
将 scipy linprog 中的设置与 PuLP 匹配

如何解决将 scipy linprog 中的设置与 PuLP 匹配

我在 SciPy linprog 中设置了一个相当简单的 LP 模型,但在 PuLP 中设置时遇到问题。

我打算增加 linprog 无法处理的更多复杂性,所以想改为设置它。虽然看起来不像 linprog 那样用户友好!

linprog 设置如下:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('df.xlsx')

from scipy.optimize import linprog

#1d n-element array of ones,*-1 to minimize the sum of the variables to solve for: x1,x2 ... xn

# equations for the inequality constraints,simply a M x n array

# array of M zeros as bounds for above inequality constraint
b_ub = np.array((A_ub.shape[0])*[0])

# lower and upper bounds set for the elements
bounds=[(0,x) for x in list(df['bounds_max'])]

# the set up of the equation

以上一切正常,但不确定如何在 PuLP 中设置相同的内容?我到目前为止的尝试:

# importing the package
import pulp as pl

# defining the problem
prob = pl.LpProblem("df",pl.LpMinimize)

# defining the set of variables to solve for like above (x1,x2,... xn) with the same constraints like in 'bounds' above. different 'x's have different upper bounds
x = pl.LpVariable.matrix('x',list(range(len(df['Helper']))),[i for i in list(df['bounds_max'])])

# the equivalent to 'constant' above - minimize the sum of 'x1,... xn'
prob += pl.lpSum(x for j in range(len(list(df['Ones']))))

# the same equations for the inequality constraints

# here is where it breaks down,the multiplying each 'x' element be each element in each row of the array
prob += pl.lpSum(x*[a for a in A_ub]) <= 0

# Solve the problem

从倒数第二行收到错误消息“类型错误:不能将序列乘以非整数的‘列表’类型”。此外,上限的列表推导式不像 linprog 那样工作。(类型错误:必须是实数,而不是生成器)


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