
如何从 Telegramm bot 发送带有照片的文本

如何解决如何从 Telegramm bot 发送带有照片的文本

我需要机器人在按下内嵌按钮时发送一条消息,其中包含指向照片和文本的链接。 此外,我需要在消息中显示标题、照片后以及消息末尾的文本。但结果现在,文本显示在消息中,并且照片在消息的末尾。 我需要做什么才能获得帖子开头的照片? 发送时,我使用send_message方法,解析模式为“HTML”。

@dp.callback_query_handler(lambda callback_query: True)
async def some_callback_handler(callback_query: types.CallbackQuery):
    if callback_query['data'] == 'info':
              text = '''One night,an armed man and woman break into his house,and his son,Blake,tackles one of them. Hutch is reluctant to intervene and allows the thieves to 
                        leave. The incident causes everyone to think he is a failure. Hutch contacts his 
                        half-brother Harry on a hidden radio in his office and explains that he held back 
                        because the burglars were desperate,scared,and using an unloaded gun.'''
              img_link = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c7/Nobody_2021_Film_Poster.jpeg'
              text = '<a href="' + img_link + '">poster</a>\n' + text
              await bot.send_message(chat_id=callback_query.message.chat.id,text=text)

我不能对标题字段中的文本使用 send_photo 方法,因为文本字段将超过 1024 个字符。



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