


在 Windows 10 上,我想在每个子/孙子进程上使用 <root> <name><s>Light and dark</s></name> <address> <sector>142</sector> <location>Noida</location> </address> </root> 挂起整个进程树。

我使用 NtSuspendProcess 启动父进程,进程树应如下所示:


我可以使用以下命令检索进程父句柄 uintptr:

myapp (executes cmd.Start())
   \__java (parent)

我不知道如何从父句柄(或 pid)中检索子进程的句柄,以便单独挂起它们。

  • 我尝试列出所有进程,然后仅选择具有正确父 pid 的进程,但是我找不到通过知道子 pid 来可靠地获取父 pid 的方法(另外,在孙进程的情况下会出现问题,另外我更喜欢只使用手柄,这应该更可靠)。
  • 我尝试创建一个生成一个进程的作业,以便能够使用作业的句柄列出所有子 pid/句柄,但它非常复杂,需要一些低级实现(不需要非常适合cmd := exec.Command("java",...) cmd.Start() // mirror os.Process struct type osprocmirror struct { Pid int handle uintptr isdone uint32 sigMu sync.RWMutex } handle := (*osprocmirror)(unsafe.Pointer(cmd.Process)) 包)。
  • 我从 os.exec 中找到了一个名为 user32.dll 的 windows 函数并开始实现它,但由于我不完全理解它是如何工作的(它是否只适用于具有图形窗口的进程?因为我根本不使用 GUI),我想知道其他可能的解决方案(也许更简单)。




我创建了一个小脚本来实现这一点(检查 here

// This is a script to retrieve the child processes pids of a process (retrieve the complete process tree)
// Tn this example the process identified by pid 7400 is used
// (please to run the test chose a process pid that has at least 1 child process)
// (tested on windows)

package main

import (

func main() {
    rootPid := uint32(7400)

    tree,err := getTreePids(rootPid)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("tree [",len(tree),"]:\t",tree)

// getTreePids will return a list of pids that represent the tree of process pids originating from the specified one.
// (they are ordered: [parent,1 gen child,2 gen child,...])
func getTreePids(rootPid uint32) ([]uint32,error) {
    // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/tlhelp32/ns-tlhelp32-processentry32
    procEntry := syscall.ProcessEntry32{}
    parentLayer := []uint32{rootPid}
    treePids := parentLayer
    foundRootPid := false

    snapshot,err := syscall.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(uint32(syscall.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS),0)
    if err != nil {
        return nil,err
    defer syscall.CloseHandle(snapshot)

    procEntry.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(procEntry))

    for {
        // set procEntry to the first process in the snapshot
        err = syscall.Process32First(snapshot,&procEntry)
        if err != nil {
            return nil,err

        // loop through the processes in the snapshot,if the parent pid of the analyzed process
        // is in in the parent layer,append the analyzed process pid in the child layer
        var childLayer []uint32
        for {
            if procEntry.ProcessID == rootPid {
                foundRootPid = true

            if contains(parentLayer,procEntry.ParentProcessID) {
                // avoid adding a pid if it's already contained in treePids
                // useful for pid 0 whose ppid is 0 and would lead to recursion (windows)
                if !contains(treePids,procEntry.ProcessID) {
                    childLayer = append(childLayer,procEntry.ProcessID)

            // advance to next process in snapshot
            err = syscall.Process32Next(snapshot,&procEntry)
            if err != nil {
                // if there aren't anymore processes to be analyzed,break out of the loop

        // if the specified rootPid is not found,return error
        if !foundRootPid {
            return nil,fmt.Errorf("specified rootPid not found")

        // fmt.Println(childLayer)

        // there are no more child processes,return the process tree
        if len(childLayer) == 0 {
            return treePids,nil

        // append the child layer to the tree pids
        treePids = append(treePids,childLayer...)

        // to analyze the next layer,set the child layer to be the new parent layer
        parentLayer = childLayer

func contains(list []uint32,e uint32) bool {
    for _,l := range list {
        if l == e {
            return true
    return false

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