如何解决WITH 子句语法错误 - 使用外部选择时
我在下面创建了一个 sql,当我试图将它放在外部选择下时,它只会显示从 WITH 子句查询下面呈现的结果,它在 sql server 中给我错误,在那里工作正常与甲骨文。 我不想创建一个视图,我想把它放在合并语句中的输出下面...
select custno,slipno,category,donation,unique_nm from
-- Here it is throwing error
with got_debit_custno (custno,debit_custno) as
select custno,case
when category = 'CREDIT'
then 'N/A'
else custno
from a
),prep (custno,debit_custno,rn,rdt) as
select dc.*,row_number () over (partition by debit_custno,category order by donation,slipno),sum (donation) over (partition by debit_custno,slipno)
from got_debit_custno dc
),r (custno,rdt,mn) as
select custno,case
when rn = max(rn) over (partition by debit_custno,category)
then rn
from prep
where rdt <= 27000 or rn = 1
union all
select p.custno,p.slipno,p.category,p.donation,p.debit_custno,case
when p.rn = max(p.rn) over (partition by p.debit_custno,p.category)
then p.rn
end,p.rdt,r.mn + 1
from prep p
join r on p.debit_custno = r.debit_custno
and p.category = r.categoRy
and p.rn > r.rn
and (p.rdt <= r.rdt + 27000 or p.rn = r.rn + 1)
select custno,dense_rank () over (order by debit_custno,mn) as unique_nm
from r)
order by custno,unique_nm,donation
WITH 必须是查询的第一个关键字。前面的语句必须以 ;
;WITH got_debit_custno (custno,slipno,category,donation,debit_custno) as
select custno,case
when category = 'CREDIT'
then 'N/A'
else custno
from a
),prep (custno,debit_custno,rn,rdt) as
select dc.*,row_number () over (partition by debit_custno,category order by donation,slipno),sum (donation) over (partition by debit_custno,slipno)
from got_debit_custno dc
),r (custno,rdt,mn) as
select custno,case
when rn = max(rn) over (partition by debit_custno,category)
then rn
from prep
where rdt <= 27000 or rn = 1
union all
select p.custno,p.slipno,p.category,p.donation,p.debit_custno,case
when p.rn = max(p.rn) over (partition by p.debit_custno,p.category)
then p.rn
end,p.rdt,r.mn + 1
from prep p
join r on p.debit_custno = r.debit_custno
and p.category = r.categoRy
and p.rn > r.rn
and (p.rdt <= r.rdt + 27000 or p.rn = r.rn + 1)
select custno,dense_rank () over (order by debit_custno,mn) as unique_nm
from r
order by custno,unique_nm,donation
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