
循环中变量更新错误 - PythonQ-learning

如何解决循环中变量更新错误 - PythonQ-learning

为什么 position 和 newposition 给出相同的输出并在下一个循环中一起更新?

for game in range(nr_of_games):
    # Initialize the player at the start position and store the current position in position

    status = -1
    # loop over steps taken by the player
    while status == -1: #the status of the game is -1,terminate if 1 (see status_list above)

        # Find out what move to make using  

        move,action = action_fcn(q_in,epsilon,wind)
        # update location,check grid,reward_list,and status_list 
        newposition[0] = position[0] + move[0]
        newposition[1] = position[1] + move[1]
        print('new loop')
        grid_state = grid[newposition[0]][newposition[1]]
        reward = reward_list[grid_state]
        status = status_list[grid_state]
        status = int(status)
        if status == 1:
            Q[position[0],position[1],action]= reward
            break #Game over 
        else: Q[position[0],action]= (1-alpha)*Q[position[0],action]+alpha*(reward+gamma*Q[newposition[0],newposition[1],action])
        position = newposition


new loop
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new loop
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new loop
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new loop
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new loop
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new loop
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>>> newposition = position

所以实际上,当你增加 newposition 时,你实际上也是在 position 上做的。

所以只需让 newpositionposition 不同。我的意思是,让他们拥有 id(newposition) != id(position) 并且你会很好。因为目前,我猜这两个 id 是相同的,不是吗?

为什么 position 和 newposition 给出相同的输出并在下一个循环中一起更新?

因为它们是同一个对象。我不是(仅)说它们是平等的,我是说 newpositionposition,即您目前拥有 (newposition is position) is True

只需独立于 newposition 定义 position。例如:

# [...]
for game in range(nr_of_games):
    # Initialize the player at the start position and store the current position in position
    position    = np.array([0,19])
    newposition = np.empty((2,))
    # [...]

此外,您可能有充分的理由这样做,但请记住,如果 moveposition 具有相同的形状并传达“相同的信息”,您也可以这样做>

# [...]
    # [...]
        # [...]
        # newposition[0] = position[0] + move[0]
        # newposition[1] = position[1] + move[1]
        newposition = position + move
        # [...]

并删除 newposition = np.empty((2,))


那是因为您尝试使用 = 运算符将一个列表复制到另一个列表;与列表一起使用,它将存储在右变量中的指针分配给左变量,因此物理上指向相同的内存单元。

要真正复制列表,请使用 list.copy() 方法。

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