
在 jenkins 管道中运行 winrm 时出错

如何解决在 jenkins 管道中运行 winrm 时出错

Connecting to Remote Server Failed with the following error message : The WinRM client 
14:53:09  cannot process the request. Default authentication may be used with an IP address under the following conditions: the 
14:53:09  transport is HTTPS or the destination is in the TrustedHosts list,and explicit credentials are provided. Use 
14:53:09  winrm.cmd to configure TrustedHosts. Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated. For more 
14:53:09  information on how to set TrustedHosts run the following command: winrm help config. For more information,see the 
14:53:09  about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.

从我的构建节点针对我的测试节点调用 test-wsman 命令时,我收到上述 winrm 错误。当我从构建节点对测试节点手动运行 test-wsman 命令时,它可以工作。我想除了那个奇怪之外,有没有人成功解决了上述错误?有什么办法可以从 winrm 获得更多输出解决这个问题?


将主机添加到 TrustedHosts

您能否在运行管道的节点上的 Powershell 中运行以下命令

winrm quickconfig
winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts="”}

然后尝试再次运行管道。另外,当 test-wsman cmdlet 通过管道运行时,您能否验证您正在从运行它的同一用户运行 test-wsman cmdlet?

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