如果没有解析任何参数,则 argparse 正在退出

如何解决如果没有解析任何参数,则 argparse 正在退出

我正在使用 argparse 并且一些参数需要一个值。 例如,在我的论据中

lst -pln -pk 

lst sotore true,-pln 也存储真值, 但是 -pk 需要输入一个值。

当我输入没有值的 -pk 时,它显示以下错误退出

错误:参数 -pk/--package:需要一个参数

但我不想让程序退出。相反,我想显示无效输入错误消息并在我的程序中继续 while 循环。



使用let playerid; let booleanLog = true let nameInput; let passInput; let confirmBtn; let changeLoginRegisterBtn; let goldBtn; let mainSceneEnable=false; let shopMenuBollean = true; let shopMenu = ["Store","Forge","Workshop","Enchanter","Inventory","Hero Management","Upgrades"]; let villageMenu = ["Production","Tavern","Adventure Guild","Upgrades"]; let drawSquare= 0 let shop = { text:"Shop",x:0,y:0,w:0,h:0 } let village = { text:"Village",h:0 } function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth,windowHeight); loginScreen() } function draw() { background(220); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER) textSize(20) //Change Between Login and Register text if(mainSceneEnable == false){ if (booleanLog){ text("LOGIN",windowWidth*0.52,windowHeight*0.25) }else{ text("REGISTER",windowHeight*0.25) } }else{ MenuHud() } } function mousePressed() { //Enables in game buttons if(mainSceneEnable){ MenuButtons(); } } function change_Login_Register() { if(booleanLog){ booleanLog = false }else { booleanLog = true } } function loginScreen(){ background(220); nameInput = createInput(''); nameInput.position(windowWidth*0.45,windowHeight*0.3); passInput = createInput(''); passInput.position(windowWidth*0.45,windowHeight*0.4); confirmBtn = createButton('Confirm'); confirmBtn.position(windowWidth*0.45,windowHeight*0.45); confirmBtn.mousePressed(do_Login); changeLoginRegisterBtn = createButton('Change Between Login and Register'); changeLoginRegisterBtn.position(windowWidth*0.38,windowHeight*0.17); changeLoginRegisterBtn.mousePressed(change_Login_Register); } function do_Login(){ let username=nameInput.value(); let password=passInput.value(); let player = { username:username,password:password } //Do Login if (booleanLog){ httpPost('/login','json',player,(dataReceived)=>{ playerid=dataReceived[0].pl_id; remove_Login(); mainSceneEnable=true; print(playerid) }); //Do Register }else{ httpPost('/register',(dataReceived)=>{ playerid=dataReceived[0].pl_id; }); } } function remove_Login(){ nameInput.remove(); passInput.remove(); confirmBtn.remove(); changeLoginRegisterBtn.remove(); } function MenuHud(){ textAlign(CENTER,CENTER) textSize(20) fill(255) stroke("red") strokeWeight(2) shop.x = width/22; shop.y = height/6; shop.w = width/15; shop.h = height/12; village.x = width/9; village.y = height/6; village.w = width/15; village.h = height/12; //Shop or Village Menu options rect(shop.x,shop.y,shop.w,shop.h) text(shop.text,shop.x + shop.w/2,shop.y + shop.h/2) rect(village.x,village.y,village.w,village.h) text(village.text,village.x + village.w/2,village.y + village.h/2) //Mouse over to change bettween menus if(mouseX > shop.x && mouseX < shop.x+shop.w && mouseY > shop.y && mouseY < shop.y+shop.h){ shopMenuBollean = true; }else if (mouseX > village.x && mouseX < village.x+village.w && mouseY > village.y && mouseY < village.y+village.h){ shopMenuBollean = false; } //array for the menu options textSize(15) //Shop Menu if(shopMenuBollean == true) { for(let i=0; i<shopMenu.length; i++){ rect(width/22,height/4+(i*height/12),width/7.55,height/12) text(shopMenu[i],width/9,height/3.5+(i*height/12)); } //Village Menu }else if(shopMenuBollean == false){ for(let i=0; i<villageMenu.length; i++){ rect(width/22,height/12) text(villageMenu[i],height/3.5+(i*height/12)); } } // Store if (drawSquare == 1){ rect(width/5.54,height/1.72,width/1.4,height/3.99) rect(width/5.54,width/10,height/45) //Shop toggle rect(width/1.6,height/2,width/15,height/15) //NPCs in queue rect(width/1.4,height/6,width/3.55,height/1.501) //Inventory } //Forge else if (drawSquare == 2){ rect(width/5.54,width/1.8,height/2.43) //Forge Menu rect(width/4.2,height/5,height/7.5) //Material 1 rect(width/2.6,height/7.5) //Material 2 rect(width/1.89,height/7.5) //Material 3 rect(width/2.55,height/2.72,height/45) //Craft Button rect(width/2.6,height/2.4,width/8,height/8) //Result rect(width/1.4,height/1.501) //Inventory } //Workshop else if (drawSquare == 3){ rect(width/5.54,height/3.99) //Workshop Menu rect(width/4.9,height/1.6,width/11,height/8) //Item rect(width/3.2,height/8) //Gold rect(width/2.38,height/8) //Material rect(width/2.55,height/1.3,height/45) //Upgrade Button rect(width/1.65,height/1.501) //Inventory } //Enchanter else if (drawSquare == 4){ rect(width/5.54,height/3.99) //Enchant Menu rect(width/4.9,height/8) //Enchantment rect(width/2.55,height/45) //Enchant Button rect(width/1.65,height/1.501) //Inventory //rect(width/2.6,height/8) //Enchant Preview When Mouse Hover } //Inventory else if (drawSquare == 5){ rect(width/5.54,width/1.25,height/1.501) //Inventory } //Heroes Management else if (drawSquare == 6){ rect(width/5.54,height/1.501) //Hero Menu rect(width/2.8,width/1.6,height/3.01) //Inventory rect(width/3.6,height/1.8,height/45) //Clock rect(width/2.8,height/7.5) //Slot 1 rect(width/2.1,height/7.5) //Slot 2 rect(width/1.68,height/7.5) //Slot 3 rect(width/1.4,height/7.5) //Slot 4 rect(width/1.2,height/7.5) //Slot 5 rect(width/2.8,height/2.5,width/4,height/15) //Time } //Upgrades else if (drawSquare == 7){ rect(width/5.54,height/3.99) } //Tavern else if (drawSquare == 8){ rect(width/5.54,height/3.99) } } function MenuButtons(){ //Shop Menu if(shopMenuBollean == true) { //Store if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(0*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(0*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 1 } //Forge else if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(1*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(1*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 2 } //Workshop else if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(2*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(2*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 3 } //Enchanter else if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(3*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(3*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 4 } //Inventory else if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(4*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(4*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 5 } //Heroes Management else if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(5*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(5*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 6 } //Upgrades if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(6*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(6*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 7 } // Village Menu }else if(shopMenuBollean == false) { //Tavern if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(0*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(0*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 8 } //Wood else if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(1*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(1*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 9 } //Mine else if(mouseX > width/22 && mouseX < width/22+width/7.55 && mouseY > height/4+(2*height/12) && mouseY < height/4+(2*height/12)+height/12){ drawSquare= 10 } } }


ArgumentParser 对象通常将单个命令行参数与要采取的单个操作相关联。 const express = require('express') const bodyParser = require('body-parser') const mysql = require('mysql'); const app = express() const port = 3000 app.use(express.static('public')); // parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })) // parse application/json app.use(bodyParser.json()) //creates instance to make connection to the sql database const db = mysql.createConnection({ host: "localhost",port: 3306,user: "root",password: "root",database: "heroshoppe",//WORKING WITH MAMP ON MAC!!! }); db.connect(function(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Connected to DB!"); }); app.post('/register',(req,res)=>{ let username = req.body.username; let password = req.body.password; let gold = 1000; let sql = "SELECT * FROM Player WHERE pl_name='"+username+"'"; db.query(sql,(err,result)=>{ if(err) throw err; //no player with that name if(result.length<1){ let sql = "INSERT INTO Player (`pl_name`,`pl_pass`,`pl_gold`) VALUES ('"+username+"','"+password+"','"+gold+"')"; db.query(sql,result)=>{ if(err) throw err; //if affected rows let sql = "SELECT pl_id FROM Player WHERE pl_name='"+username+"' AND pl_pass='"+password+"'"; db.query(sql,result)=>{ if(err) throw err; console.log(result); res.send(result); }); }); } }); }); app.post('/login',res)=>{ let username = req.body.username; let password = req.body.password; let sql = "SELECT * FROM Player WHERE pl_name='"+username+"'"; db.query(sql,result)=>{ if(err) throw err; console.log(result); if(result.length>1){ let sql = "SELECT pl_id FROM Player WHERE pl_name='"+username+"' AND pl_pass='"+password+"'"; db.query(sql,result)=>{ if(err) throw err; console.log(result); res.send(result); }); } }); }); app.listen(port,() => { console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`) }) 关键字参数将不同数量的命令行参数与单个操作相关联。支持的值为:

  • (...)
  • nargs="?"。如果可能,将从命令行使用一个参数,并作为单个项目生成。如果不存在命令行参数,则将生成默认值。


$ cat test.py
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()


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