


我有一个二维数组,用于表示游戏中角色的位置,我将其称为网格。网格是一个 5x5 大小的网格。并非网格上的所有图块/位置都是角色可以穿越的可行位置。在示例图像中,您可以看到其中三个位置是水而不是陆地,表示角色无法访问的位置。

enter image description here

在遍历网格时,仅使用四个基本方向(上、下、左、右)我希望角色找到到达目的地的最短可行路径。例如,如果它从 [1,2] 开始并需要到达位置 [3,2],我希望它移动:向上 -> 向右 -> 向右 -> 向下。


DartPad Example 用于交互式功能代码

import 'dart:collection';

class Point {
  int x;
  int y;
  Point({required this.y,required this.x});

void main() {
  print('Finding a viable solution for the shortest path...');
  var grid = [
    ['?','?','?'],['?',// Character is at position grid[2][1]
    ['?',// Destination is position grid[2][3]
  var characterPosition = Point(y: 2,x: 1);
  var characterDestination = Point(y: 2,x: 3);
  pathfinder pathfinder = pathfinder(grid,characterPosition,characterDestination);
  if (pathfinder.solutionExists) {
    print('...solution exists!');
    for (Point point in pathfinder.solution) {
  else {
    print('...No solution exists.');

class pathfinder {
  late Queue<Point> solution;
  late bool solutionExists;

  pathfinder(grid,characterDestination) {

    // Applying BFS on matrix cells.
    Queue<Point> queue = Queue<Point>();
    queue.add(new Point(y: characterPosition.y,x: characterPosition.x));

    List<List<bool>> visited = List.generate(
      grid.length,(index) => List.generate(
        grid[0].length,(index) => false,growable: false,),);

    visited[characterPosition.y][characterPosition.x] =

    while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
      Point point = queue.removeLast();

      // Destination found
      if (point.x == characterDestination.x &&
          point.y == characterDestination.y) {
        this.solutionExists = true;
        this.solution = queue;

      // moving up
      if (_isValid(x: point.x,y: point.y - 1,grid: grid,visited: visited)) {
        queue.add(new Point(y: point.y - 1,x: point.x));
        visited[point.y - 1][point.x] = true;

      // moving down
      if (_isValid(x: point.x,y: point.y + 1,visited: visited)) {
        queue.add(new Point(y: point.y + 1,x: point.x));
        visited[point.y + 1][point.x] = true;

      // moving left
      if (_isValid(x: point.x - 1,y: point.y,visited: visited)) {
        queue.add(new Point(y: point.y,x: point.x - 1));
        visited[point.y][point.x - 1] = true;

      // moving right
      if (_isValid(x: point.x + 1,x: point.x + 1));
        visited[point.y][point.x + 1] = true;

    this.solutionExists = false;
    this.solution = queue;

  bool _isValid({required int x,required int y,required List<List<String>> grid,required List<List<bool>> visited}) {
    if (x >= 0 &&
        y >= 0 &&
        x < grid[0].length &&
        y < grid.length &&
        grid[y][x] != '?' &&
        visited[y][x] == false) {
      return true;
    return false;

如果你运行这个(使用 DartPad),你可以看到输出是:

Finding a viable solution for the shortest path...
...solution exists!



逻辑是“广度优先搜索”。 List cameFrom 将每个节点元素设置为它来自的节点元素。图片: enter image description here


DartPad 上的 Dart 解决方案。

Dart 不是我的母语,所以请随时更改方法...

import 'dart:collection';

// *****************************************************************************
// ***** class Point
class Point {
  int x;
  int y;
  Point({required this.y,required this.x});

// *****************************************************************************
// ***** class PathFinder
class PathFinder {
  List<List<String>> grid;
  int gridWidth = 0;
  int gridHeight = 0;

  late Queue<Point> solution;
  late bool solutionExists;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // ----- constructor
  PathFinder(this.grid,characterPosition,characterDestination) {
    // integers for easier manipulation
    Queue<int> frontier = Queue<int>();
    List<int> cameFrom = List.generate(
      this.grid[0].length * this.grid.length,(int index) => -1,growable: false,);

    this.gridWidth = this.grid[0].length;
    this.gridHeight = this.grid.length;


    // +++++ Breadth First Search Logic begin
    while (frontier.isNotEmpty) {
      int current = frontier.removeFirst();
      Queue<Point> neighbors = this._neighbors(_convert1dto2d(current));

      for (Point node in neighbors) {
        int node1d = this._convert2dto1d(node);

        if (cameFrom[node1d] == -1) {
          cameFrom[node1d] = current;
    // +++++ Breadth First Search Logic end

    this.solutionExists = true;

    // +++++ copy solution to 2d Queue<Point> begin
    this.solution = Queue<Point>();
    Point endNode = characterDestination;
    while (
        endNode.x != characterPosition.x || endNode.y != characterPosition.y) {
      int endNode1d = this._convert2dto1d(endNode);

      if (cameFrom[endNode1d] == -1) {
        this.solutionExists = false;

      endNode = this._convert1dto2d(cameFrom[endNode1d]);
    // +++++ copy solution to 2d Queue<Point> end


  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // ----- _convert2dto1d
  // ----- Convert point to integer for easier manipulation
  int _convert2dto1d(Point node) {
    return node.y * this.gridWidth + node.x;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // ----- _convert1dto2d
  // ----- Convert integer back to point
  Point _convert1dto2d(int node1d) {
    if (this.gridWidth == 0) {
      return new Point(y: -1,x: -1);

    int y = node1d ~/ this.gridWidth;
    int x = node1d - y * this.gridWidth;

    return new Point(y: y,x: x);

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // ----- _neighbors
  Queue<Point> _neighbors(Point node) {
    Queue<Point> neighbors = Queue<Point>();

    for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx += 2) {
      Point neighborNode = new Point(y: node.y,x: node.x + dx);
      if (_isValidNode(neighborNode)) {
    for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy += 2) {
      Point neighborNode = new Point(y: node.y + dy,x: node.x);
      if (_isValidNode(neighborNode)) {

    return neighbors;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // ----- _isValidNode
  bool _isValidNode(Point node) {
    if (node.x >= 0 &&
        node.y >= 0 &&
        node.x < this.gridWidth &&
        node.y < this.gridHeight &&
        this.grid[node.y][node.x] != '?') {
      return true;
    return false;

// *****************************************************************************
// ***** main
void main() {
  print('Finding a viable solution for the shortest path...');

  var grid = [
    ['?','?','?'],['?',// Character is at position grid[2][1]
    ['?',// Destination is position grid[2][3]

  var characterPosition = Point(y: 2,x: 1);
  var characterDestination = Point(y: 2,x: 3);

  PathFinder pathFinder =
  if (pathFinder.solutionExists) {
    print('...Solution exists!');
    for (Point point in pathFinder.solution) {
  } else {
    print('...No solution exists.');

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