


| 我成功使用readData读取了16位音频文件生成了用于波形显示的峰值文件。但是,我在解释24位FLAC和WAV文件的PCM值时遇到一些麻烦。 首先,24位的块大小是多少? 16位带符号值的范围是-32768至+32768,而24位范围是-8388607至+8388607。 我将4096字节的块大小用于16位文件(65536/16 = 4096)。它可以很好地检测峰。 如果我对24位进行相同的计算,则16777215/24 = 699050.625字节。我错了吗?我想我必须使用32位变量来存储24位值。但是读取文件时我应该使用什么块大小? 699051?如何调整转换为浮点数组? 这是我用来为16位PCM数据生成峰值文件的完整C#代码。我故意将24位代码留空,因为它不起作用。一些代码引用了我自己的FMOD包装器,但它应该很容易理解。
 // Declare variables
            FMOD.RESULT result = FMOD.RESULT.OK;
            FileStream fileStream = null;
            BinaryWriter binaryWriter = null;
            GZipStream gzipStream = null;
            bool generatePeakFile = false;
            int CHUNKSIZE = 0;
            uint length = 0;
            uint read = 0;
            uint bytesread = 0;
            Int16[] left16BitArray = null;
            Int16[] right16BitArray = null;
            Int32[] left32BitArray = null;
            Int32[] right32BitArray = null;
            float[] floatLeft = null;
            float[] floatRight = null;
            byte[] buffer = null;
            IntPtr data = new IntPtr(); // initialized properly later
            WaveDataMinMax minMax = null;

                // Set current file directory
                m_peakFileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + \"\\\\Peak Files\\\\\";

                // Get file name from argument
                string fileName = (string)e.Argument;

                // Create sound system with NOSOUND
                MPfm.sound.System soundSystem = new MPfm.sound.System(FMOD.OUTPUTTYPE.NOSOUND,string.Empty);

                // Create sound
                MPfm.sound.sound sound = soundSystem.CreateSound(fileName,false);

                // Get sound format; specifically bits per sample (changes the calculations later)
                SoundFormat soundFormat = sound.GetSoundFormat();

                // Get the length of the file in PCM bytes               
                sound.BaseSound.getLength(ref length,FMOD.TIMEUNIT.PCMBYTES);

                // Check if the folder for peak files exists
                if (!Directory.Exists(PeakFileDirectory))
                    // Create directory

                // Generate the file name for the peak file by using the full path without special characters
                string peakFilePath = PeakFileDirectory + fileName.Replace(@\"\\\",\"_\").Replace(\":\",\"_\").Replace(\".\",\"_\") + \".mpfmPeak\";

                // Check if peak file exists                
                    // Set flag
                    generatePeakFile = true;

                    // Create peak file
                    fileStream = new FileStream(peakFilePath,FileMode.Create,FileAccess.Write);
                    binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(fileStream);
                    gzipStream = new GZipStream(fileStream,CompressionMode.Compress);                   

                // Check the bits per sample to determine what chunk size to get                
                if (soundFormat.BitsPerSample == 16)
                    // 4096 bytes for 16-bit PCM data
                    CHUNKSIZE = 4096;
                else if (soundFormat.BitsPerSample == 24)
                    // 699050.625 bytes for 24-bit PCM data (???)   
                    CHUNKSIZE = 699051;

                // Create buffer
                data = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(CHUNKSIZE);
                buffer = new byte[CHUNKSIZE];

                // Loop through file using chunk size
                    // Check for cancel
                    if (m_workerWaveForm.CancellationPending)

                    // Check the bits per sample
                    if (soundFormat.BitsPerSample == 16)
                        // Read data chunk (4096 bytes for 16-bit PCM data)
                        result = sound.BaseSound.readData(data,(uint)CHUNKSIZE,ref read);
                        bytesread += read;

                        // Is freehglobal needed? it crashes after one use.

                        // Convert the byte (8-bit) arrays into a short (16-bit) arrays (signed values)
                        left16BitArray = new Int16[buffer.Length / 4];
                        right16BitArray = new Int16[buffer.Length / 4];

                        // Loop through byte (8-bit) array buffer; increment by 4 (i.e. 4 times more data in 16-bit than 8-bit)
                        for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i = i + 4)
                            // Convert values to 16-bit
                            left16BitArray[i / 4] = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer,i);
                            right16BitArray[i / 4] = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer,i + 2); // alternate between left and right channel

                        // Convert the short arrays to float arrays (signed values)
                        // This will convert the -32768 to 32768 value range to -1 to 1 (useful for wave display) 
                        floatLeft = new float[left16BitArray.Length];
                        floatRight = new float[left16BitArray.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < left16BitArray.Length; i++)
                            // 16-bit data for unsigned values range from 0 to 65536.
                            floatLeft[i] = left16BitArray[i] / 65536.0f;
                            floatRight[i] = right16BitArray[i] / 65536.0f;                            
                    else if (soundFormat.BitsPerSample == 24)
                       // (non-working code removed)

                        // (I have no idea if this works) Convert the short arrays to float arrays (signed values)
                        // This will convert the -8388608 to 8388608value range to -1 to 1 (useful for wave display) 
                        floatLeft = new float[left32BitArray.Length];
                        floatRight = new float[left32BitArray.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < left32BitArray.Length; i++)
                            // 16-bit data for unsigned values range from 0 to 16777215.
                            floatLeft[i] = left32BitArray[i] / 16777215.0f;
                            floatRight[i] = right32BitArray[i] / 16777215.0f;                            

                    // Calculate min/max
                    minMax = AudioTools.GetMinMaxFromWaveData(floatLeft,floatRight,false);

                    // Report progress
                    m_bytesRead = bytesread;
                    m_totalBytes = length;
                    m_percentageDone = ((float)bytesread / (float)length) * 100;

                    // Write peak information to hard disk
                    if (generatePeakFile)
                        // Write peak information
                while (result == FMOD.RESULT.OK && read == CHUNKSIZE);

                // Release sound from memory

                // Close sound system and release from memory

                // Set nulls for garbage collection               
                sound = null;
                soundSystem = null;
                left16BitArray = null;
                right16BitArray = null;
                left32BitArray = null;
                right32BitArray = null;
                floatLeft = null;
                floatRight = null;                
                buffer = null;
                minMax = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                // Did we have to generate a peak file?
                if (generatePeakFile)
                    // Close writer and stream

                    // Set nulls
                    gzipStream = null;
                    binaryWriter = null;
                    fileStream = null;

            // Call garbage collector
/// <summary>
/// This method takes the left channel and right channel wave raw data and analyses it to get
/// the maximum and minimum values in the float structure. It returns a data structure named
/// WaveDataMinMax (see class description for more information). Negative values can be converted to
/// positive values before min and max comparaison. Set this parameter to true for output meters and
/// false for wave form display controls.
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\"waveDataLeft\">Raw wave data (left channel)</param>
/// <param name=\"waveDataRight\">Raw wave data (right channel)</param>
/// <param name=\"convertNegativetoPositive\">Convert negative values to positive values (ex: true when used for output meters,/// false when used with wave form display controls (since the negative value is used to draw the bottom end of the waveform).<</param>
/// <returns>WaveDataMinMax data structure</returns>
public static WaveDataMinMax GetMinMaxFromWaveData(float[] waveDataLeft,float[] waveDataRight,bool convertNegativetoPositive)
    // Create default data
    WaveDataMinMax data = new WaveDataMinMax();

    // Loop through values to get min/max
    for (int i = 0; i < waveDataLeft.Length; i++)
        // Set values to compare
        float left = waveDataLeft[i];
        float right = waveDataRight[i];

        // Do we have to convert values before comparaison?
        if (convertNegativetoPositive)
            // Compare values,if negative then remove negative sign
            if (left < 0)
                left = -left;
            if (right < 0)
                right = -right;

        // Calculate min/max for left channel
        if (left < data.leftMin)
            data.leftMin = left;
        if (left > data.leftMax)
            data.leftMax = left;

        // Calculate min/max for right channel
        if (right < data.rightMin)
            data.rightMin = right;
        if (right > data.rightMax)
            data.rightMax = right;

        // Calculate min/max mixing both channels
        if (left < data.mixMin)
            data.mixMin = left;
        if (right < data.mixMin)
            data.mixMin = right;
        if (left > data.mixMax)
            data.mixMax = left;
        if (right > data.mixMax)
            data.mixMax = right;

    return data;
有人可以给我提示该怎么做吗?我希望我的代码还不错,可以用作16位文件的示例。谢谢你的帮助! 编辑: 这是使用32位变量转换代码的3x8位到24位:
                left32BitArray = new Int32[buffer.Length / 6];
                right32BitArray = new Int32[buffer.Length / 6];
                for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i = i + 6)
                        // Create smaller array in order to add the 4th 8-bit value
                        byte[] byteArrayLeft = new byte[4] {buffer[i],buffer[i + 1],buffer[i + 2],0 };
                        byte[] byteArrayRight = new byte[4] { buffer[i + 3],buffer[i + 4],buffer[i + 5],0 };

                        // Convert values to 32-bit variables
                        left32BitArray[i / 6] = BitConverter.ToInt32(byteArrayLeft,0);
                        right32BitArray[i / 6] = BitConverter.ToInt32(byteArrayRight,0);


        24位音频文件的块对齐为3 *通道数。为什么不选择100毫秒的音频:
int blockSize = 3 * channels * (sampleRate / 10);
这对于24位WAV可以正常工作。 FLAC阅读器是否允许您读出该粒度取决于其内部实现。     

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