
解密由来自 Web 服务的加密套件加密的值 - 对称密钥? - 更新了下面的完整工作代码

如何解决解密由来自 Web 服务的加密套件加密的值 - 对称密钥? - 更新了下面的完整工作代码

如何在网络服务端解密我的 iOS CryptoKit 加密值?

类似于这个问题: CryptoKit in Java

Or this SO question

我可以创建自己的 SymmetricKey,我们都知道其字符串吗?如何在 Java PHP 或 .NET 中解密我的值? (我懂所有这些语言并且可以翻译,该应用程序目前在 PHP 中)

Apple 在其 Playground 中的代码

let key = SymmetricKey(size: .bits256)     //<--- how to share with web service???
let themeSongPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "ThemeSong",ofType: "aif")!
let themeSong = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: themeSongPath)!

// below code is from Apple Playground
let encryptedContentAES = try! AES.GCM.seal(themeSong,using: key).combined
 The client decrypts using the same key,assumed to have been obtained out-of-band.
let sealedBoxAES = try! AES.GCM.SealedBox(combined: encryptedContentAES!)

//HOW DO I DO THIS ON WEB SERVICE SIDE??? either in java or PHP or .net
let decryptedThemeSongAES = try! AES.GCM.open(sealedBoxAES,using: key)

assert(decryptedThemeSongAES == themeSong)
 You use a sealed Box to hold the three outputs of the encryption operation: a nonce,the ciphertext,and a tag.
// The nonce should be unique per encryption operation.
// Some protocols require specific values to be used,such as monotonically increasing counters.
// If none is passed during the during the encryption,CryptoKit randomly generates a safe value for you.

let nonceAES = sealedBoxAES.nonce

// The ciphertext is the encrypted plaintext,and is the same size as the original data.
let ciphertextAES = sealedBoxAES.ciphertext

// The tag provides authentication.
let tagAES = sealedBoxAES.tag

// The combined property holds the collected nonce,ciphertext and tag.
assert(sealedBoxAES.combined == nonceAES + ciphertextAES + tagAES)

Link to Playground


观看 WWDC 视频后:WWDC Cryptokit 2019 video

在大约 29 分 20 秒时,他们建议您最初从服务器获取关键数据。因此,您可以通过执行以下操作来创建密钥:

Key Creation code





Swift CryptoKit and Browser

iOS CryptoKit in Java


func encryptAES_GCMCryptoKit()->String {
    let newkeyString1 = "I9GiP/cK4YKko8CeNF5F8X6/E6jt0QnV" //has to be 32 bytes for a 256 bit encryption or you will get the error key wrong size
    let newKey = SymmetricKey(data: newkeyString1.data(using: .utf8)!)
    let mySealedBox = try AES.GCM.seal(userString,using: newKey,nonce: iv)
    let iv = AES.GCM.Nonce()

        let mySealedBox = try AES.GCM.seal(userString,nonce: iv)
        let dataToShare = mySealedBox.combined?.base64EncodedData()      
      // The combined property holds the collected nonce,ciphertext and tag.
        assert(mySealedBox.combined == nonceAES + ciphertextAES + tagAES)
}catch {
        print("error \(error)")

PHP 代码:

function decryptStringAES_GCM($combinedInput='')  //64 base encoded combine string
    $key = "I9GiP/cK4YKko8CeNF5F8X6/E6jt0QnV"; // <- 256 bit key - same key is on the swift side
    $combined = base64_decode($combinedInput);  //<- $combinedInput will be different every time even for the same value
    $tag = substr($combined,-16);
    $nonce = substr($combined,12);
    $length = strlen($combined)-16-12;      //take out tag and nonce (iv) lengths
    $cipherText = substr($combined,12,$length);
    $res_non = openssl_decrypt($cipherText,'aes-256-gcm',$key,OPENSSL_RAW_DATA| OPENSSL_NO_PADDING,$nonce,$tag); 
    return $res_non //decrypted string


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