


我正在编写一个 django 应用程序。我正在尝试覆盖范围的单元测试和 pytest。根据我运行测试的方式,我会得到不同的覆盖率报告。


我在 settings_test.py 中有这个,pytest 的一个运行器:

class PytestTestRunner(UnManagedModelTestRunner):
    def __init__(self,verbosity=1,failfast=False,keepdb=False,**kwargs):
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.failfast = failfast
        self.keepdb = keepdb
    def run_tests(self,test_labels):
        """Run pytest and return the exitcode.
        It translates some of Django's test command option to pytest's.
        import pytest
        argv = []
        if self.verbosity == 0:
        if self.verbosity == 2:
        if self.verbosity == 3:
        if self.failfast:
        if self.keepdb:
        return pytest.main(argv)

TEST_RUNNER = "settings_test.UnManagedModelTestRunner"



USAGE = """
python runner.py         (will run unittest suite)
python runner.py unittest      (will run unittest suite)
python runner.py pytest      (will run pytest suite + coverage)

    'pytest': 'testapp.settings_test.PytestTestRunner',# pytest
    'unittest': 'testapp.settings_test.UnManagedModelTestRunner',# unittest

if __name__ == "__main__":
    os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'testapp.settings_test'

    # Get argument to decide which test suite to run.
    arguments = sys.argv[1:]
    arg = arguments[0] if 0 < len(arguments) else "unittest"
    runner = TEST_RUNNERS_MAP[arg]

    TestRunner = get_runner(settings,test_runner_class=runner)
    test_runner = TestRunner()
    failures = test_runner.run_tests(["unit_tests"])


$ pytest

Name                                                 Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover   Missing
api/apps.py                                   4      0      0      0   100%
api/models/enum_model_base.py                25     10      2      0    56%   14,28,31
api/models/ingredient.py                     11      0      0      0   100%
api/models/model_base_with_timestamp.py       6      0      0      0   100%
api/routes.py                                 5      0      0      0   100%
api/serializers/ingredients.py                6      6      0      0     0%   1-9
api/urls.py                                   5      5      0      0     0%   1-7
api/views/view_set_base.py                   55     55     10      0     0%   1-123
api/views/ingredients.py                      6      6      0      0     0%   1-9
TOTAL                                                  123     82     12      0    30%

FAIL required test coverage of 100.0% not reached. Total coverage: 30.37%

我认为下一个唯一的区别是 urls 文件

$ coverage run runner.py unittest
$ coverage report

Name                                                 Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover   Missing
api/apps.py                                   4      0      0      0   100%
api/models/enum_model_base.py                25     10      2      0    56%   14,31
api/models/ingredient.py                     11      0      0      0   100%
api/models/model_base_with_timestamp.py       6      0      0      0   100%
api/routes.py                                 5      0      0      0   100%
api/serializers/ingredients.py                6      6      0      0     0%   1-9
api/urls.py                                   5      0      0      0   100%
api/views/view_set_base.py                   55     55     10      0     0%   1-123
api/views/ingredients.py                      6      6      0      0     0%   1-9

但是如果我从脚本运行 pytest。大多数都是0%

$ python runner.py pytest

Name                                                 Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover   Missing
api/apps.py                                   4      4      0      0     0%   1-6
api/models/enum_model_base.py                25     25      2      0     0%   1-57
api/models/ingredient.py                     11     11      0      0     0%   1-14
api/models/model_base_with_timestamp.py       6      6      0      0     0%   1-13
api/routes.py                                 5      0      0      0   100%
api/serializers/ingredients.py                6      6      0      0     0%   1-9
api/urls.py                                   5      5      0      0     0%   1-7
api/views/view_set_base.py             55     55     10      0     0%   1-123
api/views/ingredients.py                      6      6      0      0     0%   1-9
TOTAL                                                  123    118     12      0     4%

FAIL required test coverage of 100.0% not reached. Total coverage: 3.70%

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