
Simpy:使用 Simpy

如何解决Simpy:使用 Simpy

我有一个项目,我想用 simpy 模拟一个 RMFS 仓库。我真的很感激任何人都可以帮助我,因为我是 simpy 和卡住的新手,我不知道如何建模。我尝试了不同的代码,但没有一个可以正常工作。这是我的假设: 1- 仓库是一个网格,每个单元格都包含许多数量的 1 种类型的物品(物品 1,2,3,...),类似于所附照片。它有一个唯一的地址 2- 订单在预定义的时间内出现(例如均匀分布 2 分钟) 3- 然后将订单分配给一个机器人(我们有 10 个机器人)去检索订单。需要3分钟 4-然后机器人将订单交付到工作站进行下一步(例如从机器人那里挑选订单并打包)。这将需要 2 分钟。 5- 然后机器人去把订单放回去,等待下一个订单。

enter image description here




  • 订单到了,

  • 订单获取一个机器人(如果所有机器人都在使用,则在队列中等待),

  • 订单获取单元格(等待单元格已被另一个订单占用),

  • 从单元格中选取,

  • 放回手机,

  • 释放机器人

因此,而不是让单元成为资源池(这需要一个匹配的函数来获得所需的单元),每个单元都有自己的容量为 1 的资源池。我用它来对单元的请求进行排队,然后所有单元格都在一个字典中,以便于访问


modes a robot warehouse where robots get pulls a cell
and brings it to a picker who picks stuff from the cell,then returns the cell back to the warehouse

basic process:
order arrives
order gets a robot (wait in a queue if all robots are in use)
order gets cell (wait if cell has been seized by another order)
pick from cell
put cell back
release robot

programmer: Michael R. Gibbs

import simpy
import random

class Order():
    Order to be fulfilled

    has unique id for tracking
    and the cell id to pull

    # class var used to gen unique ids
    next_id = 1

    def __init__(self,cell):
        initalizes a order with a unique id and a cell to pull

        # set unique id
        self.id = Order.next_id
        Order.next_id += 1

        # set cell to pull
        self.cell = cell

class Cell():
    Cell that robots retrieve so pickers can pick
    A cell can only be seized by one robot at a time
    so each cell has its own request queue implemented 
    with a simple resouce.  Could have put all the cells in 
    one matching store,but I think this is more effecient
    as the matching can be slow with big queues
    def __init__(self,env,id):
        Initializes a cell with a id,and a request/resouce queue

        self.id = id
        self.env = env

        # used to queue requests for the cell
        self.resQueue = simpy.Resource(env,capacity=1)

        # request that currently holds the cell's resource
        self.request = None

    def seize(self):
        gets in queue and waits to seize cell

        request = self.resQueue.request()  # Generate a request event
        yield request

        # save the request that has the cell so can release latter
        self.request = request

        return self

    def release(self):
        releases the cell so other robots can seize it

        yield self.resQueue.release(self.request)
        self.request = None

def gen_orders(env,cellMap,robots):
    Generates orders at a random distrubution
    and kicks off the fill order process for the order

    while True:
        # time between arrivals
        yield env.timeout(random.uniform(0,2))

        # create order and assign cell
        cell = random.randint(1,len(cellMap))
        order = Order(cell)
        print(env.now,f'Order {order.id} has been created')

        # start process to fulfill the order
        # do not use yield here,just drop and go to next order

def fill_order(order,robots):
    the order filling process

    this process gets created for each order

    # get a robot
    print(env.now,f'order {order.id} waits for robot')
    with robots.request() as req:
        yield req
        print(env.now,f'order {order.id} has a robot')

        # get the cell
        print(env.now,f'order {order.id} waits for cell {order.cell}')
        cell = cellMap[order.cell]
        yield env.process(cell.seize())
        print(env.now,f'order {order.id} has seized cell {order.cell}')
       # pull the cell
        yield env.timeout(3)
        print(env.now,f'order {order.id} has pulled cell {order.cell}')

        # pick
        yield env.timeout(2)
        print(env.now,f'order {order.id} has picked')

        # return cell
        yield env.timeout(3)
        print(env.now,f'order {order.id} has return cell {order.cell}')

    # release robot
    print(env.now,f'order {order.id} has released a robot')

# start building the sim
env = simpy.Environment()

# made only 10 cells so orders are more likely to compete for a cell
cellMap = {id:Cell(env,id) for id in range(1,10)}

robots = simpy.Resource(env,capacity=10)

# start generating orders,which also kicks off the processing for each order


这是考虑到 6*9 仓库的代码更新。我还为它添加了一个提升机构。感谢您对我们如何改进和优化它的评论。以及如何向其添加报告。

modes a robot warehouse where robots get pulls a cell
and brings it to a picker who picks stuff from the cell,then returns the cell back to the warehouse

basic process:
order arrives
order gets a robot (wait in a queue if all robots are in use)
order gets cell (wait if cell has been seized by another order)
pick from cell
put cell back
release robot

programmer: Michael R. Gibbs

import simpy
import random

EXT_CELLS = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,13,18,19,24,25,30,31,36,37,42,43,48,49,50,51,52,53,54]
INT_CELLS = [8,9,10,11,14,15,16,17,20,21,22,23,26,27,28,29,32,33,34,35,38,39,40,41,44,45,46,47]

class Order():
    Order to be fulfilled

    has unique id for tracking
    and the cell id to pull

    # class var used to gen unique ids
    next_id = 1

    def __init__(self,cell):
        initalizes a order with a unique id and a cell to pull

        # set unique id
        self.id = Order.next_id
        Order.next_id += 1

        # set cell to pull
        self.cell = cell

class Cell():
    Cell that robots retrieve so pickers can pick

    A cell can only be seized by one robot at a time
    so each cell has its own request queue implemented
    with a simple resource.

    def __init__(self,and a request/resource queue

        self.id = id
        self.env = env

        # used to queue requests for the cell
        self.resQueue = simpy.Resource(env,capacity=1)

        # request that currently holds the cell's resource
        self.request = None

    def seize(self):
        gets in queue and waits to seize cell

        request = self.resQueue.request()  # Generate a request event
        yield request

        # save the request that has the cell so can release latter
        self.request = request

        return self

    def release(self):
        releases the cell so other robots can seize it

        yield self.resQueue.release(self.request)
        self.request = None

def gen_orders(env,robots):
    Generates orders at a random distribution
    and kicks off the fill order process for the order

    while True:
        # time between arrivals
        yield env.timeout(random.expovariate(1.0/1.5))

        # create order and assign cell
        cell = random.randint(1,len(cellMap))
        order = Order(cell)
        print('{:.2f} Order {}  received for item in cell #{}'.format(env.now,order.id,order.cell))

        # start process to fulfill the order
        # do not use yield here,just drop and go to next order
        if cell in EXT_CELLS:

def fill_order(order,pickers):
    the order filling process

    this process gets created for each order
    #indicate cell status
    print(format(env.now,'.2f'),f'order {order.id} cell {order.cell} is an external cell')

    # get a robot
    print('{:.2f} order {} waits for robot'.format(env.now,order.id))
    with robots.request() as req:
        yield req
        print('{:.2f} order {} assigned to robot# {}'.format(env.now,robots.count))

        # get the cell
        print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} waits for cell {order.cell}')
        cell = cellMap[order.cell]
        yield env.process(cell.seize())
        print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} has seized cell {order.cell}')

        # pull the cell
        yield env.timeout(3)
        print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} has pulled cell {order.cell} by robot#{robots.count}')

        # pick
        with pickers.request() as picker_req:
            yield picker_req
            yield env.timeout(random.triangular(0.5,1.2,1.8))
            print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} has picked')

        # return cell
        yield env.timeout(3)
        print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} has return cell {order.cell} by robot# {robots.count}')

    # release robot
    print('{:.2f} order {} has released a robot'.format(env.now,order.id))

def fill_order_internal(order,gantry):
    the order filling process for internal cells

    this process gets created for each order
    #indicate cell status
    print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} cell {order.cell} is an internal cell')
    # get a robot
    print('{:.2f} order {} waits for robot and gantry'.format(env.now,robots.count))

        # get the cell
        print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} has seized cell {order.cell}')

        # get the gantry
        with gantry.request() as req_gantry:
            yield req_gantry
            print('{:.2f} order {} assigned to gantry# {}'.format(env.now,gantry.count))

        #lift obstacle cells
            yield env.timeout(2)
            print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} has lifted obstacles of cell {order.cell} by gantry{gantry.count}')

        # pull the cell
        yield env.timeout(3)
        print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} has picked')

        # get the gantry
        with gantry.request() as req_gantry:
            yield req_gantry
            print('at {:.2f} order {} assigned to gantry# {}'.format(env.now,gantry.count))

        # lift obstacle cells for return
            yield env.timeout(2)
            print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} has lifted obstacles of cell {order.cell} by gantry{gantry.count}')

        # return cell
        yield env.timeout(3)
        print(format(env.now,f'order {order.id} has return cell {order.cell} by robot# {robots.count}')

    # release robot
    print('at {:.2f} order {} has released a robot'.format(env.now,order.id))

# start building the sim
env = simpy.Environment()

# 54 cells for a 6*9 Warehouse
cellMap = {id: Cell(env,55)}
robots = simpy.Resource(env,capacity= NUM_ROBOTS)
pickers = simpy.Resource(env,capacity= NUM_PICKERS)
gantry = simpy.Resource(env,capacity= NUM_GANTRY)

# start generating orders,which also kicks off the processing for each order



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