程度,并且复制成功。

将归档文件夹中删除文件的时间间隔从 2 分钟延长到 10 分钟真的能解决吗?我不想打和尝试,而是想知道确切的逻辑。


编辑 1: 添加有关当前复制状态的信息


sourcedb=# select * from pg_replication_slots ;
        slot_name        |  plugin  | slot_type | datoid | database | temporary | active | active_pid | xmin | catalog_xmin |  restart_lsn   | confirmed_flush_lsn
 sub_xxxx_xxxx_targetdbA | pgoutput | logical   |  16501 | sourcedb  | f         | t      |     208603 |      |     96140914 | 10E82/9404CA50 | 10E82/9E3AFE18
 sub_xxxx_xxxx_targetdbB | pgoutput | logical   |  16501 | sourcedb  | f         | t      |     208175 |      |     96140914 | 10E82/9404CA50 | 10E82/9E3AFDE8
(2 rows)

目标数据库 A

targetdbA=#select * from pg_stat_subscription;
   subid    |         subname         |  pid   | relid |  received_lsn  |      last_msg_send_time       |    last_msg_receipt_time     | latest_end_lsn |        latest_end_t
 2378695757 | sub_xxxx_xxx_targetdbA | 231891 |       | 10E82/ACE84D98 | 2021-06-25 13:15:51.866896+09 | 2021-06-25 13:15:52.39434+09 | 10E82/AB6BA340 | 2021-06-25 13:15:48
(1 row)

目标数据库 B

targetdbB=# select * from pg_stat_subscription;
   subid    |       subname       |  pid  | relid |  received_lsn  |      last_msg_send_time       |     last_msg_receipt_time     | latest_end_lsn |        latest_end_time

 3479436453 | sub_xxxx_xxx_targetdbB | 99318 |       | 10E83/1D9A8F88 | 2021-06-25 13:20:15.130238+09 | 2021-06-25 13:20:17.868138+09 | 10E83/1D0F2D10 | 2021-06-25 13:20:13.305
(1 row)

编辑 2: 这只是我的猜测,但不确定是否是真正的原因。我注意到节点 A(源数据库)上的 walsender 不断因以下错误而被杀死。

terminating walsender process due to replication timeout


大多数时候它会很快自动重启。接收器节点从 pg_wal 或存档的 WAL 文件夹中获取丢失的文件。但是在这一天(在上面的日志中提到),该过程需要更长的时间才能重新启动,因此可能错过了获取这些文件的机会。 我的 wal_sender_timeout 已设置为 1 分钟(conf 文件显示 5 秒,但稍后更新)。以及目标节点上的以下设置:

postgres=# show wal_receiver_status_interval ;
(1 row)

postgres=# show wal_retrieve_retry_interval ;
(1 row)

为什么 walsender 会反复掉线?是不是因为当数据量很大时,接收/目标节点的响应/确认会丢失?

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