如何使用 CSS 或 JavaScript 使文本自动放大到屏幕?

如何解决如何使用 CSS 或 JavaScript 使文本自动放大到屏幕?

我正在尝试为我的作品集网站使用 CSS 动画效果。在我的名字淡入屏幕后,我想放大特定字母,同时自动放大我的整个名字。

我用 figma 创建了我的名字,并在 HTML 中导入了 SVG。我已经通过将 id 指定给 CSS 并搜索了几个小时来尝试 ::after 函数,但我仍然不知道如何正确执行此操作。


How to make the text content in a div increase and decrease in font size repeatedly?



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <Meta charset="UTF-8">
    <Meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>J Portfolio</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css" />

    <svg id = "logo" width="380" height="53" viewBox="0 0 380 53" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
        <path d="M25.626 1.23438H32.2227V36.4736C32.2227 41.236 30.7871 44.9616 27.916 47.6504C25.0677 50.3392 21.2624 51.6836 16.5 51.6836C11.5553 51.6836 7.70443 50.4189 4.94727 47.8896C2.1901 45.3604 0.811523 41.8171 0.811523 37.2598H7.37402C7.37402 40.1081 8.14876 42.3298 9.69824 43.9248C11.2705 45.5199 13.5378 46.3174 16.5 46.3174C19.2116 46.3174 21.3991 45.4629 23.0625 43.7539C24.7487 42.0449 25.6032 39.6523 25.626 36.5762V1.23438Z" stroke="black"/>
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    <script src = "app.js"></script>




* {
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body {
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#logo {
    position: absolute;
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    animation: fill 0.5s ease forwards 3.5s;

#logo::after {
    animation: textgrowth 1s infinite alternate;

#logo path:nth-child(1) {
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#logo path:nth-child(2) {
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#logo path:nth-child(3) {
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#logo path:nth-child(5) {
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#logo path:nth-child(6) {
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#logo path:nth-child(7) {
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#logo path:nth-child(8) {
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@keyframes textgrowth {
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@keyframes line-anim{
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const logo = document.querySelectorAll('#logo path');

for (let i = 0; i < logo.length; i++) {
    console.log(`Letter ${i} is ${logo[i].getTotalLength()}`);


只需将 svg 标签的高度和宽度更改为 auto

<svg id = "logo" width="auto" height="auto" viewBox="0 0 380 53" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">

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