


| 我正在尝试创建一个AppleScript,用于设置“系统偏好设置”中“声音”菜单下“输入”类别的“输入音量”的值。 一个如何改变滑块的值?
tell application \"System Preferences\"
    set current pane to pane \"com.apple.preference.sound\"
end tell
tell application \"System Events\"
if UI elements enabled then
        tell application process \"System Preferences\"
            tell tab group 1 of window \"Sound\"
                click radio button \"Input\"
                select row 1 of table 1 of scroll area 1
                set selected of row 1 of table 1 of scroll area 1 to true
                set deviceselected to \"Microphone\"
                set slider \"Input Volume\" of group \"Input Volume\" of tab group \"Input\" to 0
                select row 2 of table 1 of scroll area 1
                set selected of row 2 of table 1 of scroll area 1 to true
                set deviceselected to \"Microphone\"
                set slider \"Input Volume\" of group \"Input Volume\" of tab group \"Input\" to 0

            end tell
        end tell
    end try
end if
end tell
这似乎不起作用。 我还尝试使用Accessibility Inspector来查找如何以以下方式分层访问元素,
 value of slider of group \"Input volume\" of tab group \"Input\" of window \"Sound\" 
这似乎也不是正确的方法。 这怎么了 编辑
set content of slider \"Input volume\" of tab group \"Input\" of window \"Sound\" of tab group     1 of window \"Sound\" of application process \"System Preferences\" to 0
        --> error number -1700 from content of slider \"Input volume\" of tab group \"Input\" of window \"Sound\" of tab group 1 of window \"Sound\" of application  **


        您可以直接访问音量设置,而无需使用gui脚本。这些命令在applescript的标准附加osax中。要查看音量设置,可以使用此设置进行更改。注意,它在命令中需要单词“ get”。
get volume settings
set volume input volume 64
上面的命令有点奇怪,因为该命令中没有“ to \”字样。您没有将音量设置为“ to \”,这很奇怪。无论如何,祝你好运! 编辑:这是使用gui脚本访问它的方法。另外,如果您想知道错误代码,我在这里发布了一个脚本。有关最新版本,请参见文章#9。
tell application \"System Preferences\"
    set current pane to pane \"com.apple.preference.sound\"
end tell

tell application \"System Events\"
    tell application process \"System Preferences\"
        tell tab group 1 of window \"Sound\"
            click radio button \"Input\"
            get value of slider 1 of group 2
        end tell
    end tell
end tell
set content of slider \"Input volume\" to x
    ,        滑块可以通过
tell application \"System Preferences\"

    tell anchor \"effects\" of pane \"com.apple.preference.sound\" to reveal

    tell application \"System Events\" to tell process \"System Preferences\"
        set s to slider \"Alert volume:\" of tab group 1 of window 1
        repeat while value of s is less than 0.5
            increment s
        end repeat
        repeat while value of s is greater than 0.5
            decrement s
        end repeat

    end tell

end tell

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