


我刚刚开始学习 Gatsby,我刚刚从 gatsby 模板导入了一个 gatsby 项目。我的 og:image 显示不同的 Open graph 标签有问题,我想显示文章缩略图

例如这篇文章 - https://www.armanism.com/blog/install-nginx-on-ubuntu 当我尝试从 Twitter 卡验证器获取数据时,它显示重定向到“https://www.armanism.com/blog/install-Nginx-on-ubuntu”到“https://www.armanism.com/博客/install-Nginx-on-ubuntu/"

Check this screenshot


这是我的 gatsby SEO 配置

/* vendor imports */
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
import { StaticQuery,graphql } from 'gatsby';
/* App imports */
import Config from '../../../config';
import Utils from '../../utils/pageUtils';

const detailsQuery = graphql`
  query DefaultSEOQuery {
    file(name: { eq: "facebook-icon" }) {
      childImageSharp {
        fixed(width: 600) {

function SEO({
  title,description,path,lang,keywords,contentType,imageUrl,translations,Meta,}) {
  return (
      render={(data) => {
        const MetaKeywords = keywords && keywords.length > 0
          ? { name: 'keywords',content: keywords.join(',') }
          : [];
        const pageUrl = Utils.resolvePageUrl(
        const fixpageUrl = pageUrl.replace('/https://','https://');
        const MetaImageUrl = Utils.resolveUrl(
          Config.siteUrl,imageUrl || data.file.childImageSharp.fixed.src,);
        const fixMetaImageUrl = MetaImageUrl.replace('/https://','https://');
        return (
            title={title} // Page title
            titleTemplate={`%s – ${Config.siteTitle}`}
                { name: 'description',content: `${description.substring(0,160)}...` },// Page description
                /* Open Graph */
                { property: 'og:title',content: title },{ property: 'og:type',content: contentType || 'website' },{ property: 'og:url',content: fixpageUrl },{ property: 'og:description',{ property: 'og:image',content: fixMetaImageUrl },{ property: 'og:image:alt',{ property: 'og:site_name',content: Config.siteTitle },{ property: 'og:locale',content: lang || 'en_US' },/* Twitter card */
                { name: 'twitter:card',content: 'summary_large_image' },{ name: 'twitter:title',{ name: 'twitter:description',{ name: 'twitter:image',{ name: 'twitter:image:alt',{ name: 'twitter:site',content: Config.author },{ name: 'twitter:creator',]
                .concat(MetaKeywords) // Keywords
                .concat(Meta || []) // Other provided Metadata
              { rel: 'canonical',href: fixpageUrl },// Canonical url
              // Translated versions of page
                  ? translations.map((obj) => ({
                    rel: 'alternate',hreflang: obj.hreflang,href: Utils.resolvePageUrl(
                  : [],)}

SEO.propTypes = {
  title: PropTypes.string.isrequired,description: PropTypes.string.isrequired,path: PropTypes.string.isrequired,lang: PropTypes.string,contentType: PropTypes.oneOf(['article','website']),imageUrl: PropTypes.string,keywords: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),translations: PropTypes.arrayOf(
      hreflang: PropTypes.string.isrequired,}),Meta: PropTypes.arrayOf(
      property: PropTypes.string.isrequired,content: PropTypes.string.isrequired,};

SEO.defaultProps = {
  lang: 'en_US',contentType: 'website',imageUrl: null,keywords: [],translations: [],Meta: [],};

export default SEO;

这是我的 PageUtils 代码

/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
const Config = require('../../config');

const Utils = {
   * Join provided url paths.
   * @param {...string} paths Provided paths. It doesn't matter if they have trailing slash.
   * @return {string} Resolved url without trailing slash.
  resolveUrl: (...paths) => paths.reduce((resolvedUrl,path) => {
    const urlPath = path.toString().trim();
    if (urlPath) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
          += (resolvedUrl === '' ? '' : '/') + urlPath.replace(/^\/|\/$/g,'');

    resolvedUrl = resolvedUrl[0] !== '/' ? `/${resolvedUrl}` : resolvedUrl;
    return resolvedUrl;
   * Resolve a page url adding a trailing slash.
   * Needed to prevent 301 redirects cause of Gatsby.js' folder structure.
   * @param {...string} path Provided paths. It doesn't matter if they have trailing slash.
   * @return {string} Resolved url with trailing slash.
  resolvePageUrl: (...path) => {
    const resolvedUrl = Utils.resolveUrl(...path);
    return resolvedUrl;
   * Get an ordered list of suggested posts for a single post.
   * @param {Object} post The single post of which to find the related posts.
   * It's the returned object from Graphql's query `markdownRemark`
   * @param {Array} postList The list where find related posts. It's the returned
   * object from Graphql's query `allMarkdownRemark`
   * @param {number} limit The maximum number of suggested posts to get
   * @return {Array} The `postList` object sorted according to the best match with the `post` object
  getSuggestedPosts: (post,postList,limit) => {
    // Get the number of common tags with provided post.
    const getTagscore = (edge) => {
      let commonTags = 0;
      edge.node.frontmatter.tags.forEach((tag) => {
        commonTags += post.frontmatter.tags.indexOf(tag) !== -1 ? 1 : 0;
      return commonTags;

    return postList.edges
      .sort((edgeA,edgeB) => getTagscore(edgeB) - getTagscore(edgeA))
   * Pass a post and retrieve a list of related translations.
   * @param {Object} post The post of which retrieve its translations.
   * It accepts a `node` object from Graphql's query `allMarkdownRemark`
   * @param {Object} postList The list of posts where search translations.
   * It accepts a `edges` array from Graphql's query `allMarkdownRemark`
   * @return {Object} An array of objects with languages as keys (ISO 639-1) and
   * translated post's paths as values.
  getRelatedTranslations: (post,postList) => postList
    .filter(({ node }) =>
    // Get posts in the same folder of provided post
      // eslint-disable-next-line implicit-arrow-linebreak
          === post.fileAbsolutePath.split('/').slice(-2,-1)[0]
    .map(({ node }) => {
      const lang = node.fileAbsolutePath.split('.').slice(-2,-1)[0];
      return {
        hreflang: lang.slice(-5) !== 'index' ? lang : Config.defaultLanguage,path: Utils.resolvePageUrl(node.frontmatter.path),};
   * Capitalize passed string
   * @param {string} str string to capitalize
   * @return {string} string with first letter to uppercase
  capitalize: (str) => str[0].toupperCase() + str.slice(1),};

module.exports = Utils;




我认为您的问题与您的 SEO 组件或您的项目功能本身无关。我认为您的问题依赖于文章创建 (gatsby-node.js),因为它使用尾部斜杠创建 URL,因此附加到该逻辑的所有配置和参数都会继承它。

检查如何在 path 参数中创建文章:

  result.data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.forEach(({ node }) => {
      path: node.fields.slug.replace(/\/$/,''); // original code: node.fields.slug,component: path.resolve(`./src/templates/blog-post.js`),context: {
        slug: node.fields.slug.replace(/\/$/,'')

注意:基于 Gatsby's tutorial。调整它以适应您的需求。

替代 replace 函数,您可以使用多种字符串操作函数之一,例如:

(node.fields.slug.charAt(node.fields.slug.length - 1) === '/') ? node.fields.slug.slice(0,-1) : node.fields.slug;


node.fields.slug.endsWith('/') ? node.fields.slug.slice(0,-1) : node.fields.slug;

此外,您还可以使用 gatsby-plugin-remove-trailing-slashes 插件。

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