


我使用 sudo make 和 sudo make install 在树莓上成功安装了 Open-zwave。在此之后,我想编译这个包中的示例(cpp/example 并做了 make),但在此之后它向我展示了许多未找到的函数。这是错误

Starting MinOZW with OpenZWave Version 1.6-1923-g8cc47f02
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Error,Cannot find a path to the configuration files at ../../../config/,Using config/ instead...
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,Reading config/options.xml for Options
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Warning,Failed to Parse options.xml: Failed to open file
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,Options:
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,appendlogfile: false
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,associate: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,assumeawake: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,autoupdateconfigfile: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,configpath: config/
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,consoleoutput: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,customsecuredcc: 0x62,0x4c,0x63
2021-05-31 10:29:09.075 Info,drivermaxattempts: 5
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,dumptrigger: 4
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,dumptriggerlevel: 1
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,enablesis: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,enforcesecurereception: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,exclude: 
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,include: 
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,includeinstancelabel: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,interface: 
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,intervalbetweenpolls: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,language: 
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,logfilename: OZW_Log.txt
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,logging: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,networkkey: 
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,notifyondriverunload: false
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,notifytransactions: false
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,performreturnroutes: false
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,pollinterval: 500
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,queueloglevel: 9
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,refreshallusercodes: false
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,reloadafterupdate: AWAKE
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,retrytimeout: 10000
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,saveconfiguration: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,saveloglevel: 8
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,securitystrategy: SUPPORTED
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,suppressvaluerefresh: false
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,userpath: 
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Info,validatevaluechanges: true
2021-05-31 10:29:09.076 Always,OpenZwave Version 1.6-1923-g8cc47f02 Starting Up
2021-05-31 10:29:09.078 Info,Loading Localization File config/Localization.xml
2021-05-31 10:29:09.079 Info,Loaded config/Localization.xml With Revision 12
2021-05-31 10:29:09.079 Always,Using Language Localization 
2021-05-31 10:29:09.080 Info,Loading NotificationCCTypes File config/NotificationCCTypes.xml
2021-05-31 10:29:09.080 Info,Loaded config/NotificationCCTypes.xml With Revision 11
2021-05-31 10:29:09.081 Info,Loading SensorMultiLevelCCTypes File config/SensorMultiLevelCCTypes.xml
2021-05-31 10:29:09.081 Info,Loaded config/SensorMultiLevelCCTypes.xml With Revision 4
2021-05-31 10:29:09.081 Info,Setting Up Provided Network Key for Secure Communications
2021-05-31 10:29:09.081 Warning,Failed - Network Key Not Set
2021-05-31 10:29:09.085 Info,Manufacturer_Specific.xml file Revision is 170
2021-05-31 10:29:09.230 Info,Product name collision: SmartCode 910 type 1 id 1 manufacturerid 90,collides with Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt,type 1 id 1 manufacturerid 90
2021-05-31 10:29:09.242 Info,Product name collision: MS11Z type ff00 id ff04 manufacturerid 312,collides with LZW30 Switch,type ff00 id ff04 manufacturerid 312
2021-05-31 10:29:09.274 Info,Product name collision: NAS-CS01Z Curtain Switch type 200 id 102c manufacturerid 258,collides with NAS-SC03ZE Roller Shutter,type 200 id 102c manufacturerid 258
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Info,Queuing Lookup on mfs.db.openzwave.com for Node 0
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Info,opening controller /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Info,Trying to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 (attempt 1)
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Info,Starting DNSThread
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Info,LookupTxT Checking mfs.db.openzwave.com
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Info,mgr,Added driver for controller /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Info,Timer: thread starting
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Error,ERROR: Cannot open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0. Error code 2
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Error,ERROR: Failed to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Warning,WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 0)
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Detail,Timer: waiting with timeout -1 ms
2021-05-31 10:29:09.308 Info,Lookup for mfs.db.openzwave.com returned 151
2021-05-31 10:29:14.308 Info,opening controller /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:14.309 Info,Trying to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 (attempt 1)
2021-05-31 10:29:14.309 Error,ERROR: Cannot open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0. Error code 2
2021-05-31 10:29:14.309 Error,ERROR: Failed to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:14.309 Warning,WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 1)
2021-05-31 10:29:19.309 Info,opening controller /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:19.309 Info,Trying to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 (attempt 1)
2021-05-31 10:29:19.309 Error,ERROR: Cannot open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0. Error code 2
2021-05-31 10:29:19.309 Error,ERROR: Failed to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:19.309 Warning,WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 2)
2021-05-31 10:29:24.309 Info,opening controller /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:24.309 Info,Trying to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 (attempt 1)
2021-05-31 10:29:24.309 Error,ERROR: Cannot open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0. Error code 2
2021-05-31 10:29:24.309 Error,ERROR: Failed to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:24.309 Warning,WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 3)
2021-05-31 10:29:29.310 Info,opening controller /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:29.310 Info,Trying to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 (attempt 1)
2021-05-31 10:29:29.310 Error,ERROR: Cannot open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0. Error code 2
2021-05-31 10:29:29.310 Error,ERROR: Failed to open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:29.310 Warning,WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 4)
2021-05-31 10:29:29.310 Detail,contrlr,Notification: DriverFailed: /dev/ttyUSB0
2021-05-31 10:29:29.310 Info,Failed to remove driver for controller /dev/ttyUSB0

此外,当我尝试执行 MinOZW 文件时出现此错误

 opening controller /dev/ttyUSB0  Info,Trying to open serial port
 /dev/ttyUSB0 (attempt 1)  Error,ERROR: Cannot open serial port
 /dev/ttyUSB0. Error code 2 Error,ERROR: Failed to open serial port

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