


| 我有一个div,其内容名为
<div id=\"level0\">
)。不幸的是,我的网页中的“ 0”发生了变化,我需要以相同的第一个值重新使用“ 3”。 我该如何实现? 编辑 我的代码
<body onload =\"init()\">
          <h1>Search engine bêta version</h1>
      <input id=\"text\" type=\"text\" size=\"60\" value=\"Type your keywords\" />
      <input type=\"button\" value=\"display the results\" onclick=\"check();\" />

      <script =\"text/javascript\">

      function check() {
          var div = document.getElementById(\"level0\");   // Here level0 takes the value of Type your keywords and I want it to stick with the first value
          div.innerHTML = document.getElementById(\"text\").value;


      <div id=\"level0\"> // The value I want to keep



如果要使用显示结果的第一个\“ text \”,则此代码可能有用           搜索引擎bêta版本              
  <script =\"text/javascript\">
var i=1;
var firstText;
  function check() {
      var div = document.getElementById(\"level0\");   // Here level0 takes the value of Type your keywords and I want it to stick with the first value
      div.innerHTML = document.getElementById(\"text\").value;


  <div id=\"level0\"> // The value I want to keep
<body onload =\"init()\">
      <h1>Search engine bêta version</h1>
      <input id=\"text\" type=\"text\" size=\"60\" value=\"Type your keywords\" />
      <input type=\"button\" value=\"Display the results\" onclick=\"check();\" />

      <script =\"text/javascript\">
      //Whether or not we\'re replacing the content in the div for the first time
      var firstReplace = true;
      //The original content of the div
      var originalContent;
      function check() {
        var div = document.getElementById(\"level0\");   // Here level0 takes the value of Type your keywords and I want it to stick with the first value
        //Check if this is the first time
        if (firstReplace) {
            //Is the first time,so store the content
            originalContent = div.innerHTML;
            //Set firstReplace to false,so we don\'t overwrite the origianlContent variable again
            firstReplace = false;
        div.innerHTML = originalContent + \' \' + document.getElementById(\"text\").value;

      <div id=\"level0\"> // The value I want to keep


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