
正则表达式验证逗号分隔的 IPv4 和 cidr

如何解决正则表达式验证逗号分隔的 IPv4 和 cidr

我有这个正则表达式可以验证 IPV4 和 IPV6 ip 地址和 CIDR,但我只想验证 ipv4 地址和 cidr






regex proof


  ^                        the beginning of the string
  (                        group and capture to \1 (1 or more times
                           (matching the most amount possible)):
    (                        group and capture to \2 (between 0 and 1
                             times (matching the most amount
      (                        group and capture to \3 (3 times):
        (                        group and capture to \4:
          [0-9]                    any character of: '0' to '9'
         |                        OR
          [1-9]                    any character of: '1' to '9'
          [0-9]                    any character of: '0' to '9'
         |                        OR
          1                        '1'
          [0-9]{2}                 any character of: '0' to '9' (2
         |                        OR
          2                        '2'
          [0-4]                    any character of: '0' to '4'
          [0-9]                    any character of: '0' to '9'
         |                        OR
          25                       '25'
          [0-5]                    any character of: '0' to '5'
        )                        end of \4
        \.                       '.'
      ){3}                     end of \3 (NOTE: because you are using
                               a quantifier on this capture,only the
                               LAST repetition of the captured
                               pattern will be stored in \3)
      (                        group and capture to \5:
        [0-9]                    any character of: '0' to '9'
       |                        OR
        [1-9]                    any character of: '1' to '9'
        [0-9]                    any character of: '0' to '9'
       |                        OR
        1                        '1'
        [0-9]{2}                 any character of: '0' to '9' (2
       |                        OR
        2                        '2'
        [0-4]                    any character of: '0' to '4'
        [0-9]                    any character of: '0' to '9'
       |                        OR
        25                       '25'
        [0-5]                    any character of: '0' to '5'
      )                        end of \5
      (                        group and capture to \6 (between 0 and
                               1 times (matching the most amount
        \/                       '/'
        (                        group and capture to \7:
          [1-9]                    any character of: '1' to '9'
         |                        OR
          1                        '1'
          [0-9]                    any character of: '0' to '9'
         |                        OR
          2                        '2'
          [0-8]                    any character of: '0' to '8'
         |                        OR
          3                        '3'
          [0-2]                    any character of: '0' to '2'
        )                        end of \7
      ){0,1}                   end of \6 (NOTE: because you are using
                               a quantifier on this capture,only the
                               LAST repetition of the captured
                               pattern will be stored in \6)
    ){0,1}                   end of \2 (NOTE: because you are using a
                             quantifier on this capture,only the
                             LAST repetition of the captured pattern
                             will be stored in \2)
    (                        group and capture to \8 (between 0 and 1
                             times (matching the most amount
      (                        group and capture to \9:
        \s*                      whitespace (\n,\r,\t,\f,and " ")
                                 (0 or more times (matching the most
                                 amount possible))
        \s*                      whitespace (\n,and " ")
                                 (0 or more times (matching the most
                                 amount possible))
      )                        end of \9
      (?=                      look ahead to see if there is:
        [^,]                     any character except: ','
      )                        end of look-ahead
    ){0,1}                   end of \8 (NOTE: because you are using a
                             quantifier on this capture,only the
                             LAST repetition of the captured pattern
                             will be stored in \8)
  )+                       end of \1 (NOTE: because you are using a
                           quantifier on this capture,only the LAST
                           repetition of the captured pattern will be
                           stored in \1)
  $                        before an optional \n,and the end of the

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