



我试图用我收集的其他 VBA 的部分内容创建一个解决方案。我感觉我很接近但还没有到那里(注意下面让我陷入循环)。


Sub ReplaceSlideThatHasTag()

For Each osld In ActivePresentation.Slides

'here I am selecting the slide that has the tag name "winter" and the tag id "123
If osld.Tags("WINTER") = "123" Then osld.Select

'here I am trying to add slide 27 from my master presentation immediately before the slide with the tag
ActivePresentation.Slides.InsertFromFile ("C:\my files\master presentation.PPTX"),ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex,24,24

'and finally I am looking to delete the slide with the tag
If osld.Tags("WINTER") = "123" Then osld.Delete

Next osld

End Sub



Sub ReplaceSlideThatHasTag()

' ALWAYS dim your variables before using them
Dim osld as Slide

For Each osld In ActivePresentation.Slides

'here I am selecting the slide that has the tag name "winter" and the tag id "123

If osld.Tags("WINTER") = "123" Then '  DON'T select anythin osld.Select

'here I am trying to add slide 27 from my master presentation immediately before the slide with the tag
'ActivePresentation.Slides.InsertFromFile ("C:\my files\master presentation.PPTX"),'ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex,24,24

' But since we're not selecting anything ...
ActivePresentation.Slides.InsertFromFile ("C:\my files\master presentation.PPTX"),_ osld.SlideIndex

'and finally I am looking to delete the slide with the tag
' But we already have a reference to the slide in the osld variable
' and we know that the slide has the tag so ...
'If osld.Tags("WINTER") = "123" Then osld.Delete

' And since we've found the slide and done the deed,' no need to continue...
Exit For
End If
Next osld

End Sub

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