我不断收到此代码的错误代码,但我不知道为什么...它一直告诉我无论我做什么,方法对象都不可下标.. 任何帮助表示赞赏。我也知道我的代码可能不漂亮。我还在学习Python。从字面上看,我所做的几乎所有事情都会收到错误代码,但我不知道如何修复它。我几乎尝试了所有我能想到的。
import string
def load_words(file_name):
file_name (string): the name of the file containing
the list of words to load
Returns: a list of valid words. Words are strings of lowercase letters.
Depending on the size of the word list,this function may
take a while to finish.
print('Loading word list from file...')
file = open(file_name,'r')
line = file.readline()
word_list = line.split()
print(' ',len(word_list),'words loaded.') #word_list is the list of valid words
return word_list
def is_word(word_list,word):
Determines if word is a valid word,ignoring
capitalization and punctuation (" !@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\:;'<>?,./\"")
word_list (list): list of words in the dictionary.
word (string): a possible word.
Returns: True if word is in word_list,False otherwise
>>> is_word(word_list,'bat') returns
>>> is_word(word_list,'asdf') returns
word = word.lower
word = word.strip("!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\:;'<>?,./\"")
return word in word_list
def get_story_string():
Returns: a joke in encrypted text.
f = open("story.txt","r")
story = str(f.read())
return story
class Message(object):
def __init__(self,text):
Initializes a Message object
text (string): the message's text
a Message object has two attributes:
self.message_text (string,determined by input text)
self.valid_words (list,determined using helper function load_words
self.message_text = text
self.valid_words = load_words(WORDLIST_FILENAME)
def get_message_text(self):
Used to safely access self.message_text outside of the class
Returns: self.message_text
return self.message_text
def get_valid_words(self):
Used to safely access a copy of self.valid_words outside of the class
Returns: a copY of self.valid_words
return self.get_valid_words[:]
def build_shift_dict(self,shift):
Creates a dictionary that can be used to apply a cipher to a letter.
The dictionary maps every uppercase and lowercase letter to a
character shifted down the alphabet by the input shift. The dictionary
should have 52 keys of all the uppercase letters and all the lowercase
letters only.
shift (integer): the amount by which to shift every letter of the
alphabet. 0 <= shift < 26
Returns: a dictionary mapping a letter (string) to
another letter (string).
lower = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
lower_values = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
shift_lower_values = lower_values[shift:] + lower_values[:shift]
upper = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
upper_values = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
upper_shift_values = upper_values[shift:] + upper_values[:shift]
full_keys = lower + upper
full_values = shift_lower_values + upper_shift_values
self.shift_dict = dict(zip(full_keys,full_values))
return self.shift_dict
def apply_shift(self,shift):
Applies the Caesar Cipher to self.message_text with the input shift.
Creates a new string that is self.message_text shifted down the
alphabet by some number of characters determined by the input shift
shift (integer): the shift with which to encrypt the message.
0 <= shift < 26
Returns: the message text (string) in which every character is shifted
down the alphabet by the input shift
message = self.get_message_text()
new_string = ""
shiftDictonary = self.build_shift_dict(shift)
for letter in message:
if letter in shiftDictonary:
new_string += shiftDictonary[letter]
new_string += letter
return new_string
class PlaintextMessage(Message):
def __init__(self,text,shift):
Initializes a PlaintextMessage object
text (string): the message's text
shift (integer): the shift associated with this message
A PlaintextMessage object inherits from Message and has five attributes:
self.message_text (string,determined using helper function load_words)
self.shift (integer,determined by input shift)
self.encrypting_dict (dictionary,built using shift)
self.message_text_encrypted (string,created using shift)
Hint: consider using the parent class constructor so less
code is repeated
self.shift = shift
self.encrypting_dict = self.build_shift_dict(shift)
self.message_text_encrypted = self.apply_shift(shift)
def get_shift(self):
Used to safely access self.shift outside of the class
Returns: self.shift
return self.shift
def get_encrypting_dict(self):
Used to safely access a copy self.encrypting_dict outside of the class
Returns: a copY of self.encrypting_dict
return self.encrypting_dict.copy()
def get_message_text_encrypted(self):
Used to safely access self.message_text_encrypted outside of the class
Returns: self.message_text_encrypted
return self.message_text_encrypted
def change_shift(self,shift):
Changes self.shift of the PlaintextMessage and updates other
attributes determined by shift (ie. self.encrypting_dict and
shift (integer): the new shift that should be associated with this message.
0 <= shift < 26
Returns: nothing
class CiphertextMessage(Message):
def __init__(self,text):
def decrypt_message(self):
best_shift = None
best_real_words = 0
best_msg = ""
for s in range(26):
decrypted_text = self.apply_shift(s)
words = decrypted_text.split()
real_words = sum([is_word(self.get_valid_words(),w) for w in words])
if real_words > best_real_words:
best_shift = s
best_real_words = real_words
best_msg = decrypted_text
return (best_shift,best_msg)
#Example test case (PlaintextMessage)
plaintext = PlaintextMessage('hello',2)
print('Expected Output: jgnnq')
print('Actual Output:',plaintext.get_message_text_encrypted())
#Example test case (CiphertextMessage)
#Uncomment the following lines when you have completed your CiphertextMessage class
ciphertext = CiphertextMessage('jgnnq')
print('Expected Output:',(24,'hello'))
print('Actual Output:',ciphertext.decrypt_message())
word = word.lower
您给 word
一个方法的引用,该方法会传播到您之后使用 word
word = word.lower()
考虑type hinting,因为它可以让您的 IDE 轻松捕获此类错误。
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