
使用集合对象在 Excel VBA 中存储来自 Recordset 的匹配项

如何解决使用集合对象在 Excel VBA 中存储来自 Recordset 的匹配项

使用 Excel VBA,我试图在 sqlite 表中搜索出现在文件名中的名称

在下面的代码中,我有 NamesFound 集合对象来存储名称

当我遍历记录集时,我可以将名称添加到 NamesFound 并打印出来。

在记录集关闭并销毁变量后,当我打印集合中的项目数 (NamesFound.count) 时,我得到一个文件名中匹配名称数相匹配的数字。



Option Explicit

Sub sqlitematch()

    Dim strsql As String,fn As String
    Dim NamesFound As Collection
    Set NamesFound = New Collection
    Dim conn As Object
    Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Dim rst As Object
    Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    fn = "C:\Clark Gable & Vivian Leigh in Gone With The Wind.mp4"
    conn.Open "DRIVER=sqlite3 ODBC Driver;Database=C:\Path\To\cast&crew.db;"
    strsql = "SELECT id,person_name from People"
    rst.Open strsql,conn,1,1
    With rst
        Do Until .EOF
            If InStr(1,fn,![person_name]) > 0 Then
                NamesFound.Add ![person_name]
                Debug.Print "Names found: " & NamesFound.Count & " - " & _
                    NamesFound(NamesFound.Count)                                '<<< Works fine
            End If
    End With
    Set rst = nothing
    Set conn = nothing
    Debug.Print NamesFound(1) '<<< Error #3420: Object is no longer valid -
                              ' same error for NamesFound.item(1) and NamesFound(1).Value

End Sub



'copy ![person_name] to a variable before adding to the Collection      Dim personNameCopy As String        With rst            .MoveFirst          Do Until .EOF
        personNameCopy = ![person_name]
        If InStr(1,fn,personNameCopy ) > 0 Then
            NamesFound.Add personNameCopy 
            Debug.Print "Names found: " & NamesFound.Count & " - " & _
                NamesFound(NamesFound.Count)                                '<<< Works fine
        End If
        .MoveNext           Loop        End With

在执行最后一个 rst 之前将 Nothing 变量设置为 Debug.Print,并且可能会对添加到集合中的 ![person_name] 引用产生影响。

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