
BuildPack 无法解析 gradle 多项目 java springboot 代码的工件

如何解决BuildPack 无法解析 gradle 多项目 java springboot 代码的工件

我创建了一个设置文件,其中包含 一个 rootProject.name 后跟每个微服务的包含语句。 但是在使用 buildpack 进行构建时,我得到了

bool SSLSocket::connect(wchar_t * strDestination,int port,int timeout)
    SocketAddress socketAddress(strDestination,port);
    return this->connect(&socketAddress,timeout);
bool SSLSocket::connect(SocketAddress * sockAddress,int timeout)
    bool success = 
        (this->_sslHandle != NULL && 
        Socket::connect(sockAddress,timeout) &&                // Regular TCP connection
        SSL_set_fd(this->_sslHandle,(int)this->_hSocket) == 1 &&   // Connect the SSL struct to our connection
        SSL_connect(this->_sslHandle) == 1);                    // Initiate SSL handshake

    if (!success)

    return success;

int SSLSocket::_recv(void * lpBuffer,int size,int flags)
    MonitorLock cs(&_mutex);
    return SSL_read(this->_sslHandle,lpBuffer,size);

int SSLSocket::_send(const void * lpBuffer,int flags)
    return SSL_write(this->_sslHandle,size);

所以我在根文件夹中创建了一个 project.toml 文件并重复构建。

! Failed with status code: 145
[builder] unable to invoke layer creator
                                                                                                     │ [builder] unable to contribute application layer
│ [builder] unable to resolve artifact
│ [builder] unable to find single built artifact in build/libs/*.[jw]ar,candidate
│ s: []. If this is unexpected,please try setting rootProject.name in settings.gr
│ adle or add a project.toml file and exclude the build/ directory. For details se
│ e https://buildpacks.io/docs/app-developer-guide/using-project-descriptor/.




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