
ListIterator.PreviousIndex 返回一个单元素整数数组而不是 Int?

如何解决ListIterator.PreviousIndex 返回一个单元素整数数组而不是 Int?


为此,我求助于创建第二个 2D 列表对象,其中每个内部列表存储需要跟踪的元素的 int 索引值。


我想我可以通过使用列表迭代器的“prevIoUsIndex()”方法来做到这一点,因为它说它返回一个 int 值。但相反,它返回一个包含我想要的 int 的 1 元素 int 数组,而不仅仅是 int 本身。这完全弄乱了我的代码,当它以这种方式存储时,我似乎无法访问该元素。

A debugging output showing the enemies list with 3 levels instead of 2 for the first element of the nested list

A debugging output from later in the execution showing that elements added later do not get entered in list form

A compiler error in a different section of code caused by the remove method thinking it is being given an object rather than an integer index

public static ArrayList<List<Integer>> isItPossible(String word,LinkedList<List<String>> buckets) {
        ListIterator<List<String>> bucketIterator;
        ListIterator<String> wordIterator;
        List<String> bucket;
        ArrayList<List<Integer>> enemies;
        enemies = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
        bucketIterator = buckets.listIterator();
        while(bucketIterator.hasNext()) {
            bucket = bucketIterator.next();
            wordIterator = bucket.listIterator();
            enemies.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
            enemies.get(enemies.size() - 1).add(bucketIterator.prevIoUsIndex()); //adds a list with the element I need,but I just need the element,not the list????

        while(wordIterator.hasNext()) {
            if(!isCompatible(word,wordIterator.next())) {

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