
helm install Orion Context Broker 的问题

如何解决helm install Orion Context Broker 的问题

我正在尝试使用您的 Helm 图表在 AKS 上安装 FIWARE Orion。我使用


helm repo add azure-marketplace https://marketplace.azurecr.io/helm/v1/repo helm install my-release azure-marketplace/mongodb

因此,我在 values.yaml 中配置了 MongoDB,如下所示:

## database configuration
    # -- configuration of the mongo-db hosts. if multiple hosts are inserted,its assumed that mongo is running as a replica set
    hosts: [my-release-mongodb]
    #   - my-release-mongodb
    # -- the db to use. if running in multiservice mode,its used as a prefix.
    name: orion
    # -- Database authentication (not needed if MongoDB doesn't use --auth)
      # --user for connecting mongo
      user: root
      # -- password to be used on mongo
      password: mypasswd
      # -- the MongoDB authentication mechanism to use in the case user and password is set
      #mech: SCRAM-SHA-1

我使用命令:helm install test orion

当我在 pod 日志记录中看到这个错误时,我认为有问题;

kubectl logs test-orion-7dfcc9c7fb-8vbgw
time=2021-05-28T19:50:29.737Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=mongocContextCachePersist.cpp[59]:mongocContextCachePersist | msg=Database Error (persisting context: command insert requires authentication)


亲切的问候, 约翰,


您应该确保 mongo-db 实际上在“my-release-mongodb:27017”可用,为此您可以使用“kubectl get services”。除此之外,请确保“root:mypasswd”实际上是在 mongodb 中设置的凭据。

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