将打印文本的函数作为参数传递,在 Haskell 中的新状态之后执行它

如何解决将打印文本的函数作为参数传递,在 Haskell 中的新状态之后执行它




我有一个基于 run函数 Domain一个事件列表:

  • 如果处理了所有事件,它会侦听新事件并
  • 如果它们是事件,它会处理其中的几个。

大多数事件都会修改 Domain

data Domain =   Domain (String,World) deriving (Show)
data World = World {loc :: String,descSites :: [(Key,String)],mapSites :: [(Key,[Lloc])],objects:: [Key],siteObjects::[(Key,String)]}  deriving (Show)

run :: Domain -> [Event] -> IO ()
run dm [] = do
  events <- uiUpdate dm
  run dm events

run _ (EventExit:_) =
  return ()

run dm (e:es) =
  run (dmUpdate dm e) es

我想要关注的部分是 run (dmUpdate dm e) es,其中 dmUpdate dm e 返回一个 Domain 值:

函数 dmUpdate 运行良好的一个示例是:

dmUpdate :: Domain -> Event  ->  Domain

dmUpdate (Domain v) (EventLook) =  look (snd v) 
dmUpdate (Domain v) (EventWalk direction) =  walk direction (snd v) 

dmUpdate dm _ _ = dm 


look :: World -> Domain
walk :: String -> World -> Domain
-- etc.


dmUpdate (Domain v) (EventLook) =  do let newDomain = look (snd v) 
                                          putStr (fst newDomain)

但它不起作用。我尝试计算世界的新状态,然后执行 I/O,然后尝试将 newDomain 作为参数返回。


run dm (e:es) =
  run (dmUpdate dm e renderMsg) es
  where renderMsg txt = (putStr txt) >> (hFlush stdout)


-- dmUpdate :: dmUpdate :: Domain -> Event -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO () -> Domain
dmUpdate (Domain v) (EventLook) (renderMsg) =  let newDomain = look (snd v) 
                                               renderMsg (fst newDomain)




  dmUpdate :: Domain -> Event  -> IO Domain
    dmUpdate (Domain v) (EventLook) =  do let newDomain = look (snd v) 
                                          putStr (fst newDomain)
    dmUpdate dm _ _ = () dm 


[2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( textGameMain.hs,interpreted )

textGameMain.hs:25:1: error:
    Equations for ‘dmUpdate’ have different numbers of arguments
25 | dmUpdate (Domain v) (EventLook) =  do let newDomain = look (snd v) 
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

textGameMain.hs:70:8: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Domain’
                  with actual type ‘IO Domain’
    • In the first argument of ‘run’,namely ‘(dmUpdate dm e)’
      In the expression: run (dmUpdate dm e) es
      In an equation for ‘run’: run dm (e : es) = run (dmUpdate dm e) es
70 |   run (dmUpdate dm e ) es


run dm (e:es) =
  run () (dmUpdate dm e ) es

但我没有设法让它工作...... :S

所以,我的代码是这样做的(它基于 Land of Lisp,并且是对 Haskell 的改编):

    *Main> main
    WORLD> look
    you are in the living-room. a wizard is snoring loudly on the couch.
    There is door going west from here.
    There is ladder going upstairs from here.
    You see a whiskey on the floor.
    You see a bucket on the floor. 
    WORLD> walk west
    WORLD> look
    you are in a beautiful garden. there is a well in front of you.
    There is door going east from here.
    You see a frog on the floor.
    You see a chain on the floor. 

(完整代码 - 实际上,为了简单起见,我将两个文件合并为一个文件……可以通过其他方式添加文件吗!?)


ghci exampleLoLTextGameHaskell.hs

(...然后,要编辑 2 的东西...)


您的代码远未完成,包含很多 - 对于您的问题 - 不必要的部分。我复制了你的代码,简化了一点,并做了一些猜测工作。这是我的“固定”版本。

module Tmp where
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

{-| Be clear about your types. Introducing type alisases helps others read your code.
 I simply guessed that the string-part of the Domain is the UI state -}
type UIState = String
data Domain = Domain (UIState,World) deriving Show
data World = World {loc:: Int} deriving Show

-- | I Have only implemented two directions,so that this example is easy to work with.
data Dir = L | R deriving (Read,Show)

{- | These were the event types that you had in your code. I elaborated them a little. 
By using the "deriving (Read)" we get a low-code input mechanism,but you should probalbly write
your own input parser
data Event = EventExit | EventWalk Dir| EventLook deriving (Read)

-- | The run-loop now has TWO steps. Render UI and get new events. Process events. Finally recurse.
run :: Domain -> [Event] -> IO ()
run dm [] = uiUpdate dm >> getAction >>= run dm
run _ (EventExit:_) = return ()
run dm (e:es) = run (dmUpdate dm e) es

{-| Update the domain when a single event acts on it -}
dmUpdate :: Domain -> Event -> Domain
dmUpdate (Domain v) (EventLook) =  look (snd v) 
dmUpdate (Domain v) (EventWalk direction) =  walk direction (snd v)
dmUpdate dm _ = dm

look w = Domain ("You are at coordinate " ++ (show .loc $ w),w)
walk L w@World{loc=l}= Domain ("You went left",w{loc=l-1})
walk R w@World{loc=l} = Domain  ("You went right",w{loc=l+1})

{-| Present the "output" that the domain holds for us -}
uiUpdate :: Domain -> IO ()
uiUpdate dm = do
    let Domain (usState,s) = dm
    putStrLn usState

{-| Ask user for input. Only a single event is collected. -}
getAction :: IO [Event]
getAction = do
    putStrLn "What do you want to do? Choose between EventExit | EventWalk R | EventWalk L | EventLook"
    act <- readMaybe <$> getLine
    case act of 
        Nothing -> putStrLn "Not a valid action" >> getAction
        Just evt -> pure [evt]

main :: IO ()
main = run  (Domain ("",World 0)) [EventLook]

最后,您可能想要查看 StateT,以便您可以抽象出一直传递的 Domain 对象。但这超出了这个问题的范围,我想。

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