


我是 Unity 的初级编码员,虽然我没有太多编码经验,但我知道我的代码一团糟。

所以,事情是这样的:我插入了一个特定的功能,当我单击鼠标 (0) 时,允许玩家从其位置 Lerp 到“Object1”。单击时,时间计数器启动,并且在 2 秒内,如果我再次单击鼠标(0),它将第二次将玩家拉到“对象 2”上。如果每个输入都在 5 秒以内,我以某种方式应用了这个逻辑,允许用户将玩家 Lerp 4 次到 4 个不同的位置。

我费了很大的力气,找到了让它工作的方法,它很实用,但代价是使用了许多布尔值和 ifs 语句,这是一个完整而糟糕的意大利面。所以我对你们的问题是,我怎样才能让这整个烂摊子更干净、更高效?在这种情况下我可以使用什么代码结构来使整个事情更具可读性,并切断大量的布尔值和条件?先谢谢大家!


    [Serializefield] private Transform cube1;
    [Serializefield] private Transform cube2;
    [Serializefield] private Transform cube3;
    [Serializefield] private Transform cube4;
    private float timer;
    private bool canCount;
    private bool click1;
    private bool click2;
    private bool click3;
    private bool click4;
    private bool lerp1;
    private bool lerp2;
    private bool lerp3;
    private bool lerp4;

private void CountDown()
    if (canCount)
        timer += Time.deltaTime;
        if (timer >= 2)
            canCount = false;
            Debug.Log("Timer End");
private void Lerp()
    if (lerp1)
        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,cube1.position,Time.deltaTime * 10);
    if (lerp2)
        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,cube2.position,Time.deltaTime * 10);
    if (lerp3)
        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,cube3.position,Time.deltaTime * 10);
    if (lerp4)
        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,cube4.position,Time.deltaTime * 10);

private void Update()

    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
        if (!canCount)
            click1 = true;
            click2 = false;
            click3 = false;
            click4 = false;
            lerp2 = false;
            lerp3 = false;
            lerp4 = false;

            if (click1)
                click1 = false;
                click2 = true;
                lerp4 = false;
                lerp1 = true;
                timer = 0;
                canCount = true;

            else if (click2 && canCount)
                click2 = false;
                click3 = true;
                lerp1 = false;
                lerp2 = true;
                timer = 0;
            else if (click3 && canCount)
                click3 = false;
                click4 = true;
                lerp2 = false;
                lerp3 = true;
                timer = 0;
            else if (click4 && canCount)
                click4 = false;
                click1 = true;
                lerp3 = false;
                lerp4 = true;
                timer = 0;
            if (click1)
                click1 = false;
                click2 = true;
                lerp4 = false;
                lerp1 = true;
                timer = 0;
                canCount = true;

            else if (click2)
                click2 = false;
                click3 = true;
                lerp1 = false;
                lerp2 = true;
                timer = 0;
            else if (click3)
                click3 = false;
                click4 = true;
                lerp2 = false;
                lerp3 = true;
                timer = 0;
            else if (click4)
                click4 = false;
                click1 = true;
                lerp3 = false;
                lerp4 = true;
                timer = 0;



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;

/// <summary>
/// Holds data to a goal target and how long the player has to click to move towards it
/// </summary>
public class CountdownLerpData
    public float timeToWaitForClick = 0.0f;
    public Transform destination = null;

public class YourScript : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private List<CountdownLerpData> LerpDestinations = new List<CountdownLerpData>();

    private Coroutine ExtraMouseClicks = null;
    private Coroutine MoveToDestination = null;

    // distance until our object has reached our goal point
    private const float DISTANCE_EPSILON = 0.001f;

    // the speed at which our object moves to a goal position
    private float moveSpeed = 10f;

    private void Update()
        // just use update for your first click input,any successive clicks are handled by the Coroutine
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && ExtraMouseClicks == null)
            ExtraMouseClicks = StartCoroutine(MoveAndDetectMouseClicks(0));

    /// <summary>
    /// Will start a movement coroutine and wait until the time to click is exceeded or
    /// when the player clicks,it will start a new coroutine
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="idx"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerator MoveAndDetectMouseClicks(int idx)
        // we wait for the next frame to assure we do NOT use the same mouse click event
        yield return null;

        // we exceeded our container,so exit the coroutine and set it to null
        if (idx >= LerpDestinations.Count)
            ExtraMouseClicks = null;
            yield break;

        float currentTimer = 0.0f;      // the time to wait for our next click
        bool hasMouseClick = false;     // flag to determine if the user clicked

        // start a new Coroutine for the motion - stop it if it is ongoing
        if (MoveToDestination != null)

        // start it with our current index
        MoveToDestination = StartCoroutine(MoveTowardsDestination(LerpDestinations[idx].destination.position));

        // now wait our time to determine if another mouse click occurs,if it does,then increment our counter
        while (currentTimer <= LerpDestinations[idx].timeToWaitForClick && !hasMouseClick)
            // if we have a mouse click,then 
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !hasMouseClick)
                // the user clicked,so set our flag to true
                hasMouseClick = true;

                // assign the coroutine
                ExtraMouseClicks = StartCoroutine(MoveAndDetectMouseClicks(idx + 1));

            // increase our time since the last frame
            currentTimer += Time.deltaTime;

            yield return null;

        // the user missed the window to click again,so set the reference back to null
        if (!hasMouseClick)
            ExtraMouseClicks = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Moves your object to a goal location by moveSpeed speed
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="goalPosition"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerator MoveTowardsDestination(Vector3 goalPosition)
        // now lerp until we reach our destination
        while (Vector3.Distance(transform.position,goalPosition) > DISTANCE_EPSILON)
            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position,goalPosition,moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            yield return null;

我的方法将删除单独跟踪这些数据,而不是存储多次点击和 lerps,这很令人头疼。相反,您将拥有一个 List 的名为 CountdownLerpData 的对象,其中包含两个字段。第一个字段是 timeToWaitForClick,这是程序在点击发生后等待的时间,以决定点击是移到列表中的下一个对象,还是移回第一个对象。第二个字段是 destination,它是您此时要移动到的对象的 Transform

当用户首先点击时,它会通过您的对象数据的 List 启动一个看似合理的反应链。初始点击将启动所谓的 Coroutine,它可以简单地定义为一种特殊功能,允许在多个帧内完成较大任务的一小部分。

一旦您开始倒计时 Coroutine,它将开始 MoveTowardsDestination Coroutine,它只会将您的对象移动到倒计时 Coroutine 所在的索引的目标对象.如果用户碰巧在所需的时间间隔内点击,它将再次调用相同的 Coroutine,但现在索引增加 1 以移动到我们列表中的下一个对象。如果它碰巧达到或超过 List,它将退出 Coroutine


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