
OpenAPI Maven 生成器为 Spring Boot 生成不存在的“@OptionsMapping”注释

如何解决OpenAPI Maven 生成器为 Spring Boot 生成不存在的“@OptionsMapping”注释


这是我重要的 pom.xml 部分:







@ApiOperation(value = "Tenant Resource Options",nickname = "availableTenantResourceOperations",notes = "The `/tenant` resource supports two custom OPTIONS requests,this one for the resource as such and one for individual tenant instances. The OPTIONS request allows checking for the set of available operations that the currently authenticated user can perform on the `/tenant` resource. If the user can perform an operation or not may depend on varIoUs things,including the users authorizations to interact with this resource and the internal configuration of the process engine.",response = ResourceOptionsDto.class,tags={ "Tenant",})
@ApiResponses(value = { 
    @ApiResponse(code = 200,message = "Request successful.",response = ResourceOptionsDto.class) })
    value = "/tenant",produces = { "application/json" }
default ResponseEntity<ResourceOptionsDto> availableTenantResourceOperations() {

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