
***** 没有可见的@interface 声明 *****

如何解决***** 没有可见的@interface 声明 *****

我是 Objective-c 的新手。我正在使用 swiftui 来制作我的应用程序。 但是需要为BLE植入objective-c代码。一切正常,直到我得到这个代码

在 .h 文件

- (void) setPackagebroadcast: (BOOL) broadcast;

并在 .m 文件

- (void)setPackagebroadcast:(BOOL)broadcast {
[self._parameter setbroadcast:broadcast];

我在 .m 文件中收到错误 “‘ESPTaskParameter’ 没有可见的@interface 声明了选择器‘setbroadcast:’”



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ESPTouchResult.h"
#import "ESPTouchDelegate.h"
#import "ESPAES.h"

#define ESPTOUCH_VERSION    @"SDK-v1.1.0"

#define DEBUG_ON   YES

@interface ESPTouchTask : NSObject

@property (atomic,assign) BOOL isCancelled;

- (id)initWithApSsid:(Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid:(Nsstring *)apBssid andApPwd:(Nsstring *)apPwd andAES:(ESPAES *)aes;

* Constructor of EsptouchTask
* @param apSsid
*            the Ap's ssid
* @param apBssid
*            the Ap's bssid
* @param apPassword
*            the Ap's password
* @param isSsidHidden
*            whether the Ap's ssid is hidden
- (id) initWithApSsid: (Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid: (Nsstring *) apBssid andApPwd: (Nsstring *)apPwd;

* Deprecated
- (id) initWithApSsid: (Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid: (Nsstring *) apBssid andApPwd: (Nsstring *)apPwd andisSsidHiden: (BOOL) isSsidHidden __deprecated_msg("Use initWithApSsid:(Nsstring *) andApBssid:(Nsstring *) andApPwd:(Nsstring *) instead.");

* Constructor of EsptouchTask
* @param apSsid
*            the Ap's ssid
* @param apBssid
*            the Ap's bssid
* @param apPassword
*            the Ap's password
* @param isSsidHidden
*            whether the Ap's ssid is hidden
* @param timeoutMillisecond(it should be >= 15000+6000)
*               millisecond of total timeout
* @param context
*            the Context of the Application
- (id) initWithApSsid: (Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid: (Nsstring *) apBssid andApPwd: (Nsstring *)apPwd andTimeoutMillisecond: (int) timeoutMillisecond;

* Constructor of EsptouchTask
* @param apSsid
*            the Ap's ssid
* @param apBssid
*            the Ap's bssid
* @param apPassword
*            the Ap's password
* @param isSsidHidden
*            whether the Ap's ssid is hidden
* @param timeoutMillisecond(it should be >= 15000+6000)
*               millisecond of total timeout
* @param context
*            the Context of the Application
- (id) initWithApSsid: (Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid: (Nsstring *) apBssid andApPwd: (Nsstring *)apPwd andisSsidHiden: (BOOL) isSsidHidden andTimeoutMillisecond: (int) timeoutMillisecond  __deprecated_msg("Use initWithApSsid:(Nsstring *) andApBssid:(Nsstring *) andApPwd:(Nsstring *) andTimeoutMillisecond:(int) instead.");
* Set boradcast or multicast when post config info
* @param broadcast YES is boradcast,NO is multicast
- (void) setPackagebroadcast: (BOOL) broadcast;



#import "ESPTouchTask.h"

#import "ESP_NetUtil.h"
#import "ESPTouchTaskParameter.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#define ONE_DATA_LEN    3

@interface ESPTouchTask ()

@property (nonatomic,strong) NSData *_apSsid;

@property (nonatomic,strong) NSData *_apBssid;

@property (nonatomic,strong) NSData *_apPwd;

@property (nonatomic,strong) ESPTaskParameter *_parameter;

@property (atomic,strong) NSMutableDictionary *_bssidTaskSucCountDict;

@property (atomic,strong) NSCondition *_esptouchResultArrayCondition;

@property (nonatomic,assign) __block uibackgroundtaskIdentifier _backgroundTask;

@property (nonatomic,strong) id<ESPTouchDelegate> _esptouchDelegate;

@property (nonatomic,strong) NSData *_localInetAddrData;


@implementation ESPTouchTask

- (id)initWithApSsid:(Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid:(Nsstring *)apBssid andApPwd:(Nsstring *)apPwd andAES:(ESPAES *)aes
NSLog(@"Welcome Esptouch %@",ESPTOUCH_VERSION);
if (apSsid==nil||[apSsid isEqualToString:@""])
    perror("ESPTouchTask initWithApSsid() apSsid shouldn't be null or empty");
// the apSsid should be null or empty
//    assert(apSsid!=nil&&![apSsid isEqualToString:@""]);
if (apPwd == nil)
    apPwd = @"";

self = [super init];
if (self)
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask init");
    if (aes == nil) {
        self._apSsid = [ESP_ByteUtil getBytesByNsstring:apSsid];
        self._apPwd = [ESP_ByteUtil getBytesByNsstring:apPwd];
    } else {
        self._apSsid = [aes AES128EncryptData:[ESP_ByteUtil getBytesByNsstring:apSsid]];
        self._apPwd = [aes AES128EncryptData:[ESP_ByteUtil getBytesByNsstring:apPwd]];
    self._apBssid = [ESP_NetUtil parseBssid2bytes:apBssid];
    self._parameter = [[ESPTaskParameter alloc]init];
    // check whether IPv4 and IPv6 is supported
    Nsstring *localInetAddr4 = [ESP_NetUtil getLocalIPv4];
    if (![ESP_NetUtil isIPv4PrivateAddr:localInetAddr4]) {
        localInetAddr4 = nil;
    Nsstring *localInetAddr6 = [ESP_NetUtil getLocalIPv6];
    [self._parameter setIsIPv4Supported:localInetAddr4!=nil];
    [self._parameter setIsIPv6Supported:localInetAddr6!=nil];
    // create udp client and udp server
    self._client = [[ESPUDPSocketClient alloc]init];
    self._server = [[ESPUDPSocketServer alloc]initWithPort: [self._parameter getPortListening]
                                          AndSocketTimeout: [self._parameter getWaitUdpTotalMillisecond]];
    // update listening port for IPv6
    [self._parameter setListeningPort6:self._server.port];
    if (DEBUG_ON) {
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask app server port is %d",self._server.port);
    if (localInetAddr4!=nil) {
        self._localInetAddrData = [ESP_NetUtil getLocalInetAddress4ByAddr:localInetAddr4];
    } else {
        int localPort = [self._parameter getPortListening];
        self._localInetAddrData = [ESP_NetUtil getLocalInetAddress6ByPort:localPort];
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        // for ESPTouchGenerator only receive 4 bytes for local address no matter IPv4 or IPv6
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask executeForResult() localInetAddr: %@",[ESP_NetUtil descriptionInetAddr4ByData:self._localInetAddrData]);
    self._isSuc = NO;
    self._isInterrupt = NO;
    self._isWakeUp = NO;
    self._isExecutedAlready = NO;
    self._condition = [[NSCondition alloc]init];
    self._isSsidHidden = YES;
    self._esptouchResultArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
    self._bssidTaskSucCountDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
    self._esptouchResultArrayCondition = [[NSCondition alloc]init];
return self;

- (id) initWithApSsid: (Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid: (Nsstring *) apBssid andApPwd: (Nsstring *)apPwd {
return [self initWithApSsid:apSsid andApBssid:apBssid andApPwd:apPwd andAES:nil];

- (id) initWithApSsid: (Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid: (Nsstring *) apBssid andApPwd: (Nsstring *)apPwd andisSsidHiden: (BOOL) isSsidHidden
return [self initWithApSsid:apSsid andApBssid:apBssid andApPwd:apPwd];

- (id) initWithApSsid: (Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid: (Nsstring *) apBssid andApPwd: (Nsstring *)apPwd andTimeoutMillisecond: (int) timeoutMillisecond
ESPTouchTask *_self = [self initWithApSsid:apSsid andApBssid:apBssid andApPwd:apPwd];
if (_self)
    [_self._parameter setWaitUdpTotalMillisecond:timeoutMillisecond];
return _self;

- (id) initWithApSsid: (Nsstring *)apSsid andApBssid: (Nsstring *) apBssid andApPwd: (Nsstring *)apPwd andisSsidHiden: (BOOL) isSsidHidden andTimeoutMillisecond: (int) timeoutMillisecond
return [self initWithApSsid:apSsid andApBssid:apBssid andApPwd:apPwd andTimeoutMillisecond:timeoutMillisecond];

- (void) __putEsptouchResultIsSuc: (BOOL) isSuc AndBssid: (Nsstring *)bssid AndInetAddr:(NSData *)inetAddr
[self._esptouchResultArrayCondition lock];
// check whether the result receive enough UDP response
BOOL isTaskSucCountEnough = NO;
NSNumber *countNumber = [self._bssidTaskSucCountDict objectForKey:bssid];
int count = 0;
if (countNumber != nil)
    count = [countNumber intValue];
    NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __putEsptouchResult(): count = %d",count);
countNumber = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithInt:count];
[self._bssidTaskSucCountDict setobject:countNumber forKey:bssid];
isTaskSucCountEnough = count >= [self._parameter getThresholdSucbroadcastCount];
if (!isTaskSucCountEnough)
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __putEsptouchResult(): count = %d,isn't enough",count);
    [self._esptouchResultArrayCondition unlock];
// check whether the result is in the mEsptouchResultList already
BOOL isExist = NO;
for (id esptouchResultId in self._esptouchResultArray)
    ESPTouchResult *esptouchResultInArray = esptouchResultId;
    if ([esptouchResultInArray.bssid isEqualToString:bssid])
        isExist = YES;
// only add the result who isn't in the mEsptouchResultList
if (!isExist)
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __putEsptouchResult(): put one more result");
    ESPTouchResult *esptouchResult = [[ESPTouchResult alloc]initWithIsSuc:isSuc andBssid:bssid andInetAddrData:inetAddr];
    [self._esptouchResultArray addobject:esptouchResult];
    if (self._esptouchDelegate != nil)
        [self._esptouchDelegate onesptouchResultAddedWithResult:esptouchResult];
[self._esptouchResultArrayCondition unlock];

-(NSArray *) __getEsptouchResultList
[self._esptouchResultArrayCondition lock];
if ([self._esptouchResultArray count] == 0)
    ESPTouchResult *esptouchResult = [[ESPTouchResult alloc]initWithIsSuc:NO andBssid:nil andInetAddrData:nil];
    esptouchResult.isCancelled = self.isCancelled;
    [self._esptouchResultArray addobject:esptouchResult];
[self._esptouchResultArrayCondition unlock];
return self._esptouchResultArray;

- (void) beginBackgroundTask
    NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask beginBackgroundTask() entrance");
self._backgroundTask = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask beginBackgroundTask() endBackgroundTask");
    [self endBackgroundTask];

- (void) endBackgroundTask
    NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask endBackgroundTask() entrance");
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask: self._backgroundTask];
self._backgroundTask = uibackgroundtaskInvalid;

- (void) __listenAsyn: (const int) expectDataLen
dispatch_queue_t  queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(disPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,0);
    [self beginBackgroundTask];
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __listenAsyn() start an asyn listen task,current thread is: %@",[NSThread currentThread]);
    NSTimeInterval startTimestamp = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
  //        Nsstring *apSsidAndPwd = [Nsstring stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",self._apSsid,self._apPwd];
    Byte expectOneByte = [self._apSsid length] + [self._apPwd length] + 9;
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __listenAsyn() expectOneByte: %d",expectOneByte);
    Byte receiveOneByte = -1;
    NSData *receiveData = nil;
    while ([self._esptouchResultArray count] < [self._parameter getExpectTaskResultCount] && !self._isInterrupt)
        if ([self._parameter isIPv4Supported]) {
            receiveData = [self._server receiveSpecLenBytes4:expectDataLen];
        } else {
            receiveData = [self._server receiveSpecLenBytes6:expectDataLen];
        if (receiveData != nil)
            [receiveData getBytes:&receiveOneByte length:1];
            receiveOneByte = -1;
        if (receiveOneByte == expectOneByte)
            if (DEBUG_ON)
                NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __listenAsyn() receive correct broadcast");
            // change the socket's timeout
            NSTimeInterval consume = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] - startTimestamp;
            int timeout = (int)([self._parameter getWaitUdpTotalMillisecond] - consume*1000);
            if (timeout < 0)
                if (DEBUG_ON)
                    NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __listenAsyn() esptouch timeout");
                if (DEBUG_ON)
                    NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __listenAsyn() socketServer's new timeout is %d milliseconds",timeout);
                [self._server setSocketTimeout:timeout];
                if (DEBUG_ON)
                    NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __listenAsyn() receive correct broadcast");
                if (receiveData != nil)
                    Nsstring *bssid =
                    [ESP_ByteUtil parseBssid:(Byte *)[receiveData bytes]
                                      Offset:[self._parameter getEsptouchResultOneLen]
                                       Count:[self._parameter getEsptouchResultMacLen]];
                    NSData *inetAddrData =
                    [ESP_NetUtil parseInetAddrByData:receiveData
                                           andOffset:[self._parameter getEsptouchResultOneLen] + [self._parameter getEsptouchResultMacLen]
                                            andCount:[self._parameter getEsptouchResultIpLen]];
                    [self __putEsptouchResultIsSuc:YES AndBssid:bssid AndInetAddr:inetAddrData];
            if (DEBUG_ON)
                NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __listenAsyn() receive rubbish message,just ignore");
    self._isSuc = [self._esptouchResultArray count] >= [self._parameter getExpectTaskResultCount];
    [self __interrupt];
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __listenAsyn() finish");
    [self endBackgroundTask];

 - (void) interrupt
    NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask interrupt()");
self.isCancelled = YES;
[self __interrupt];

- (void) __interrupt
self._isInterrupt = YES;
[self._client interrupt];
[self._server interrupt];
// notify the ESPTouchTask to wake up from sleep mode
[self __notify];

- (BOOL) __execute: (ESPTouchGenerator *)generator
    NSTimeInterval startTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
    NSTimeInterval currentTime = startTime;
    NSTimeInterval lastTime = currentTime - [self._parameter 

NSArray *gcBytes2 = [generator getGCBytes2];
NSArray *dcBytes2 = [generator getDCBytes2];

int index = 0;

while (!self._isInterrupt)
    if (currentTime - lastTime >= [self._parameter getTimeoutTotalCodeMillisecond]/1000.0)
        if (DEBUG_ON)
            NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __execute() send gc code ");
        // send guide code
        while (!self._isInterrupt && [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] - currentTime < [self._parameter getTimeoutGuideCodeMillisecond]/1000.0)
            [self._client sendDataWithBytesArray2:gcBytes2
                                 ToTargetHostName:[self._parameter getTargetHostname]
                                         WithPort:[self._parameter getTargetPort]
                                      andInterval:[self._parameter getIntervalGuideCodeMillisecond]];
            // check whether the udp is send enough time
            if ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] - startTime > [self._parameter getWaitUdpSendingMillisecond]/1000.0)
        lastTime = currentTime;
        [self._client sendDataWithBytesArray2:dcBytes2
                             ToTargetHostName:[self._parameter getTargetHostname]
                                     WithPort:[self._parameter getTargetPort]
                                  andInterval:[self._parameter getIntervalDataCodeMillisecond]];
        index = (index + ONE_DATA_LEN) % [dcBytes2 count];
    currentTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
    // check whether the udp is send enough time
    if ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] - startTime > [self._parameter getWaitUdpSendingMillisecond]/1000.0)

    return self._isSuc;

- (void) __checkTaskValid
    if (self._isExecutedAlready)
        perror("ESPTouchTask __checkTaskValid() fail,the task Could be executed only once");
    // !!!NOTE: the esptouch task Could be executed only once
   self._isExecutedAlready = YES;

- (ESPTouchResult *) executeForResult
    return [[self executeForResults:1] objectAtIndex:0];

- (NSArray*) executeForResults:(int) expectTaskResultCount
    // set task result count
    if (expectTaskResultCount <= 0)
         expectTaskResultCount = INT32_MAX;
    [self._parameter setExpectTaskResultCount:expectTaskResultCount];

    [self __checkTaskValid];

    // generator the esptouch byte[][] to be transformed,which will cost
    // some time(maybe a bit much)
ESPTouchGenerator *generator = [[ESPTouchGenerator alloc]initWithSsid:self._apSsid andApBssid:self._apBssid andApPassword:self._apPwd andInetAddrData:self._localInetAddrData andisSsidHidden:self._isSsidHidden];
// listen the esptouch result asyn
[self __listenAsyn:[self._parameter getEsptouchResultTotalLen]];
BOOL isSuc = NO;
for (int i = 0; i < [self._parameter getTotalRepeatTime]; i++)
    isSuc = [self __execute:generator];
    if (isSuc)
        return [self __getEsptouchResultList];

if (!self._isInterrupt)
    [self __sleep: [self._parameter getWaitUdpReceivingMillisecond]];
    [self __interrupt];

    return [self __getEsptouchResultList];

// sleep some milliseconds
- (BOOL) __sleep :(long) milliseconds
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __sleep() start");
    NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: milliseconds/1000.0];
    [self._condition lock];
    BOOL signaled = NO;
    while (!self._isWakeUp && (signaled = [self._condition waitUntilDate:date]))
    [self._condition unlock];
    if (DEBUG_ON)
        NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __sleep() end,receive signal is %@",signaled ? @"YES" : @"NO");
    return signaled;

 // notify the sleep thread to wake up
- (void) __notify
    if (DEBUG_ON)
    NSLog(@"ESPTouchTask __notify()");
[self._condition lock];
self._isWakeUp = YES;
[self._condition signal];
[self._condition unlock];

- (void) setEsptouchDelegate: (NSObject<ESPTouchDelegate> *) esptouchDelegate
    self._esptouchDelegate = esptouchDelegate;

- (void)setPackagebroadcast:(BOOL)broadcast {
[self._parameter setbroadcast:broadcast];


调用它 在我看来 Swiftui 中的结构

    func executeForResults(ssid: String?,bssid: String?,password: String?,taskCount: Int,broadcast: Bool) -> [Any]? {
    esptouchTask = ESPTouchTask(apSsid: ssid,andApBssid: bssid,andApPwd: password)
    let esptouchResults = esptouchTask?.execute(forResults: Int32(taskCount))
    print("ESPViewController executeForResult() result is: \(String(describing: esptouchResults))")
    return esptouchResults



在您的代码中搜索 ESPTaskParameter 的 @interface 的定义位置,这将在某个 .h 文件中。然后,确保 .m 文件 #imports 该头文件。如果不是,则确实没有可见的接口定义您要调用的选择器来尝试调用它的 .m 文件

并检查接口 .h 是否确实声明了用于广播的公共设置器。

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