
计算置信区间 - Bootstap

如何解决计算置信区间 - Bootstap

我正在尝试计算具有 1000 个数字的列表的置信区间,并将其转换为具有两个变量的元组。 然而,我没有得到一个包含两个变量的元组,而是得到一个包含两个数组的元组,每个数组包含 1000 个区间。 这是我的代码

def bootstrap(list):
"""in this line I made 1K lists with 16 numbers that was randomly picked"""
randomize = [[random.choice(list) for _ in list] for _ in range(1000)]
""" after that I used list comprehension and numpy to calculate mean and get 1 list with 1K means"""
means = [np.mean([i for i in sublist]) for sublist in randomize]
```then I tried to create two variable that each one is a sole number that represents the interval```
ci_left,ci_right = tuple(stats.t.interval(0.95,df =len(means) -1,loc = means))
return (ci_left,ci_right)








def bootstrap(list):
"""in this line I made 1K lists with 16 numbers that was randomly picked"""
randomize = [[random.choice(list) for _ in list] for _ in range(1000)]
""" after that I used list comprehension and numpy to calculate mean and get 1 list with 1K means"""
means = [np.mean([i for i in sublist]) for sublist in randomize]
ci_left,ci_right = tuple(stats.t.interval(0.95,df =len(means) -1,loc = sum(means)/len(means),scale = scipy.stats.sem(means)))
return (ci_left,ci_right)

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