


我正在处理相当复杂的数据。这是一个作为数据框 df 的简化快照。

ID      Measures              ME1   ME2 X1  X2
53-21   comm - 01 narrate      2    1   NA  NA
53-21   comm - overall         1    NA  NA  NA
53-21   comm - 10 participate  NA   NA  NA  NA
43-65   comm - 02 project      2    3   NA  NA
43-65   comm - 01 narrate      1    1   NA  NA
67-21   comm - 06 action       2    1   NA  NA
67-21   comm - 08 plan         1    1   NA  1
43-65   comm - overall         2    NA  NA  NA
53-21   comm - exhibit         1    1   NA  NA


ID = 唯一用户 ID

Measures = 为给定用户测量或评估的项目名称

对于每个Measure用户最多可以根据ME1ME2X1X2 等四个不同的项目进行评分。>

我想以将项目放在行中的格式转换此数据,即每行一个 ID 及其在附加列中的相应度量。我需要的重塑数据框是这样的:

ID      comm-01-narrate-ME1 comm-01-narrate-ME2 comm-01-narrate-X1 comm-01-narrate-X2 comm-overall-ME1 comm-overall-ME2 comm-overall-X1 comm-overall-X2 comm-10-participate-ME1 comm-10-participate-ME2 comm-10-participate-X1 comm-10-participate-X2 comm-exhibit-ME1 comm-exhibit-ME2 comm-exhibit-X1 comm-exhibit-X2 comm-02-project-ME1 comm-02-project-ME2 comm-02-project-X1 comm-02-project-X2 comm-06-action-ME1 comm-06-action-ME2 comm-06-action-X1 comm-06-action-X2 comm-08-plan-ME1 comm-08-plan-ME2 comm-08-plan-X1 comm-08-plan-X2
53-21   2                   1                   NA                 NA                 1                NA               NA              NA              NA                      NA                      NA                     NA                     1                1                NA              NA              NA                  NA                  NA                 NA                 NA                 NA                 NA                NA                NA               NA               NA              NA
43-65   1                   1                   NA                 NA                 2                NA               NA              NA              NA                      NA                      NA                     NA                     NA               NA               NA              NA              2                   3                   NA                 NA                 NA                 NA                 NA                NA                NA               NA               NA              NA
67-21   NA                  NA                  NA                 NA                 NA               NA               NA              NA              NA                      NA                      NA                     NA                     NA               NA               NA              NA              NA                  NA                  NA                 NA                 2                  1                  NA                NA                1                1                NA              1

输入文件 dput()df 是:


structure(list(ID = structure(c(2L,2L,1L,3L,2L),.Label = c("43-65","53-21","67-21"),class = "factor"),Measures = structure(c(1L,7L,5L,4L,6L),.Label = c("comm - 01 narrate","comm - 02 project","comm - 06 action","comm - 08 plan","comm - 10 participate","comm - exhibit","comm - overall"),ME1 = c(2L,NA,1L),ME2 = c(1L,X1 = c(NA_integer_,NA_integer_,NA_integer_),X2 = c(NA,NA)),class = "data.frame",row.names = c(NA,-9L))

我正在努力定义问题,甚至开始处理。可以将数据视为 long,但由于多列,它也是 wide



编辑 1

从相关帖子 Convert data from long format to wide format with multiple measure columns 我尝试了以下解决方案:

df2 = dcast(setDT(df),ID~Measures,value.var=c("ME1","ME2","X1","X2"))


Aggregate function missing,defaulting to 'length'

这意味着我的数据中的条目全部更改为 1 或 NA。我不希望这种情况发生。

编辑 2



Id = c("39fca07f-d62e-494a-4a86-8dec54836c08","39fca8ee-fe3f-4c85-ab0a-acb3c2db1b9c","39fca8ed-f34c-b7e3-4229-111155aabe35","39fca8e9-1e08-1809-c7a8-d2c8a4bc9b00","39fc6ae5-0de8-4820-eede-343e738e7a4a","39fca8e9-fbf9-a098-cf8c-322810997ce9"),DeliverId = c("39fb74ce-d5e6-69f6-f733-ee5fbc4689e6","39fb74ce-d5e6-69f6-f733-ee5fbc4689e6","39fb74ce-d5e6-69f6-f733-ee5fbc4689e6"),DeliverN = c("1Assess","1Assess","1Assess"),AssessRId = c("39fb74cf-5fb6-4248-6d08-0e36647e190b","39fb74cf-5fb6-4248-6d08-0e36647e190b","39fb74cf-5fb6-4248-6d08-0e36647e190b"),AssessRN = c("P1","P2","P3","P4","P5","P6"),AssesstId = c("1ee2684c99fa","fd2dbea08b43","0e0177a33282","091b8f805553","6e5b9301116d","7a307a90de19"),AssesstN = c("Comm - 09 Narrate","Comm - Prog Level Judge","Comm - O Indi Level Judge","Comm - 02 Int Prj","Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate","Comm - 05 Exhibit"),S.Time = c("21/05/2020 19:47","23/05/2020 11:06","23/05/2020 11:05","23/05/2020 10:59","11/05/2020 9:58","23/05/2020 11:00"),F.Time = c("24/05/2020 11:02","23/05/2020 11:00","23/05/2020 11:04","23/05/2020 11:03"),Completedindi = c(8L,8L,8L),TotalIndi = c(8L,Progress = c(100L,100L,100L),Build = c("Monice Island","Pink Lasy","",""),Advice = c("Monica","Chandler",TechUserId = c(128L,129L,130L,129L),TechName = c("Barba","Raymond","Raymond"),TechEmail = c("barber@123.com","raymond@123.com","raymond@123.com"),TechLife = c("0 - 2 years","Over 10 years","Over 10 years"),OtherLife = c("0 - 2 years","5 - 10 years","5 - 10 years"),PersonUId = c(470L,455L,455L),PersonDName = c("Tall Tiffany","Sharp Steff","Sharp Steff"),PersonFName = c("Tall","Sharp","Sharp"),PersonLName = c("Tiffany","Steff","Steff"),PersonUID = c("2783-4409","4307-4369","4307-4369"),Gender = c("Female","Female","Female"),PYear = c(2023L,2024L,2024L),Course = c("Undergrad","Grad","Grad"),Special = c("Yes","No","No"),Q1 = c(2L,Q2 = c(1L,Q3 = c(1L,Q4 = c(1L,Q5 = c(1L,Q6 = c(1L,0L,Q7 = c(1L,Q8 = c(2L,Q9 = c(NA,NA),Q10 = c(NA,X = c(NA,X.1 = c(NA,ListDetails = c("Missing","Complete","Complete")),-6L))


Id                                   DeliverId                            DeliverN AssessRId                            AssessRN AssesstId      S-Time           F-Time             Completedindi   TotalIndi   Progress    Build           Advice      TechUserId  TechName    TechEmail       TechLife        OtherLife       PersonDName     PersonFName PersonLName PersonUID Gender PYear  Course      Special ListDetails PersonUId Q1_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q1_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q1_Comm - 09 Narrate Q1_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q1_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q1_Comm - Prog Level Judge Q2_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q2_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q2_Comm - 09 Narrate Q2_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q2_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q2_Comm - Prog Level Judge Q3_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q3_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q3_Comm - 09 Narrate Q3_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q3_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q3_Comm - Prog Level Judge Q4_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q4_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q4_Comm - 09 Narrate Q4_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q4_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q4_Comm - Prog Level Judge Q5_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q5_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q5_Comm - 09 Narrate Q5_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q5_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q5_Comm - Prog Level Judge Q6_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q6_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q6_Comm - 09 Narrate Q6_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q6_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q6_Comm - Prog Level Judge Q7_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q7_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q7_Comm - 09 Narrate Q7_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q7_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q7_Comm - Prog Level Judge Q8_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q8_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q8_Comm - 09 Narrate Q8_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q8_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q8_Comm - Prog Level Judge Q9_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q9_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q9_Comm - 09 Narrate Q9_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q9_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q9_Comm - Prog Level Judge Q10_Comm - 02 Int Prj Q10_Comm - 05 Exhibit Q10_Comm - 09 Narrate Q10_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate Q10_Comm - O Indi Level Judge Q10_Comm - Prog Level Judge X_Comm - 02 Int Prj X_Comm - 05 Exhibit X_Comm - 09 Narrate X_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate X_Comm - O Indi Level Judge X_Comm - Prog Level Judge X.1_Comm - 02 Int Prj X.1_Comm - 05 Exhibit X.1_Comm - 09 Narrate X.1_Comm - 10 Learn Comm Participate X.1_Comm - O Indi Level Judge X.1_Comm - Prog Level Judge
39fca07f-d62e-494a-4a86-8dec54836c08 39fb74ce-d5e6-69f6-f733-ee5fbc4689e6 1Assess  39fb74cf-5fb6-4248-6d08-0e36647e190b P1       1ee2684c99fa   21/05/2020 19:47 24/05/2020 11:02   8               8           100         Monice Island   Monica      128         Barba       barber@123.com  0 - 2 years     0 - 2 years     Tall Tiffany    Tall        Tiffany     2783-4409 Female 2023   Undergrad   Yes     Missing     470       NA                   NA                   2                    NA                                  NA                           NA                         NA                   NA                   1                    NA                                  NA                           NA                         NA                   NA                   1                    NA                                   NA                          NA                          NA                  NA                   1                    NA                                  NA                           NA                           NA                  NA                  1                    NA                                  NA                           NA                         NA                   NA                   1                    NA                                  NA                           NA                         NA                   NA                     1                   NA                                  NA                          NA                          NA                  NA                      2                   NA                                  NA                          NA                          NA                  NA                  NA                      NA                                  NA                          NA                          NA                  NA                      NA                  NA                                  NA                              NA                          NA                  NA                  NA                  NA                                  NA                          NA                      NA                      NA                  NA                      NA                                  NA                          NA
39fca8ee-fe3f-4c85-ab0a-acb3c2db1b9c 39fb74ce-d5e6-69f6-f733-ee5fbc4689e6 1Assess  39fb74cf-5fb6-4248-6d08-0e36647e190b P2       fd2dbea08b43   23/05/2020 11:06 23/05/2020 11:06   1               1           100         Pink Lasy       Chandler    129         Raymond     raymond@123.com Over 10 years   5 - 10 years    Sharp Steff     Sharp       Steff       4307-4369 Female 2024   Grad        No      Complete    455       3                    2                    NA                   2                                   3                            1                          2                    2                    NA                   1                                   2                            NA                         3                    2                    NA                   2                                    3                           NA                          3                   1                    NA                   2                                   3                            NA                           2                   2                   NA                   1                                   2                            NA                         1                    1                    NA                   1                                   0                            NA                         1                    2                      NA                  2                                   2                           NA                          1                   2                       NA                  2                                   2                           NA                          NA                  NA                  NA                      NA                                  NA                          NA                          NA                  NA                      NA                  NA                                  NA                              NA                          NA                  NA                  NA                  NA                                  NA                          NA                      NA                      NA                  NA                      NA                                  NA                          NA




我们可以使用 pivot_wider,它需要多个 values_from

df %>%
     pivot_wider(names_from = Measures,values_from = ME1:X2)


# A tibble: 3 x 29
  ID    `ME1_comm - 01 na… `ME1_comm - overa… `ME1_comm - 10 par… `ME1_comm - 02 p… `ME1_comm - 06 a… `ME1_comm - 08 p… `ME1_comm - exhi…
  <fct>              <int>              <int>               <int>             <int>             <int>             <int>             <int>
1 53-21                  2                  1                  NA                NA                NA                NA                 1
2 43-65                  1                  2                  NA                 2                NA                NA                NA
3 67-21                 NA                 NA                  NA                NA                 2                 1                NA
# … with 21 more variables: ME2_comm - 01 narrate <int>,ME2_comm - overall <int>,ME2_comm - 10 participate <int>,#   ME2_comm - 02 project <int>,ME2_comm - 06 action <int>,ME2_comm - 08 plan <int>,ME2_comm - exhibit <int>,#   X1_comm - 01 narrate <int>,X1_comm - overall <int>,X1_comm - 10 participate <int>,X1_comm - 02 project <int>,#   X1_comm - 06 action <int>,X1_comm - 08 plan <int>,X1_comm - exhibit <int>,X2_comm - 01 narrate <int>,X2_comm - overall <int>,#   X2_comm - 10 participate <int>,X2_comm - 02 project <int>,X2_comm - 06 action <int>,X2_comm - 08 plan <int>,#   X2_comm - exhibit <int>

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