
在 Sublime Text 3 中运行 pygame

如何解决在 Sublime Text 3 中运行 pygame

我目前正在使用 Python 编写国际象棋程序。我使用 Sublime Text 3 作为 IDE,但它似乎不能正常用于 pygame。我创建了一个棋盘,每当我在 Sublime Text 中运行它时,棋盘都不会出现。不知何故,它似​​乎类似于我无法在 Sublime Text 中输入的问题。 (虽然从控制台运行脚本可以正常工作,但板子应该显示出来)。我会在下面附上我的代码,以防你想看看,但我认为问题不在于代码依赖...... 所以我的问题是是否有办法从 Sublime Text 运行 python 脚本,以便用户输入和使用 pygame 的这些功能正常工作?


This is the main driver file. It is responsible for handling user input and displaying current GameState object
import pygame as p
import chess_engine

WIDTH = HEIGHT = 512 ##400 is another option
MAX_FPS = 15

Initialize a global dictionary of images. This will be called exactly once in the main! It is its own method (not in the main)
so we are flexible
def loadImages():
    pieces = ["wP","wR","wN","wB","wK","wQ","bP","bR","bN","bB","bK","bQ"]
    for piece in pieces:
        IMAGES[piece] = p.transform.scale(p.image.load("pieces/" + piece + ".png"),(SQ_SIZE,SQ_SIZE)) ##load pictures into IMAGES dictionary
    #pygame.image.load() function returns us a Surface with the ball data
    #Note: we can access an image by saying 'IMAGES['wp']'
    #we also scale the images so it fits the square nicely

The main driver for the code. It handles user inpute and updates the graphics.
def main():
    screen = p.display.set_mode((WIDTH,HEIGHT))
    #creates a new Surface object that represents the actual displayed graphics. Any drawing you do to this Surface will become visible on the monitor.
    clock = p.time.Clock()
    gs = chess_engine.GameState()
    loadImages() #only do this once,before the while loop

    ##starting here,program is inizalized and ready to run
    ##inside an infinite loop we check if a QUIT event has happened. If so,we exit the programm
    running = True
    while running:
        for e in p.event.get():
            if e.type == p.QUIT:
                running = False
    # This makes everything we have drawn on the screen Surface become visible
    # This buffering makes sure we only see completely drawn frames on the screen. 
    # Without it,the user would see the half completed parts of the screen as they are being created.

Responsible for all the graphics within a current game state.
def drawGameState(screen,gs):
    #order in which we call is important! First draw the board,then the pieces!!
    drawBoard(screen) #draw squares on the board
    #add in piece highlighting for move suggestions (later)
    drawPieces(screen,gs.board) #draw pieces on top of those squares

Draw the squares on the board. The top left square is always light (no matter the perspective)
def drawBoard(screen):
    colors = [p.Color("white"),p.Color("gray")]
    for r in range(DIMENSION):
        for c in range(DIMENSION):
            color = colors[((r+c) % 2)] #sum of tuple of coordinates of white squares are always even! (0,0),(0,2),(1,1),...

Draw the pieces on the board using the urrent GameState.board
def drawPieces(screen,board):
    for r in range(DIMENSION):
        for c in range(DIMENSION):
            piece = board[r][c]
            if piece != "--": #not empty square

if __name__ == "__main__":
This class is responsible for storing all the information about the current state of a chess game.

class GameState():
    def __init__(self):
        #board is a 8x8 2d list,each element has 2 chars
        #first char represents color of piece
        #second char represents type
        #"--" represents an empty space
        self.board = [
        self.whitetoMove = True
        self.moveLog = []

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