我希望编写一个 python 脚本来删除在 >= x 天内未被访问的文件。 我知道我可以检查文件的创建时间和修改时间,但是我可以以某种方式检查它上次访问的时间吗?
谢谢, 李
您可以使用“stat”检查文件上次打开的时间, 使用“时间”检查已经过去了多少时间, 并使用 'os' 删除它:
import os
import stat
import time
fileStats = os.stat(filePath)
last_access = fileStats[stat.ST_ATIME] # in seconds
now = time.time() # in seconds
days = (now - last_access) / (60 * 60 * 24)
# The seconds that have elapsed since the file was last opened are divided by the number of seconds per day
# this give the number of days that have past since the file last open
if x <= days:
# we delete the file
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