
蓝牙模块 JDY-08 找不到安卓设备

如何解决蓝牙模块 JDY-08 找不到安卓设备

我有 1 个 JDY-08 MASTER,它扫描查找 myDeviceName 并在找到该设备名称时触发一个函数

String get_ble_scan_data(void){

    String  final_result = "";
    String result = "";//reset and declare
    String extract = set_ble("AT+SCAN1");//scan for device name,signal strength and mac address
    String extract2 = set_ble("AT+GETDCD");//get number of device found

    //Now we are going to check for which extraction has the data we interested in
    if((extract.length() > threshold or extract.length() > threshold)){

      result = extract;//pass extract as result
      if(extract2.length() > extract.length()){//check which is bigger
        result = extract2;//pass extract2 as result if its bigger in length than extract

    if(result.length() > 0){//add filter and execution here
      String filter = result;//copy
      result = "";// reset
      while(filter.indexOf('=') > -1){// we use the char = as a seperator

        filter = filter.substring(filter.indexOf('=') + 1);//remove strings before seperator
        result += filter.substring(0,filter.indexOf('\n')) + ' '; //extract till newline character
        filter = filter.substring(filter.indexOf(result) + result.length());//remove extracted result so we go on to next extraction of same result if there is more device picked up

      result.trim();//remove spaces at the end or start if any

      final_result = result;


  return final_result;


void ble_response(String search_result){

  String scan_result = search_result;//do bluetooth scan
  if(scan_result.indexOf(myDeviceName) > -1 ){//when data present in scan and it contains desired key
  if(scan_result.indexOf(' ') == -1){//if only one ble is picked up

    ble_macaddress = scan_result.substring(0,scan_result.indexOf(','));
    scan_result = scan_result.substring(scan_result.indexOf(ble_macaddress) + 1 + ble_macaddress.length(),scan_result.length());//remove mac address
    ble_strength = scan_result.substring(0,'));
    ble_name = scan_result.substring(scan_result.indexOf(ble_strength) + 1 + ble_strength.length(),scan_result.length());//remove mac address

    if(((int) ble_strength.toFloat()) >= trigger_threshold and ble_name == key){

  }else{//if multiple ble is picked up

    String cut = "";
    while(scan_result.indexOf(',') > -1){//while there is still result to be processed

      cut = scan_result.substring(0,scan_result.indexOf(' '));
      scan_result = scan_result.substring(scan_result.indexOf(cut) + 1 + cut.length(),scan_result.length());
      if(cut.indexOf(myDeviceName) > -1){//only analyze if it contains key

        ble_macaddress = cut.substring(0,cut.indexOf(','));
        cut = cut.substring(cut.indexOf(ble_macaddress) + 1 + ble_macaddress.length(),cut.length());//remove mac address
        ble_strength = cut.substring(0,'));
        ble_name = cut.substring(cut.indexOf(ble_strength) + 1 + ble_strength.length(),cut.length());//remove mac address

        if(((int) ble_strength.toFloat()) >= trigger_threshold and ble_name == key){


如果我通过一个按钮使用另一个 JDY-08 设备,它会找到该设备并触发操作:

if(!digitalRead(11)){//if button is pushed///////

      set_ble("AT+NAMEmyDeviceName");//change ble name
      while(!digitalRead(11));//do nothing while button is still pressed
      delay(2000);//allow time before name change back
      set_ble("AT+NAMEJDY-08");//change name back


private void advertise(){
        final BluetoothLeAdvertiser advertiser = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().getBluetoothLeAdvertiser();
        final AdvertiseSettings settings = new AdvertiseSettings.Builder()
                .setAdvertiseMode( AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_MODE_LOW_LATENCY )
                .setTxPowerLevel( AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_HIGH )
                .setConnectable( true )

        final AdvertiseData data = new AdvertiseData.Builder()
                .setIncludeDeviceName( true )

        final AdvertiseCallback advertisingCallback = new AdvertiseCallback() {
            public void onStartSuccess(AdvertiseSettings settingsInEffect) {

            public void onStartFailure(int errorCode) {
                Log.e( "BLE","Advertising onStartFailure: " + errorCode );

        final Handler myTimerHandler = new Handler();
                new Runnable()
                    public void run(){

我也将 Intent 与 BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_disCOVERABLE 一起使用。

使用 NRFConnect 应用程序,我可以看到 JDY-08 按钮设备如何更改设备名称(这会触发 JDY-08 MASTER 上的操作)。我还可以看到带有 myDeviceName 的 Android 设备,但这不会触发操作。我是否遗漏了 Android 应用中的某些内容

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