


通过TASM广播时,一切正常,正在创建扩展名为.COM文件.但是当我运行这个程序时,会弹出一条消息,说文件没有打开。 必须使用带有 .COM 扩展名的执行程序。


.model tiny


    ORG 100h


main    proc
        ;clearing the screen
        call    ClearScreen
        ;opening a file
        mov     ah,3Dh     ;File Open
        mov     al,00h     ;Read Only
        lea     dx,FileName
        mov     cx,01h
        int     21h
        jnc     @@showtext
        mov     ah,09h     ;displays an error message about opening a file
        lea     dx,msgErrorFileOpen
        int     21h
        jmp     @@Exit
        mov     FileHandle,ax      ;saving the file descriptor
        ;reading from a file
        mov     ah,3Fh     ;File Read
        mov     bx,FileHandle
        lea     dx,filebuffer
        mov     cx,filebufferSize
        int     21h
        jnc     @@Process
        mov     ah,09h     ;output of a file read error message
        lea     dx,msgErrorFileRead
        int     21h
        jmp     @@CloseFile
        mov     filebufLen,ax      ;the actual number of bytes read from the file
        ;preparing the screen buffer - filling it with symbol+attribute pairs (color)
        mov     cx,ax      ;the actual number of bytes read from the file
        lea     si,filebuffer
        lea     di,ScreenBuffer
        push    ds
        pop     es
                call    GetAttr
        loop    @@NextChar
        ;buffer output to the screen
        mov     ah,13h
        mov     al,03      ;string format: char,attr,char,attr...; move the cursor
        lea     bp,ds:ScreenBuffer ;es:bp - string address
        push    ds
        pop     es
        mov     cx,filebufLen      ;string length (only characters are counted)
        mov     bh,0       ;video page
        mov     dh,0       ;output start line
        mov     dl,0       ;output start column
        int     10h
        ;closing the file
        mov     ah,3Eh
        mov     bx,FileHandle
        int     21h
        mov     ah,09h
        lea     dx,msgPressAnyKey
        int     21h
        ;end of the program
        mov ah,00h
        int 16h     ;waiting for the key to close the program
        int     20h
main    endp
;Clearing the screen
ClearScreen     proc
        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        mov     ah,06h     ;SCROLL UP function
        mov     bh,07h     ;attribute to fill in
        mov     cx,0000h   ;upper-left corner of the window
        mov     dx,184fh   ;lower right corner of the window
        int     10h
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
ClearScreen     endp
;Getting the color of a symbol by its belonging to a group
;blue - if the character is a punctuation mark
;red - if the character is a digit
;white - in all other cases
;at the input
;on the output
;ah - color of the symbol
GetAttr proc
        ;assigning the "default" attribute"
        mov     ah,clWhite
        ;checking the character for belonging to the "numbers group"
        cmp     al,'0'
        jb      @@IsPunctuation
        cmp     al,'9'
        ja      @@IsPunctuation
        mov     ah,clRed
        ;checking the character for belonging to the "punctuation marks group"
        push    si
        push    di
        push    cx
        push    es
        push    ds
        pop     es
        lea     di,Punctuation
        mov     cx,LenPunctuation
        repne   scasb
        jnz     @@Skip
        mov     ah,clBlue
        pop     es
        pop     cx
        pop     di
        pop     si

GetAttr endp

    BufSize                         equ     80*25
    clBlue                          equ     01h
    clRed                           equ     04h
    clWhite                         equ     07h

    FileName                        db      'Screen.txt',0
    FileHandle                      dw      ?
    filebuffer                      db      BufSize dup(?)
    filebufferSize                  dw      $-filebuffer
    filebufLen                      dw      ?               ;the number of bytes actually read

    align 2
    ScreenBuffer                    db      2*BufSize dup(?)
    ScreenBufferSize                dw      $-ScreenBuffer

    ;program messages
    CrLf                            db      0Dh,0Ah,'$'
    msgPressAnyKey                  db      0Dh,'Press any key to exit...','$'
    msgErrorFileOpen                db      'File open error.','$'
    msgErrorFileRead                db      'File read error.','$'
    msgMouseFault                   db      'The mouse or mouse driver was not detected.',13,10,'$'

    Punctuation                     db      '.,!?;:"()',"'"
    LenPunctuation                  dw      $-Punctuation

end     BEGIN


正如 Michael 所说,文件 ".\Screen.txt" 可能在当前目录中找不到。尝试使用完整路径重新定义它。

我对 LenPunctuation dw $-Punctuation 的定义有疑问, 我不得不把它改成 LenPunctuation EQU $-Punctuation 使您的程序正常运行。最好(不仅在 TASM 中)使用方括号 [] 来区分从内存加载 (mov cx [LenPunctuation']) 和加载 asm 时间常数 (mov cx,LenPunctuation)。

COM 程序启动时,所有段寄存器都预定义为相同的值,所有这些对

push ds
pop es


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