VB.net 导航文字冒险游戏

如何解决VB.net 导航文字冒险游戏

我正在开发一款文字冒险游戏。该程序的目标是显示三个选项和一个文本框。用户可以通过在文本框中输入相应的数字来选择其中一个选项,然后应该将用户导航到下一个区域,在那里用户会看到另外 3 个选项。


    Sub gameOver(ByVal DeathMessage)
        lblTitle.Text = "Game Over!"
        lblMain.Text = DeathMessage
    End Sub

    Sub pgmain()
        lblMain.Text = $"Enter 1 to start the game{vbCrLf}Enter 2 to quit the game"
        If aryInput(0) = "1" Then
        ElseIf aryInput(0) = "2" Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object,e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
        aryInput(0) = tbxInput.Text
    End Sub

    Sub pg1() ' User picks a starting option
        lblTitle.Text = "You spot a secret magical lair do you"
        lblMain.Text = $"1. Enter the lair through the front door{vbCrLf}2. Enter the lair through the back door{vbCrLf}3. Wait untill midnight to enter the lair."
        If aryInput(0) = "1" Then
            MsgBox("Front door") 'pg2()
        ElseIf aryInput(0) = "2" Then
        ElseIf aryInput(0) = "3" Then
            gameOver("You were mauled by wolves")
        End If
    End Sub

    'Sub pg2() ' User entered through the front door.
    '    lblMain.Text = $"1. Go to the chest{vbCrLf}2. Go to the bookshelf{vbCr}3. Go to the cauldron"
    '    If tbxInput.Text = "1" Then
    '        pg5() ' They went to the chest
    '    ElseIf tbxInput.Text = "2" Then
    '        pg6() ' User went to the bookshelf
    '    ElseIf tbxInput.Text = "3" Then
    '        pg7() ' User went to the cauldron
    '    End If
    'End Sub

    Sub pg3()
        tbxInput.Text = nothing
        lblTitle.Text = "You were splashed with a poison spell do you"
        lblMain.Text = $"1. Cut off the infected part{vbCrLf}2. Drink a bucket of milk{vbCrLf}3. Inject yourself with some sort of medical syringe"
        If tbxInput.Text = "1" Then
            MsgBox("Infected Part") 'pg8()
        ElseIf tbxInput.Text = "2" Then
            MsgBox("Milk") 'pg9()
        ElseIf tbxInput.Text = "3" Then
            gameOver("You injected yourself with viper venom.")
        End If
    End Sub

正如您可能知道的那样,我在获取文本框的内容以决定用户下一步要去哪里时遇到了问题。我试过使用输入框,是的,它可以工作,但它们有字符限制,我更喜欢想办法用文本框来做到这一点。我也在考虑一种使用按键而不是按钮点击的方法。对不起,初学者的问题,我仍在学习 Visual Basic 的方法。提前致谢!


我更喜欢单选按钮,因为它更容易控制用户输入。用户可以在文本框中输入任何内容,您需要处理它不是 1、2 或 3 的可能性。

最初 RadioButton3.Visible 在设计时设置为 False。如果用户选择开始游戏,它就会变得可见。

我们在 Form.Load 开始整件事。我声明了一个表单级变量来跟踪我们在哪个页面上,PageNum

我只在 pgX subs 中设置了属性。所有操作都在提交按钮中。第一件事是找到选择了哪个单选按钮。 GetSelectedRadioButton 返回选定的按钮或 Nothing。您必须将 Me(指的是 Form,代码运行所在的类)作为容器传递。通常可以在 GroupBox 或其他容器控件中找到单选按钮,因此这允许这样做。

您需要为 pg5pg6pg7pg8pg9 编写代码。还将 Case 5Case 6Case 7Case 8Case 9 添加到提交按钮。

Private PageNum As Integer

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object,e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub

Private Sub pgMain()
    lblMain.Text = "Make a selection and click Submit"
    RadioButton1.Text = "start the game"
    RadioButton2.Text = "quit the game"
End Sub

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object,e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
    Dim rb As RadioButton = GetSelectedRadioButton(Me)
    If rb IsNot Nothing Then
        Dim Name = rb.Name
        Select Case PageNum
            Case 0
                If Name = "RadioButton1" Then
                ElseIf Name = "RadioButton2" Then
                End If
            Case 1
                If Name = "RadioButton1" Then
                    MsgBox("Front door") '
                ElseIf Name = "RadioButton2" Then
                ElseIf Name = "RadioButton3" Then
                    gameOver("You were mauled by wolves")
                End If
            Case 2
                If Name = "RadioButton1" Then
                    pg5() ' They went to the chest
                ElseIf Name = "RadioButton2" Then
                    pg6() ' User went to the bookshelf
                ElseIf Name = "RadioButton3" Then
                    pg7() ' User went to the cauldron
                End If
            Case 3
                If Name = "RadioButton1" Then
                    MsgBox("Infected Part")
                ElseIf Name = "RadioButton2" Then
                ElseIf Name = "RadioButton3" Then
                    gameOver("You injected yourself with viper venom.")
                End If
        End Select
        MessageBox.Show("Please make a selection.")
    End If
End Sub

Public Function GetSelectedRadioButton(Container As Control) As RadioButton
    Dim rb = Container.Controls.OfType(Of RadioButton)().FirstOrDefault(Function(r) r.Checked = True)
    Return rb
End Function

Private Sub pg1() ' User picks a starting option
    PageNum = 1
    lblTitle.Text = "You spot a secret magical lair do you"
    RadioButton1.Text = "Enter the lair through the front door"
    RadioButton2.Text = "Enter the lair through the back door"
    RadioButton3.Visible = True 'Set to False at design time
    RadioButton3.Text = "Wait untill midnight to enter the lair."
End Sub

Private Sub pg2() ' User entered through the front door.
    PageNum = 2
    lblTitle.Text = "You see a chest,a bookself,and a cauldron"
    RadioButton1.Text = "Go to the chest"
    RadioButton2.Text = "Go to the bookshelf"
    RadioButton3.Text = "Go to the cauldron"
End Sub

Private Sub pg3()
    PageNum = 3
    lblTitle.Text = "You were splashed with a poison spell do you"
    RadioButton1.Text = "Cut off the infected part"
    RadioButton2.Text = "Drink a bucket of milk"
    RadioButton3.Text = "Inject yourself with some sort of medical syringe"
End Sub

Private Sub gameOver(DeathMessage As String)
    lblTitle.Text = "Game Over!"
    lblMain.Text = DeathMessage
    RadioButton1.Visible = False
    RadioButton2.Visible = False
    RadioButton3.Visible = False
    btnSubmit.Visible = False
End Sub

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