RowsSupportFragment onItemSelected() 回调在第一次加载页面时默认调用

如何解决RowsSupportFragment onItemSelected() 回调在第一次加载页面时默认调用

RowsSupportFragment onItemSelected() 回调在第一次加载页面时被调用,即使该项目未被选中并且焦点位于其他元素上。

我有一个用户界面,其中有按钮和屏幕底部的 RowsSupportFragment。当活动第一次加载时,RowsSupportFragment 的 onItemSelected() 被调用方法是将 RowsSupportFragment 的第一项作为项目传入。认为第一项还没有获得焦点(或)正在被选中。

现在当我按下 D-pad 并移动到 RowsSupportFragment 时,第一个项目有焦点并被选中但没有触发 onItemSelected() 回调,当我移动到下一个项目时会触发后续回调。


 * Interface for receiving notification when a row or item becomes selected. The concept of
 * current selection is different than focus.  A row or item can be selected without having focus;
 * for example,when a row header view gains focus then the corresponding row view becomes selected.
public interface BaSEOnItemViewSelectedListener<T> {

     * Called when a row or a new item becomes selected.
     * <p>
     * For a non {@link ListRow} case,parameter item may be null.  Event is fired when
     * selection changes between rows,regardless if row view has focus or not.
     * <p>
     * For a {@link ListRow} case,parameter item is null if the list row is empty.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * In the case of a grid,the row parameter is always null.
     * </p>
     * <li>
     * Row has focus: event is fired when focus changes between children of the row.
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * No row has focus: the event is fired with the currently selected row and last
     * focused item in the row.
     * </li>
     * @param itemViewHolder The view holder of the item that is currently selected.
     * @param item The item that is currently selected.
     * @param rowViewHolder The view holder of the row that is currently selected.
     * @param row The row that is currently selected.
    public void onItemSelected(Presenter.ViewHolder itemViewHolder,Object item,RowPresenter.ViewHolder rowViewHolder,T row);

但我没有任何与 RowsSupportFragment 相关的标题


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