
当托管句柄保存在托管容器IList <Foo ^>中时,是否有必要在C ++ / CLI中使用GC :: KeepAlive?

如何解决当托管句柄保存在托管容器IList <Foo ^>中时,是否有必要在C ++ / CLI中使用GC :: KeepAlive?

| 我对于何时需要在C ++ / CLI包装器代码中使用KeepAlive以及如何处理生存期感到困惑。请考虑以下代码,并记下我询问是否需要KeepAlive的地方。
// convert from managed to native string
inline std::string ToStdString(String^ source)
    if (String::IsNullOrEmpty(source))
        return std::string();

    int len = ((source->Length+1) * 2);

    /*** Do I need GC::KeepAlive(source) here? ***/

    char *ch = new char[ len ];
    bool result ;
        pin_ptr<const wchar_t> wch = PtrToStringChars( source );
        result = wcstombs( ch,wch,len ) != -1;
    std::string target = ch;
    delete ch;
        throw gcnew Exception(\"error converting System::String to std::string\");
    return target;

// convert from native to managed string
inline String^ ToSystemString(const std::string& source)
    return gcnew String(source.c_str());

// unmanaged C++ class
struct NativeDog
    std::string name;
    std::string bark() const {return \"woof\";}
    void eat(std::string& food) const {food.clear();}

typedef shared_ptr<NativeDog> NativeDogPtr;

// C++/CLI wrapper class
ref class ManagedDog
    NativeDogPtr* base_;
    NativeDog& base() {return **base_;}
    ManagedDog() {base_ = new NativeDogPtr(new NativeDog);}
    ~ManagedDog() {if (base_) delete base_;}
    !ManagedDog() {delete this;}

    property String^ name
        String^ get() {return ToSystemString(base().name);}
        void set(String^ name)
              base().name = ToStdString(name);
              /*** Do I need GC::KeepAlive(name) here? ***/

    String^ bark() {return ToSystemString(base().bark());}
    void eat(String^ food)
         std::string nativeFood = ToStdString(food);
         food = ToSystemString(nativeFood);
         /*** Do I need GC::KeepAlive(food) here? ***/

// unmanaged C++ class
struct NativeKennel
    vector<NativeDogPtr> dogs;

// C++/CLI wrapper class
ref class ManagedKennel
    NativeKennel* base_;
    NativeKennel& base() {return *base_;}
    IList<ManagedDog^>^ dogs;
    void addDog(ManagedDog^ dog)
        /*** Do I need GC::KeepAlive(dog) here? Will the IList manage the ManagedDog lifetimes? ***/


  恰好在调用托管委托的函数指针之前。 这是一种常见的故障模式,垃圾收集器无法看到本机代码保存的任何引用。托管代码必须存储对委托本身的引用,以防止其被垃圾收集。有一个调试器助手,不知道为什么看不到它。此MSDN库文章中的更多详细信息。     ,以上都不是! 如果您使用C ++ / CLI访问托管类,则KeepAlive将无济于事。您需要将数据固定在内存中,以防止垃圾回收后重新定位数据。在所有这些示例中,这都是通过调用的函数隐式完成的。 KeepAlive的目标不同。上次取消引用对象后,将立即对堆栈中存储的引用进行垃圾回收。 KeepAlive通过将对象的生存期延长到KeepAlive调用之后,来防止这种情况的发生。     

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