
从 JSON 数组中获取 json 元素

如何解决从 JSON 数组中获取 json 元素



create table tbl_jdata
id int,jdata json

insert into tbl_jdata values(1,'[{"salary":10000,"name":"mak"},{"salary":20000,"name":"jak"},{"salary":45000,"name":"abc"}]');

我只想显示一个具有最高薪水的 json 元素,例如在预期结果中如下所示。


id    jdata
1     [{"salary":45000,"name":"abc"}]


select t.id,each_section
from tbl_jdata t
cross join unnest(t.jdata) each_section
where t.id = 1 and (each_section ->> 'salary') in 
 select max(each_section ->> 'salary')
 from tbl_jdata t
 cross join unnest(t.jdata) each_section


ERROR: function unnest(json) does not exist


您需要在 JSON 数组上使用 int size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) { if (texts[i] != null) { for (int j = 0; j < texts[i].length; j++) { // If the 1st letter matches if (texts[i][j] == searchText[0]) { // then iterate over the size of the "searchtext" for (int k = 1; k < searchText.length; k++) { // If the position of the next letter exists & is equal to // what is in the search word,then increment some variable if ((i + k < texts.length && texts[i + k] != null && j + k < texts[i + k].length) && texts[i + k][j + k] == searchText[k]) { size += 1; } // If we are on the last letter if (k == searchText.length - 1) { // return true if we have found the search word if (size == searchText.length - 1) { return true; } else { // Otherwise reset the size and // keep iterating over the texts[][] size = 0; } } } } } } } return false; 评估器而不是 CREATE PROCEDURE SP_INS_PUBLIC_NHANVIEN @MANV VARCHAR(20),@HOTEN NVARCHAR(100),@EMAIL VARCHAR (20),@LUONGCB VARCHAR(100),@TENDN NVARCHAR(100),@MK VARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX); IF ASYMKEY_ID(@MANV) IS NULL BEGIN SET @SQL = 'CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY ' + QUOTENAME(@MANV) + ' ' + 'WITH ALGORITHM = RSA_2048 ' + 'ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = ' + QUOTENAME(@MK,NCHAR(39)) EXEC (@SQL) END DECLARE @MATKHAU_SHA1 VARBINARY(MAX); SET @MATKHAU_SHA1 = CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX),HASHBYTES('SHA1',@MK)); DECLARE @LUONG_RSA512 VARBINARY(MAX); SET @LUONG_RSA512 = ENCRYPTBYASYMKEY(ASYMKEY_ID(@MANV),@LUONGCB); DECLARE @PUBKEY NVARCHAR(20); SELECT @PUBKEY = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(20),@MANV); INSERT INTO DBO.NHANVIEN VALUES (@MANV,@HOTEN,@EMAIL,ENCRYPTBYASYMKEY(ASYMKEY_ID(@MANV),@LUONGCB),@TENDN,@MATKHAU_SHA1,@PUBKEY); END GO 。这样做之后,您可以使用横向连接来获取最高元素:


请注意,建议使用 unnest() 而不是 select t.id,i.* from the_table t cross join lateral ( select x.item from json_array_elements(t.jdata) as x(item) order by (x.item ->> 'salary')::int desc limit 1 ) i




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