
我们如何使用节点js中的pm2 api显示pm2应用程序的最新日志?

如何解决我们如何使用节点js中的pm2 api显示pm2应用程序的最新日志?

我正在尝试制作一个 api,我们可以在其中获取 pm2 应用程序的最新日志,但我不知道如何去做。

//Helper function to get the logs
async function getLogs(id,out,numLines){
  for (const elem of currentInfo){
    //Finds the appropriate process
    if (elem.pm_id == id){
      //Gets the appropiate file
      let file = out == "true" ? elem.pm2_env.pm_out_log_path : elem.pm2_env.pm_err_log_path;
      //Uses an external library to get the proper lines
      let logs = await readLastLines.read(file,numLines);

      return {logs: logs}
  return {logs: undefined};

//Log route,sends the proper part of the necessary log file.
//Param 1: id - id of the process in the pm2 daemon
//Param 2: out - true if requesting the stdout logs,otherwise gets the stderr logs
//Param 3: numLines - number of lines of the log file requested (gets the most recent lines)
app.get('/logs/:id/:out/:numLines',async function(req,res){
  let temp = await getLogs(req.params.id,req.params.out,req.params.numLines)

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