
cygwin make 错误:找不到指定的模块

如何解决cygwin make 错误:找不到指定的模块

在使用第三方库时,我主要习惯于使用 dlllib 扩展,我过去常常在我的 Windows 环境中使用 Visual Studio 轻松地将它们合并。

但这一次,我尝试使用 PicklingTools,它有一个 MakeFile.Linux 文件,我一直在尝试使用来自 cygwin 的 make 构建该文件

make 的版本是 4.3,而 g++ 的版本是 9.2.0

这里是完整的 MakeFile.Linux代码

CC = g++
# CC = icc     # Intel seems to work

## With g++ --version==4.4.x,you may need -fno-strict-aliasing to get rid 
## of some annoying warnings when you compile with -O2 or above

# *****CAREFUL! g++ 4.5.1 20100924 DOES NOT WORK with Ptools and -O.  You must
# compile without optimization for that compiler to work

OC = ./opencontainers_1_8_5
OCINC = $(OC)/include

CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -fpic -O -fno-strict-aliasing -DLINUX_ -DOC_NEW_STYLE_INCLUDES -Wno-deprecated -I$(OCINC) -pthread -D_REENTRANT

## How to build with OCString

###### CFLAGS = -Wall -O4 -DLINUX_-DOC_NEW_STYLE_INCLUDES -Wno-deprecated -I$(OCINC) 

CCFLAGS = -pthread $(CFLAGS)

COM_OBJS = m2pythontools.o valpython.o midassocket.o valprotocol2.o m2ser.o m2streamdataenc.o m2convertrep.o timeconv.o fdtools.o
OBJS = midastalker_ex.o midastalker_ex2.o httpclient_ex.o httpserver_ex.o $(COM_OBJS) load.o save.o sharedmemory.o 

all: midasyeller_ex midastalker_ex midastalker_ex2 httpclient_ex midasserver_ex permutation_server permutation_client load save opal2dict dict2opal opaltest midasyeller_ex midaslistener_ex p2_test valgetopt_ex sharedmem_test ready_test xmlload_test xmlload_ex xmldump_test xmldump_ex speed_test pickleloader_test chooseser_test xml2dict dict2xml serverside_ex clientside_ex middleside_ex

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

libptools.so : $(COM_OBJS) 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) -shared -o libptools.so

midasserver_ex : $(COM_OBJS) midasserver_ex.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) midasserver_ex.o -pthread -o midasserver_ex

httpclient_ex : $(COM_OBJS) httpclient_ex.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) httpclient_ex.o -pthread -o httpclient_ex

httpserver_ex : $(COM_OBJS) httpserver_ex.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) httpserver_ex.o -pthread -o httpserver_ex

midasyeller_ex : $(COM_OBJS) midasyeller_ex.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) midasyeller_ex.o -pthread -o midasyeller_ex

midaslistener_ex : $(COM_OBJS) midaslistener_ex.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) midaslistener_ex.o -pthread -o midaslistener_ex

permutation_server : $(COM_OBJS) permutation_server.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) permutation_server.o -pthread -o permutation_server

permutation_client : $(COM_OBJS) permutation_client.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) permutation_client.o -pthread -o permutation_client

midastalker_ex :$(COM_OBJS) midastalker_ex.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) midastalker_ex.o -o midastalker_ex

midastalker_ex2 :$(COM_OBJS) midastalker_ex2.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) midastalker_ex2.o -o midastalker_ex2

load : $(COM_OBJS) load.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) load.o -o load

serverside_ex : $(COM_OBJS) sharedmem.o shmboot.o serverside_ex.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) sharedmem.o shmboot.o -lrt serverside_ex.o -o serverside_ex 

middleside_ex : $(COM_OBJS) middleside_ex.o sharedmem.o shmboot.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) sharedmem.o shmboot.o -l rt middleside_ex.o -o middleside_ex 

clientside_ex : $(COM_OBJS) clientside_ex.o sharedmem.o shmboot.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) sharedmem.o shmboot.o -lrt clientside_ex.o -o clientside_ex 

samplehttpserver_ex : $(COM_OBJS) samplehttpserver_ex.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) samplehttpserver_ex.o -o samplehttpserver_ex

save : $(COM_OBJS) save.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) save.o -o save

opal2dict : $(COM_OBJS) opal2dict.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) opal2dict.o -o opal2dict

opaltest : $(COM_OBJS) opaltest.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) opaltest.o -o opaltest

ready_test : $(COM_OBJS) ready_test.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) ready_test.o -o ready_test

chooseser_test : $(COM_OBJS) chooseser_test.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) chooseser_test.o -o chooseser_test

dict2opal : $(COM_OBJS) dict2opal.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) dict2opal.o -o dict2opal

pickleloader_test :  $(COM_OBJS) pickleloader_test.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) pickleloader_test.o -o pickleloader_test -lrt

xmldump_test :  $(COM_OBJS) xmldump_test.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) xmldump_test.o -o xmldump_test -lrt

xmldump_ex :  $(COM_OBJS) xmldump_ex.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) xmldump_ex.o -o xmldump_ex -lrt

xmlload_test :  $(COM_OBJS) xmlload_test.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) xmlload_test.o -o xmlload_test -lrt

xmlload_ex :  $(COM_OBJS) xmlload_ex.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) xmlload_ex.o -o xmlload_ex -lrt

xml2dict :  $(COM_OBJS) xml2dict.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) xml2dict.o -o xml2dict -lrt

dict2xml :  $(COM_OBJS) dict2xml.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) dict2xml.o -o dict2xml -lrt
speed_test :  $(COM_OBJS) speed_test.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) speed_test.o -o speed_test -lrt

p2_test :  $(COM_OBJS) p2_test.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) p2_test.o -o p2_test -lrt

valgetopt_ex :  $(COM_OBJS) valgetopt_ex.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) valgetopt_ex.o -o valgetopt_ex

json_ex :  $(COM_OBJS) json_ex.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) json_ex.o -o json_ex

# Only the tests that REALLY uses UNIX shared memory need the -lrt
sharedmem_test :  $(COM_OBJS) sharedmem_test.o sharedmem.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) sharedmem.o -lrt sharedmem_test.o -o sharedmem_test

# Only the tests that REALLY uses UNIX shared memory need the -lrt
checkshm_test :  $(COM_OBJS) checkshm_test.o sharedmem.o
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) sharedmem.o -lrt checkshm_test.o -o checkshm_test

clean :
    /bin/rm -rf *.o *.so *~ midastalker_ex midastalker_ex2 httpserver_ex httpclient_ex midasserver_ex midasyeller_ex midaslistener_ex permutation_server permutation_client load save cxx_repository opal2dict opaltest dict2opal p2_test valgetopt_ex json_ex sharedmem_test ready_test speed_test pickleloader_test chooseser_test xmldump_test xmldump_ex xmlload_test xmlload_ex xml2dict dict2xml samplehttpserver_ex serverside_ex clientside_ex middleside_ex checkshm_test

在使用 make -f MakeFile.Linux all 构建它时(移动到该目录后),我收到以下错误

Makefile.Linux:61: The specified module Could not be found.
Makefile.Linux:61: *** :: Failed to load.  Stop.

第 60-63 行是:

load : $(COM_OBJS) load.o 
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) load.o -o load

以下是可用于 C++ 目录的文件

directory screenshot

BUILDING 文本文件提到它使用了一些套接字 unix 库,我的 cygwin 环境可能缺少这些库,但我无法确定错误的确切来源,以下是来自 BUILDING 的一些相关行:>

C++:    This C++ subdirectory is all raw C++ code.  There are no
        external dependencies (besides standard UNIX socket code) or libraries
        the C++ area needs.

        The Makefile.Linux gives examples how to build some code:
          % make -f Makefile.Linux all

        ... will build a bunch of sample programs as well 'libptools.so',a standalone library for PicklingTools you can link against.
        Probably the easist way to use Ptools in your own code is 
        to compile the libptools.so (using the given Makefile) 
        and link against it.

           % Make -f Makefile.Linux libptools.so
        In your own code,make sure you include the following flags to the
        compiler (should work for Intel compiler and GNU compiler):

            -fno-strict-aliasing -DLINUX_ -DOC_NEW_STYLE_INCLUDES -Wno-deprecated -I/home/me/PicklingTools160/C++/opencontainers_1_8_2/include -I/home/me/PicklingTools160/C++ -pthread -D_REENTRANT



不幸的是,在较新版本的 make 中,load 是一个特殊词,当 load 用作目标时,make 会失败。实际上,这很糟糕,因为它违反了 POSIX 等。有一个关于此的 Savannah 漏洞。您可以通过使用变量来解决此问题:

load = load

$(load) : $(COM_OBJS) load.o 
        $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(COM_OBJS) load.o -o load

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