
如何使用 AutoHotKey 在 Microsoft Outlook 搜索字段中检测焦点

如何解决如何使用 AutoHotKey 在 Microsoft Outlook 搜索字段中检测焦点


如何编写 AutoHotKey 以检测窗口顶部的 Microsoft Outlook 搜索字段,以便仅在该窗口之外启用热键?该搜索字段如下所示:

enter image description here


我打算添加类似于 gmail 的单字符热键: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6594?hl=en#zippy=%2Cactions ,特别是用于删除# 键绑定。我的实验基于 AutoHotKey 脚本,例如:


该脚本使用 #IfWinActive 将其热键限制在主 Outlook 窗口中:

#IfWinActive,- Outlook ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32,NUIDocumentwindow     ;for Outlook 2013,uncomment this line

但是,如果我不更改上面的 #IfWinActive 语句,然后通过以下方式添加 # 热键:

+3::Send {Delete}  ; Means "#" key: Delete selected message(s)

然后在运行脚本时,然后单击上面的搜索字段,然后键入 #,然后当然会将 Delete 键发送到该字段中,而不仅仅是将 # 传递到搜索字段中。

我通过重新绑定 Ctrl+e /(后者是用于搜索/过滤的 Gmail 绑定)到一个临时输入弹出窗口,我在其中输入搜索表达式,然后让 AutoHotKey 将其输入到字段中。但这当然是一个黑客:

; Search for some expression
;   Hack: We have to popup an input dialog Box,prompt for the
;   search expression,and then when done,type it into the
;   underlying search field.  This is needed to avoid having other
;   single-key bindings get "eaten" when needing to type into the
;   Outlook search field,as as of 2021-05-23 I Could not find a way
;   to detect that specific input field.
  ; Save current active (Outlook) window so we can return to after prompting for the search expression:
  WinGet,winid,A ; <-- need to identify window A = active

  ; Prompt for the search expression:
  InputBox,search_expr,Search Expression,Enter the search expression.

  ; Return to the Outlook window:
  WinActivate ahk_id %winid%

  ; If the user presses Escape or clicks on the Cancel button,do nothing:
  if (!ErrorLevel) {
    ; but if we are doing the search:

    ; Get into the search field:
    Send ^e

    ; Select all prior text so we can wipe it out:
    Send ^a

    ; ... by typing in all of the expression:
    Send %search_expr%

    ; then do the search:
    Send {Enter}

无论我在 Outlook 主窗口 Window Spy(AutoHotKey 附带的应用程序)中单击什么位置,类始终保持不变。

AutoHotkey 版本:


请注意,Shift+3 只会在您的键盘布局上产生 #。实际使用 # 键作为热键会更正确。

此外,您引用的代码是非常传统的 AHK。里面有不少东西不属于现代AHK。
这样,您将保留 # 键的本机功能。


#If,WinActive("A") == WinExist("- Outlook ahk_exe OUTLOOK.EXE") && !SearchBarFocused()

    return InStr("RICHEDIT60W1,RichEdit20WPT1",ctrl)

我还首先检查 Outlook 是否实际上是活动窗口。可能有点多余,但可以使重映射无法在其他具有该名称控件的窗口中处于活动状态。


经过一些实验(包括根据 0x464e's answer 进行的简化)后,我找到了解决方案,并且本质上反转逻辑,在某种程度上,在 https://github.com/pimlottc-gov/gmailkeys/blob/master/gmailkeys-2013.ahk#L76 中:

; Outlook-specific Hotkeys:
;   Reference material used in this implementation:
;     https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/38389-archiving-email-in-outlook-with-a-single-keystroke/

; As best I can tell,the window text 'NUIDocumentWindow' is not present
; on any other items except the main window. Also,I look for the phrase
; ' - Outlook' in the title,which will not appear in the title (unless
; a user types this string into the subject of a message or task).
#IfWinActive - Outlook ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32,NUIDocumentWindow

    if (SentNormalKeyInOutlookEditControl("#"))
    Send {Delete}  ; Delete selected message(s)



  ; Find out which control in Outlook has focus

  ; ; set list of controls that should respond to specialKey. Controls are the list of emails and the main (and minor) controls of the reading pane,including controls when viewing certain attachments.
  ; ; The control 'RichEdit20WPT1' (email subject line) is used extensively for inline editing. Thus it had to be included in bad_ctrl_list.
  ; ctrlList = Acrobat Preview Window1,AfxWndW5,AfxWndW6,EXCEL71,MsoCommandBar1,OlkPicturePreviewer1,paneClassDC1,RichEdit20WPT2,RichEdit20WPT4,RichEdit20WPT5,RICHEDIT50W1,SUPERGRID1,_WwG1
  bad_ctrl_list = RICHEDIT60W1,RichEdit20WPT1
  ; RICHEDIT60W1 is the search field at the top of the window

  if currentCtrl in %bad_ctrl_list%
    ; MsgBox,BAD Control with focus = %currentCtrl% normal_key = %normal_key%
    Send %normal_key%
    return 1
  return 0

enter image description here

编辑 2021-05-25 06:58:23:根据 0x464e's answer 用“#”替换旧的“+3”。 编辑 2021-05-25 08:20:09:防止“-消息”窗口接收热键(单独的消息窗口,而不是主窗口)

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