
运行时错误:索引超出范围,取 theta 的子集

如何解决运行时错误:索引超出范围,取 theta 的子集


y   s
1   cat
0   cat
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
1   dog
1   cat
0   dog
0   dog
1   dog
0   dog
1   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
1   cat
1   dog
0   cat
1   dog
0   dog
1   dog
1   cat
1   dog
1   dog
1   dog
1   cat
1   cat
1   dog
1   dog
0   cat
1   dog
0   dog
0   cat
1   dog
1   dog
0   dog
1   dog
0   cat
1   dog
1   dog
1   cat
1   cat
1   dog
0   dog
1   cat
1   dog
0   dog
0   dog
1   dog
1   cat
1   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
1   cat
1   dog
1   dog
1   dog
1   cat
1   cat
1   dog
1   dog
0   cat
1   dog
0   dog
0   cat
1   dog
1   dog
0   dog
1   dog
0   cat
1   dog
1   dog
1   cat
1   cat
1   dog
0   dog
1   cat
1   dog
0   dog
0   dog
1   dog
1   cat
1   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
0   dog
1   cat

我正在使用 jags 执行 MCMC 算法,但我总是收到错误

Error in jags.model("TEMPmodel.txt",data = dataList,inits = initsList,: RUNTIME ERROR: Compilation error on line 4. Index out of range taking subset of theta


# Accompanies the book:
#   Kruschke,J. K. (2014). Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: 
#   A Tutorial with R,JAGS,and Stan. 2nd Edition. Academic Press / Elsevier.

genMCMC = function( data,numSavedSteps=50000,saveName=NULL ) { 
  # N.B.: This function expects the data to be a data frame,# with one component named y being a vector of integer 0,1 values,# and one component named s being a factor of subject identifiers.
  y = data$y
  s = as.numeric(data$s) # converts character to consecutive integer levels
  # Do some checking that data make sense:
  if ( any( y!=0 & y!=1 ) ) { stop("All y values must be 0 or 1.") }
  Ntotal = length(y)
  Nsubj = length(unique(s))
  # Specify the data in a list,for later shipment to JAGS:
  dataList = list(
    y = y,s = s,Ntotal = Ntotal,Nsubj = Nsubj
  modelString = "
  model {
    for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) {
      y[i] ~ dbern( theta[s[i]] )
    for ( sIdx in 1:Nsubj ) {
      theta[sIdx] ~ dbeta( 2,2 ) # N.B.: 2,2 prior; change as appropriate.
  # close quote for modelString
  writeLines( modelString,con="TEMPmodel.txt" )
  # Initial values of MCMC chains based on data:
  # Option 1: Use single initial value for all chains:
  #  thetaInit = rep(0,Nsubj)
  #  for ( sIdx in 1:Nsubj ) { # for each subject
  #    includeRows = ( s == sIdx ) # identify rows of this subject
  #    yThisSubj = y[includeRows]  # extract data of this subject
  #    thetaInit[sIdx] = sum(yThisSubj)/length(yThisSubj) # proportion
  #  }
  #  initsList = list( theta=thetaInit )
  # Option 2: Use function that generates random values near MLE:
  initsList = function() {
    thetaInit = rep(0,Nsubj)
    for ( sIdx in 1:Nsubj ) { # for each subject
      includeRows = ( s == sIdx ) # identify rows of this subject
      yThisSubj = y[includeRows]  # extract data of this subject
      resampledY = sample( yThisSubj,replace=TRUE ) # resample
      thetaInit[sIdx] = sum(resampledY)/length(resampledY) 
    thetaInit = 0.001+0.998*thetaInit # keep away from 0,1
    return( list( theta=thetaInit ) )
  parameters = c( "theta")     # The parameters to be monitored
  adaptSteps = 500             # Number of steps to adapt the samplers
  burnInSteps = 500            # Number of steps to burn-in the chains
  nChains = 4                  # nChains should be 2 or more for diagnostics 
  thinSteps = 1
  nIter = ceiling( ( numSavedSteps * thinSteps ) / nChains )
  # Create,initialize,and adapt the model:
  jagsModel = jags.model( "TEMPmodel.txt",data=dataList,inits=initsList,n.chains=nChains,n.adapt=adaptSteps )
  # Burn-in:
  cat( "Burning in the MCMC chain...\n" )
  update( jagsModel,n.iter=burnInSteps )
  # The saved MCMC chain:
  cat( "Sampling final MCMC chain...\n" )
  codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel,variable.names=parameters,n.iter=nIter,thin=thinSteps )
  # resulting codaSamples object has these indices: 
  #   codaSamples[[ chainIdx ]][ stepIdx,paramIdx ]
  if ( !is.null(saveName) ) {
    save( codaSamples,file=paste(saveName,"Mcmc.Rdata",sep="") )
  return( codaSamples )
} # end function


smryMCMC = function(  codaSamples,compVal=0.5,rope=NULL,compValDiff=0.0,ropeDiff=NULL,saveName=NULL ) {
  mcmcMat = as.matrix(codaSamples,chains=TRUE)
  Ntheta = length(grep("theta",colnames(mcmcMat)))
  summaryInfo = NULL
  rowIdx = 0
  for ( tIdx in 1:Ntheta ) {
    parName = paste0("theta[",tIdx,"]")
    summaryInfo = rbind( summaryInfo,summarizePost( mcmcMat[,parName],compVal=compVal,ROPE=rope ) )
    rowIdx = rowIdx+1
    rownames(summaryInfo)[rowIdx] = parName
  for ( t1Idx in 1:(Ntheta-1) ) {
    for ( t2Idx in (t1Idx+1):Ntheta ) {
      parName1 = paste0("theta[",t1Idx,"]")
      parName2 = paste0("theta[",t2Idx,"]")
      summaryInfo = rbind( summaryInfo,parName1]-mcmcMat[,parName2],compVal=compValDiff,ROPE=ropeDiff ) )
      rowIdx = rowIdx+1
      rownames(summaryInfo)[rowIdx] = paste0(parName1,"-",parName2)
  if ( !is.null(saveName) ) {
    write.csv( summaryInfo,"SummaryInfo.csv",sep="") )
  show( summaryInfo )
  return( summaryInfo )


plotMCMC = function( codaSamples,data,saveName=NULL,saveType="jpg" ) {
  # N.B.: This function expects the data to be a data frame,# and one component named s being a factor of subject identifiers.
  y = data$y
  s = as.numeric(data$s) # converts character to consecutive integer levels
  # Now plot the posterior:
  mcmcMat = as.matrix(codaSamples,chains=TRUE)
  chainLength = NROW( mcmcMat )
  Ntheta = length(grep("theta",colnames(mcmcMat)))
  par( mfrow=c(Ntheta,Ntheta) )
  for ( t1Idx in 1:(Ntheta) ) {
    for ( t2Idx in (1):Ntheta ) {
      parName1 = paste0("theta[","]")
      if ( t1Idx > t2Idx) {  
        # plot.new() # empty plot,advance to next
        par( mar=c(3.5,3.5,1,1),mgp=c(2.0,0.7,0) )
        nToPlot = 700
        ptIdx = round(seq(1,chainLength,length=nToPlot))
        plot ( mcmcMat[ptIdx,mcmcMat[ptIdx,parName1],cex.lab=1.75,xlab=parName2,ylab=parName1,col="skyblue" )
      } else if ( t1Idx == t2Idx ) {
        par( mar=c(3.5,0) )
        postInfo = plotPost( mcmcMat[,cex.lab = 1.75,ROPE=rope,cex.main=1.5,xlab=parName1,main="" )
        includeRows = ( s == t1Idx ) # identify rows of this subject in data
        dataPropor = sum(y[includeRows])/sum(includeRows) 
        points( dataPropor,pch="+",col="red",cex=3 )
      } else if ( t1Idx < t2Idx ) {
        par( mar=c(3.5,0) )
        postInfo = plotPost(mcmcMat[,ROPE=ropeDiff,xlab=paste0(parName1,parName2),main="" )
        includeRows1 = ( s == t1Idx ) # identify rows of this subject in data
        dataPropor1 = sum(y[includeRows1])/sum(includeRows1) 
        includeRows2 = ( s == t2Idx ) # identify rows of this subject in data
        dataPropor2 = sum(y[includeRows2])/sum(includeRows2) 
        points( dataPropor1-dataPropor2,cex=3 )
  if ( !is.null(saveName) ) {
    saveGraph( file=paste(saveName,"Post",sep=""),type=saveType)



# Load the data
myData = read.csv("dogcats_polliberal.csv") # myData is a data frame.

# Load the functions genMCMC,smryMCMC,and plotMCMC:
# Generate the MCMC chain:
mcmcCoda = genMCMC( data = myData,numSavedSteps=50000 )
# display diagnostics of chain,for specified parameter:
diagMCMC( mcmcCoda,parName="theta[1]" )
# display numerical summary statistics of chain:
smryMCMC( mcmcCoda,compVal=NULL,compValDiff=0.0 )
# display graphical posterior information:
plotMCMC( mcmcCoda,data=myData,compValDiff=0.0 )


jagsModel = jags.model( "TEMPmodel.txt",n.adapt=adaptSteps )


此外,我在数据文件中将 s 变量更改为数字,但我没有在此处显示。将其保留为字符也会导致另一个错误


我使用的 R 版本不支持代码。源文件是使用 R 版本 4.0.0 及以下版本构建的。



DBDA2E 附带的脚本运行良好,“开箱即用”, 多年。但是最近一些脚本出现了问题。为什么? R 有 改变了。在 R 4.0.0 中,read.csv() 等各种函数不再 自动将字符串转换为因子。假设了一些 DBDA2E 脚本 这些函数的结果包含因素,但如果你现在 使用 R 4.0.0(或更新版本)这些脚本会犹豫不决。

那么,怎么办?这是一个临时修复。当您打开 R 会话时, 输入这个全局选项:options(stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

不幸的是,此选项最终将被弃用。我将不得不 修改每个受影响的脚本并发布更新版本。这会 总有一天会发生。我希望。






  1. dbern(0) 未定义。


    for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) {
      y[i] ~ dbern( theta[s[i]]**+0.00000000001** )
    for ( sIdx in 1:Nsubj ) {
      theta[sIdx] ~ dbeta( 2,2 ) # N.B.: 2,2 prior; change as appropriate.


  1. 另一种选择是您在列表、数据框、输入变量等中错误指定了某些内容。

我不太确定 JAGS 是否正确理解了粗体部分 1:Nsubj 是 1:2,也许可以尝试在 c("cat","dog") 中使用名称 i 或类似的名称。

    for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) {
      y[i] ~ dbern( theta[s[i]] )
    for ( **sIdx in 1:Nsubj** ) {
      theta[sIdx] ~ dbeta( 2,2 prior; change as appropriate.


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