如何解决将 tableA 中的 select 查询结果添加为 tableB 中的新列
select a.name,a.number,b.id,b.sub_num
from tableA a left join
tableB b
on a.number = concat(id,'-',Cast(sub_num as varchar);
在这里,我想在新表中添加一个 new column
,它是 tableA 上的选择查询结果。
表格数据如下所示: enter image description here
我正在尝试使用以下不正确的查询,因为它给了我多行。我需要条件 dext_id = 17501 的 dext_number 总和,并按名称和数字列分组。
select a.name,b.sub_num,(select sum(dext_number) from tableA where dext_id = 17501 group by name,number) as newcol
from tableA a left join tableB b
on a.number = concat(id,Cast(sub_num as varchar);
select a.name,a.number,b.id,b.sub_num,(select sum(dext_number) over(partition by name,number) from tableA
where dext_id = 'xyz' limit 1) as newcol
from tableA a
left join tableB b on a.number = concat(id,'-',Cast(sub_num as varchar);
select L.name,L.number,L.dext_id,L.dext_number,case when L.num > 1 then newcol
else NULL
end as newcol
(select *,count(dext_number) over(partition by name,number) as num,sum(dext_number) over(partition by name,number) as newcol
from tableA) L left join tableA R on L.dext_id = R.dext_id and L.name= R.name and L.number = R.number and L.dext_number = R.dext_number
select a.name,(select
case when L.num > 1 then newcol
else NULL
end as newcol
(select *,number) as newcol
from Test) L left join Test R on L.dext_id = R.dext_id and L.name= R.name and L.number = R.number and L.dext_number = R.dext_number limit 1) as newcol
from tableA a
left join tableB b on a.number = concat(id,Cast(sub_num as varchar);
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