
如何使用 WHERE LIKE或等效

如何解决如何使用 WHERE LIKE或等效

我有一个设备预订登记/日历系统,我目前正在使用 Laravel。

设备可以根据需要直接预订给员工或安排在未来的日期。 例如,笔记本电脑 1 可能有 3 个预订,但笔记本电脑一次只能预订一个人。

系统启动并运行,用户可以搜索当前/预定的预订。 但是我无法让用户搜索员工姓名,因为我需要拆分查询

如您所见,我首先从第 7-14 行获取所有设备。

然后,我将每个设备的所有预订附加到 $bookings 集合中的一个名为“可用预订”的新键中。


public function searchCurrentBookings(Request $request) {
        // Making sure the user entered a keyword.
        if ($request->has('query')) {

           //Get all devices
            $bookings = devices::where('device_status','!=','decommisioned')
                ->where(function ($query) {
                $query->Where('devices.device_id','like','%' . request('query') . '%')
                      ->orWhere('device_serial','%' . request('query') . '%')
                      ->orWhere('model_name_fk','%' . request('query') . '%')
                      ->orWhere('device_status','%' . request('query') . '%'); 

                //Append all of the bookings for each device to collection
                foreach($bookings as $booking) {
                    $booking->available_bookings = bookings::leftJoin('staff','staff.staff_id','bookings.checked_out_to')

                //How can I search the available bookings in this collection?
                $collection = $bookings->available_bookings->Where('staff_name','%' . request('query') . '%')
            // If there are results return them,if none,return the error message.
            return $bookings->count() ? $bookings : $error;

以下是 $bookings 对象的示例

    "device_id": "Laptop 1","device_serial": "63YNERQN","model_name_fk": "Dell Latitude 3310","device_status": "unavailable","available_bookings": [
        "id": 45,"device_id": "Laptop 1","date_from": "1-May-2021","date_to": "5-May-2021","status": "checked_out","checked_out_to": 1,"updated_at": "2021-05-27T11:52:13.000000Z","staff_id": 1,"staff_name": "Jaden Bird"
        "id": 46,"date_from": "6-May-2021","date_to": "8-May-2021","status": "scheduled","checked_out_to": 2,"staff_id": 2,"staff_name": "Lilo Berry"
        "id": 47,"date_from": "17-May-2021","date_to": "27-May-2021","checked_out_to": 4,"staff_id": 4,"staff_name": "Barbora Forester"
    "device_id": "Laptop 3","device_serial": "PNX9N8R8","model_name_fk": "Dell Latitude 7490","available_bookings": [
        "id": 48,"device_id": "Laptop 3","date_from": "5-May-2021","checked_out_to": 3,"staff_id": 3,"staff_name": "Kaiden Ojeda"
    "device_id": "Laptop 4","device_serial": "GTUEDDDH","model_name_fk": "Dell Latitude 5300","device_status": "available","available_bookings": [
        "id": 50,"device_id": "Laptop 4","date_from": "30-May-2021","date_to": "30-May-2021","checked_out_to": 6,"staff_id": 6,"staff_name": "Luka Evans"
    "device_id": "Projector","device_serial": "Projector","model_name_fk": "Epson EH-TW550","available_bookings": []

以下系统的示例图像。 我想在所有预订中或仅在活动预订中搜索员工姓名(以较容易者为准)。

Bookings Calendar Example


DB Structure




namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Devices extends Model
    #use HasFactory;

    protected $table = 'devices';
     * @var string $primaryKey Name of the primary key
    protected $primaryKey = 'device_id';
     * @var bool $incrementing The PK does not increment
    public $incrementing = false;
     * @var string $keyType Primary key is a string (i.e. not an integer)
    protected $keyType = 'string';
     * @var array $fillable The attributes that are mass assignable.
    protected $fillable = [

    public function bookings() {



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Bookings extends Model
 #use HasFactory;

 protected $table = 'bookings';
  * @var string $primaryKey Name of the primary key
 protected $primaryKey = 'id';
  * @var bool $incrementing The PK does not increment
 public $incrementing = true;
  * @var string $keyType Primary key is a string (i.e. not an integer)
 protected $keyType = 'integer';
  * @var array $fillable The attributes that are mass assignable.
 protected $fillable = [
    public function staff() {



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Staff extends Model
    protected $table = 'staff';
     * @var string $primaryKey Name of the primary key
    protected $primaryKey = 'staff_id';
     * @var bool $incrementing The PK does not increment
    public $incrementing = true;
     * @var string $keyType Primary key is a string (i.e. not an integer)
    protected $keyType = 'integer';
     * @var array $fillable The attributes that are mass assignable.
    protected $fillable = [




public function bookings() {
  return $this->hasMany(Booking::class,'device_id','device_id');

在您的 Booking 模型类文件中添加关系。

public function staff() {
  return $this->belongsTo(Staff::class,'checked_out_to','staff_id');


$search = $request->search_name;
$bookings = Device::with('bookings','bookings.staff')->whereHas('bookings.staff',function($q) use($search) {
                return $q->where('staff_name','like','%' . $search .'%');

在调用 get() 函数之前,在 Booking 表中添加您需要的所有其他查询条件。



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