
在 Pine-Script 中,如何为我的条目编码两个条件?

如何解决在 Pine-Script 中,如何为我的条目编码两个条件?

有人可以帮忙,因为我需要进入条件才能将 BraidFilter 指标包含到我的策略中。我只需要在绿色柱线时做多交易,当红色柱线穿过过滤线时做空交易。这就是我所做的,但它不起作用,我收到了大量错误消息: 请帮忙。谢谢。

//-- Braid Filter   
ma01 = ma(maType,close,Period1)
ma02 = ma(maType,open,Period2)
ma03 = ma(maType,Period3)

max  = max(max(ma01,ma02),ma03)
min  = min(min(ma01,ma03)
dif  = max - min

filter = atr(14) * PipsMinSepPercent / 100

//-- Plots/=
//BraidColor = ma01 > ma02 and dif > filter ? color.green : ma02 > ma01 and dif > filter ? color.red : color.gray


// Condition
C1Price1 = 0.0
C1Price2 = 0.0
C1Price1 := ? ma01 > ma02 and dif > filter
C1Price2 := ? ma02 > ma01 and dif > filter

c1Cross_Long    =  crossover (C1Price1,C1Price2) and C1Price1 > filter
c1Cross_Short   =  crossover (C1Price1,C1Price2) and C1Price2 > filter 


该代码中缺少一些东西,首先您必须使用策略定义脚本,然后定义 maType 变量,此外:

C1Price1: =**?** ma01> ma02 and dif> filter
C1Price2: =**?** ma02> ma01 and dif> filter


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