
Pod 无法挂载由臭氧 CSI 配置器创建的持久卷

如何解决Pod 无法挂载由臭氧 CSI 配置器创建的持久卷

我正在使用 kubernetes 部署 ozone(hdfs 的子程序),并且基本上遵循 herehere 的说明(只需几步)。

首先,我创建了几个带有本地目录的主机路径的 pv,然后通过将 nfs 声明更改为主机路径声明,对 ozone/kubernetes/example/ozone 中的 yaml 进行了轻微编辑:

  - Metadata:
      name: data
      storageClassName: manual
      accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
          storage: 5Gi
          type: local

并且我注释掉了 datanode-stateful.yaml 中的 nodeAffinity 设置,因为我的 kubernetes 只有主节点。


然后我按照csi协议中的说明应用了csi和pv-test,pv(s3v中的bucket)是自动建立的,pvc确实绑定了pv,但是test pod停在了containerCreating

附加 pv-test pod desc:

Name:           ozone-csi-test-webserver-778c8c87b7-rngfk
Namespace:      default
Priority:       0
Node:           k8s-master/
Start Time:     Fri,18 Jun 2021 14:23:54 +0800
Labels:         app=ozone-csi-test-webserver
Annotations:    <none>
Status:         Pending
Controlled By:  replicaset/ozone-csi-test-webserver-778c8c87b7
    Container ID:
    Image:         python:3.7.3-alpine3.8
    Image ID:
    Port:          <none>
    Host Port:     <none>
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       ContainerCreating
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-gqknv (ro)
      /www from webroot (rw)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True
  Ready             False
  ContainersReady   False
  PodScheduled      True
    Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
    ClaimName:  ozone-csi-test-webserver
    ReadOnly:   false
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  default-token-gqknv
    Optional:    false
QoS Class:       BestEffort
Node-Selectors:  <none>
Tolerations:     node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute for 300s
                 node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute for 300s
  Type     Reason       Age                   From                 Message
  ----     ------       ----                  ----                 -------
  Warning  FailedMount  7m7s (x58 over 122m)  kubelet,k8s-master  MountVolume.SetUp Failed for volume "pvc-1913bd70-09fd-4eba-a459-73fe3bd397b8" : rpc error: code = UnkNown desc =
  Warning  FailedMount  31s (x54 over 120m)   kubelet,k8s-master  Unable to mount volumes for pod "ozone-csi-test-webserver-778c8c87b7-rngfk_default(b1a59143-00b9-47f6-94fe-1845c29aee93)": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod "default"/"ozone-csi-test-webserver-778c8c87b7-rngfk". list of unmounted volumes=[webroot]. list of unattached volumes=[webroot default-token-gqknv]


7m51s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/s3g                                  create Claim data-s3g-0 Pod s3g-0 in StatefulSet s3g success
7m51s   Warning   FailedScheduling        pod/s3g-0                                        pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 2 times)
7m51s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/scm                                  create Pod scm-0 in StatefulSet scm successful
7m51s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/om                                   create Pod om-0 in StatefulSet om successful
7m51s   Warning   FailedScheduling        pod/om-0                                         pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 2 times)
7m51s   Warning   FailedScheduling        pod/datanode-0                                   pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 2 times)
7m51s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/datanode                             create Pod datanode-0 in StatefulSet datanode successful
7m51s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/datanode                             create Claim data-datanode-0 Pod datanode-0 in StatefulSet datanode success
7m51s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/scm                                  create Claim data-scm-0 Pod scm-0 in StatefulSet scm success
7m51s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/s3g                                  create Pod s3g-0 in StatefulSet s3g successful
7m51s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/om                                   create Claim data-om-0 Pod om-0 in StatefulSet om success
7m51s   Warning   FailedScheduling        pod/scm-0                                        pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 2 times)
7m50s   normal    Scheduled               pod/s3g-0                                        Successfully assigned default/s3g-0 to hadoop104
7m50s   normal    Scheduled               pod/datanode-0                                   Successfully assigned default/datanode-0 to hadoop103
7m50s   normal    Scheduled               pod/scm-0                                        Successfully assigned default/scm-0 to hadoop104
7m50s   normal    Scheduled               pod/om-0                                         Successfully assigned default/om-0 to hadoop103
7m49s   normal    Created                 pod/datanode-0                                   Created container datanode
7m49s   normal    Started                 pod/datanode-0                                   Started container datanode
7m49s   normal    Pulled                  pod/datanode-0                                   Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
7m48s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/datanode                             create Claim data-datanode-1 Pod datanode-1 in StatefulSet datanode success
7m48s   Warning   FailedScheduling        pod/datanode-1                                   pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 2 times)
7m48s   normal    Pulled                  pod/scm-0                                        Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
7m48s   normal    Created                 pod/scm-0                                        Created container init
7m48s   normal    Started                 pod/scm-0                                        Started container init
7m48s   normal    Pulled                  pod/s3g-0                                        Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
7m48s   normal    Created                 pod/s3g-0                                        Created container s3g
7m48s   normal    Started                 pod/s3g-0                                        Started container s3g
7m48s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/datanode                             create Pod datanode-1 in StatefulSet datanode successful
7m46s   normal    Scheduled               pod/datanode-1                                   Successfully assigned default/datanode-1 to hadoop104
7m45s   normal    Created                 pod/datanode-1                                   Created container datanode
7m45s   normal    Pulled                  pod/datanode-1                                   Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
7m44s   normal    Created                 pod/scm-0                                        Created container scm
7m44s   normal    Started                 pod/scm-0                                        Started container scm
7m44s   normal    Started                 pod/datanode-1                                   Started container datanode
7m44s   normal    Pulled                  pod/scm-0                                        Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
7m43s   Warning   FailedScheduling        pod/datanode-2                                   pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 2 times)
7m43s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/datanode                             create Pod datanode-2 in StatefulSet datanode successful
7m43s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        statefulset/datanode                             create Claim data-datanode-2 Pod datanode-2 in StatefulSet datanode success
7m42s   normal    Scheduled               pod/datanode-2                                   Successfully assigned default/datanode-2 to hadoop103
7m38s   normal    Pulled                  pod/datanode-2                                   Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
7m38s   normal    Created                 pod/datanode-2                                   Created container datanode
7m38s   normal    Started                 pod/datanode-2                                   Started container datanode
7m23s   normal    Scalingreplicaset       deployment/csi-provisioner                       Scaled up replica set csi-provisioner-5649bc9474 to 1
7m23s   Warning   FailedCreate            daemonset/csi-node                               Error creating: pods "csi-node-" is forbidden: error looking up service account default/csi-ozone: serviceaccount "csi-ozone" not found
7m22s   normal    Scheduled               pod/csi-node-nbfnw                               Successfully assigned default/csi-node-nbfnw to hadoop104
7m22s   normal    Scheduled               pod/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2             Successfully assigned default/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2 to hadoop103
7m22s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        replicaset/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474            Created pod: csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2
7m22s   normal    Scheduled               pod/csi-node-c97fz                               Successfully assigned default/csi-node-c97fz to hadoop103
7m22s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        daemonset/csi-node                               Created pod: csi-node-c97fz
7m22s   normal    SuccessfulCreate        daemonset/csi-node                               Created pod: csi-node-nbfnw
7m14s   normal    Pulling                 pod/csi-node-c97fz                               Pulling image "quay.io/k8scsi/csi-node-driver-registrar:v1.0.2"
7m14s   normal    Pulling                 pod/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2             Pulling image "quay.io/k8scsi/csi-provisioner:v1.0.1"
7m13s   normal    Pulling                 pod/csi-node-nbfnw                               Pulling image "quay.io/k8scsi/csi-node-driver-registrar:v1.0.2"
6m56s   Warning   Unhealthy               pod/om-0                                         Liveness probe Failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused
6m56s   normal    Killing                 pod/om-0                                         Container om Failed liveness probe,will be restarted
6m55s   normal    Created                 pod/om-0                                         Created container om
6m55s   normal    Started                 pod/om-0                                         Started container om
6m55s   normal    Pulled                  pod/om-0                                         Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
6m48s   normal    Pulled                  pod/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2             Successfully pulled image "quay.io/k8scsi/csi-provisioner:v1.0.1"
6m48s   normal    Started                 pod/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2             Started container ozone-csi
6m48s   normal    Created                 pod/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2             Created container ozone-csi
6m48s   normal    Pulled                  pod/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2             Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
6m48s   normal    Started                 pod/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2             Started container csi-provisioner
6m48s   normal    Created                 pod/csi-provisioner-5649bc9474-n5jf2             Created container csi-provisioner
6m45s   normal    Pulled                  pod/csi-node-nbfnw                               Successfully pulled image "quay.io/k8scsi/csi-node-driver-registrar:v1.0.2"
6m44s   normal    Started                 pod/csi-node-nbfnw                               Started container driver-registrar
6m44s   normal    Started                 pod/csi-node-nbfnw                               Started container csi-node
6m44s   normal    Created                 pod/csi-node-nbfnw                               Created container csi-node
6m44s   normal    Created                 pod/csi-node-nbfnw                               Created container driver-registrar
6m44s   normal    Pulled                  pod/csi-node-nbfnw                               Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
6m25s   normal    Pulled                  pod/csi-node-c97fz                               Successfully pulled image "quay.io/k8scsi/csi-node-driver-registrar:v1.0.2"
6m25s   normal    Pulled                  pod/csi-node-c97fz                               Container image "apache/ozone:1.1.0" already present on machine
6m25s   normal    Started                 pod/csi-node-c97fz                               Started container csi-node
6m25s   normal    Created                 pod/csi-node-c97fz                               Created container csi-node
6m17s   normal    Created                 pod/csi-node-c97fz                               Created container driver-registrar
6m17s   normal    Pulled                  pod/csi-node-c97fz                               Container image "quay.io/k8scsi/csi-node-driver-registrar:v1.0.2" already present on machine
6m17s   normal    Started                 pod/csi-node-c97fz                               Started container driver-registrar
6m3s    normal    Provisioning            persistentvolumeclaim/ozone-csi-test-webserver   External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "default/ozone-csi-test-webserver"
6m3s    normal    Scalingreplicaset       deployment/ozone-csi-test-webserver              Scaled up replica set ozone-csi-test-webserver-7cbdc5d65c to 1
6m3s    normal    SuccessfulCreate        replicaset/ozone-csi-test-webserver-7cbdc5d65c   Created pod: ozone-csi-test-webserver-7cbdc5d65c-dpzhc
6m3s    normal    ExternalProvisioning    persistentvolumeclaim/ozone-csi-test-webserver   waiting for a volume to be created,either by external provisioner "org.apache.hadoop.ozone" or manually created by system administrator
6m2s    Warning   FailedScheduling        pod/ozone-csi-test-webserver-7cbdc5d65c-dpzhc    pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 2 times)
6m1s    normal    ProvisioningSucceeded   persistentvolumeclaim/ozone-csi-test-webserver   Successfully provisioned volume pvc-cd01c58d-793f-41ce-9e12-057ade02e07c
5m59s   normal    Scheduled               pod/ozone-csi-test-webserver-7cbdc5d65c-dpzhc    Successfully assigned default/ozone-csi-test-webserver-7cbdc5d65c-dpzhc to hadoop104
97s     Warning   FailedMount             pod/ozone-csi-test-webserver-7cbdc5d65c-dpzhc    Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[webroot],unattached volumes=[webroot default-token-l9lng]: timed out waiting for the condition
94s     Warning   FailedMount             pod/ozone-csi-test-webserver-7cbdc5d65c-dpzhc    MountVolume.SetUp Failed for volume "pvc-cd01c58d-793f-41ce-9e12-057ade02e07c" : kubernetes.io/csi: mounter.SetupAt Failed: rpc error: code = UnkNown desc =

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