


| 尝试使用命令dll(c ++)项目将c# 结构dll
typedef struct {
ssp_FULL_KEY Key;
unsigned long Baudrate;
unsigned long Timeout;
unsigned char PortNumber;
unsigned char sspAddress;
unsigned char RetryLevel;
unsigned char EncryptionStatus;
unsigned char CommandDataLength;
unsigned char CommandData [255];
unsigned char ResponseStatus;
unsigned char ResponseDataLength;
unsigned char ResponseData [255];
unsigned char IgnoreError;
} ssp_COMMAND;

typedef struct {
unsigned __int64 FixedKey;
unsigned __int64 EncryptKey;
} ssp_FULL_KEY;
public struct ssp_FULL_KEY
        long FixedKey;
        long EncryptKey;
        public ssp_FULL_KEY (long fix,long encr)
            FixedKey = fix;
            EncryptKey = encr;

    public struct ssp_COMMAND
        / / String PortNumber;
        ssp_FULL_KEY key;
        long Baudrate; / / baud rate of the packet
        long Timeout; / / how long in ms to wait for a reply from the slave
        string PortNumber; / / the serial com port number of the host
        string sspAddress; / / the ssp address of the slave
        string RetryLevel; / / how many retries to the slave for non-response
        string EncryptionStatus; / / is this an encrypted command 0 - No,1 - Yes
        string CommandDataLength; / / Number of bytes in the command
        string [] CommandData; / / Array containing the command bytes
        string ResponseStatus; / / Response Status (PORT_STATUS enum)
        string ResponseDataLength; / / how many bytes in the response
        string [] ResponseData; / / an array of response data
        string IgnoreError; / / flag to suppress error Box (0 - display,1 - suppress)

        public ssp_COMMAND (string comport)
            Baudrate = 9600;
            Timeout = 500;
            PortNumber = comport;
            RetryLevel = \"5\";
            IgnoreError = \"0\";
            EncryptionStatus = \"0\";
            CommandData = new string [255];
            ResponseData = new string [255];
            ResponseStatus = \"0\";
            ResponseDataLength = \"0\";
            sspAddress = \"0\";
            CommandDataLength = \"0\";
            key = new ssp_FULL_KEY (0123456701234567,0123456701234567);


    class Program

        / / [DllImport (\"ITLsspProc.dll\")]
        / / Private static extern int OpensspComPort (IntPtr smd);

        [DllImport (\"ITLsspProc.dll\")]

        private static extern int OpensspComPort (ssp_COMMAND cmd);

        static void Main (string [] args)
            ssp_COMMAND cmd = new ssp_COMMAND (\"6\");
            / * IntPtr.Baudrate = 9600;
            IntPtr.PortName = \"COM0\";
            IntPtr.Parity = Parity.None;
            IntPtr.StopBits = StopBits.One;

            * /
            Console.WriteLine (OpensspComPort (cmd));

出现错误 尝试读取或写入受保护的内存。这通常表明其他内存已损坏。 更新 重制,仍然是相同的错误
public unsafe struct ssp_FULL_KEY
        system.int64 FixedKey;
        system.int64 EncryptKey;
        public ssp_FULL_KEY(system.int64 fix,system.int64 encr)
            FixedKey = fix;
            EncryptKey = encr;

    public unsafe struct ssp_COMMAND
        //string PortNumber;
        ssp_FULL_KEY key;
        system.int64 Baudrate; // baud rate of the packet
        system.int64 Timeout; // how long in ms to wait for a reply from the slave
        string PortNumber; // the serial com port number of the host
        string sspAddress; // the ssp address of the slave
        string RetryLevel; // how many retries to the slave for non-response
        string EncryptionStatus; // is this an encrypted command 0 - No,1 - Yes
        string CommandDataLength; // Number of bytes in the command
        fixed char CommandData[255]; // Array containing the command bytes
        string ResponseStatus; // Response Status (PORT_STATUS enum)
        string ResponseDataLength; // how many bytes in the response
        fixed char ResponseData[255]; // an array of response data
        string IgnoreError; // flag to suppress error Box (0 - display,1- suppress)

        public ssp_COMMAND(string comport)
            Baudrate = 9600;
            Timeout = 500;
            PortNumber = comport;
            RetryLevel = \"5\";
            IgnoreError = \"0\";
            EncryptionStatus = \"0\";
            ResponseStatus = \"0\";
            ResponseDataLength = \"0\";
            sspAddress = \"0\";
            CommandDataLength = \"0\";
            key = new ssp_FULL_KEY(0123456701234567,0123456701234567);



。 然后,您还想将
long BaudRate
long Timeout
制成C#but4ѭ,但这是错误的,它们是32位变量。 最好忘记类型
即可。 您的字符串也是错误的,它们是C ++中的内联char数组,这意味着您需要在C#中使用属性,否则将使用

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